textStyle={{ color: 'white' }}
<Badge containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'powderblue'}}>
<Text>User 1</Text>
<Badge onPress={() => {console.log('pressed')}} value="5" />
<Badge component={TouchableOpacity} value={10} />
prop | default | type | required | description |
value | none | string or number | optional | text value to be displayed by badge, defaults to empty |
containerStyle | inherited styling | object (style) | optional | style for the outer badge component |
wrapperStyle | inherited styling | object (style) | optional | style for the outer most badge component |
textStyle | inherited styling | object (style) | optional | style for the text in the badge's value property |
children | none | React Native Component | optional | override the default badge contents, mutually exclusive with 'value' property |
onPress | none | function | optional | function called when pressed on the badge |
component | View, if onPress then TouchableOpacity | React Element | optional | custom component to replace the badge outer component |