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Memgraph Standalone Kubernetes Helm Chart

A Helm Chart for deploying standalone Memgraph database on Kubernetes.

Installing the Memgraph Helm Chart

To install the Memgraph Helm Chart, follow the steps below:

helm install <release-name> memgraph/memgraph

Replace <release-name> with a name of your choice for the release.

Changing the default chart values

To change the default chart values, run the command with the specified set of flags:

helm install <release-name> memgraph/memgraph --set <flag1>=<value1>,<flag2>=<value2>,...

Or you can modify a values.yaml file and override the desired values:

helm install <release-name> memgraph/memgraph -f values.yaml

Configuration Options

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Memgraph chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Memgraph Docker image repository memgraph/memgraph
image.tag Specific tag for the Memgraph Docker image. Overrides the image tag whose default is chart version. "" (Defaults to chart's app version)
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
useImagePullSecrets Override the default imagePullSecrets false
imagePullSecrets Specify image pull secrets - name: regcred
replicaCount Number of Memgraph instances to run. Note: no replication or HA support. 1
affinity.nodeKey Key for node affinity (Preferred) ""
affinity.nodeValue Value for node affinity (Preferred) ""
nodeSelector Constrain which nodes your Memgraph pod is eligible to be scheduled on, based on the labels on the nodes. Left empty by default. {}
service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
service.enableBolt Enable Bolt protocol true
service.boltPort Bolt protocol port 7687
service.boltProtocol Protocol used by Bolt TCP
service.enableWebsocketMonitoring Enable WebSocket monitoring false
service.websocketPortMonitoring WebSocket monitoring port 7444
service.websocketPortMonitoringProtocol Protocol used by WebSocket monitoring TCP
service.enableHttpMonitoring Enable HTTP monitoring false
service.httpPortMonitoring HTTP monitoring port 9091
service.httpPortMonitoringProtocol Protocol used by HTTP monitoring http
service.annotations Annotations to add to the service {}
persistentVolumeClaim.createStorageClaim Enable creation of a Persistent Volume Claim for storage true
persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName Storage class name for the persistent volume claim ""
persistentVolumeClaim.storageSize Size of the persistent volume claim for storage 10Gi
persistentVolumeClaim.existingClaim Use an existing Persistent Volume Claim memgraph-0
persistentVolumeClaim.storageVolumeName Name of an existing Volume to create a PVC for ""
persistentVolumeClaim.createLogStorage Enable creation of a Persistent Volume Claim for logs true
persistentVolumeClaim.logStorageClassName Storage class name for the persistent volume claim for logs ""
persistentVolumeClaim.logStorageSize Size of the persistent volume claim for logs 1Gi
memgraphConfig List of strings defining Memgraph configuration settings ["--also-log-to-stderr=true"]
secrets.enabled Enable the use of Kubernetes secrets for Memgraph credentials false The name of the Kubernetes secret containing Memgraph credentials memgraph-secrets
secrets.userKey The key in the Kubernetes secret for the Memgraph user, the value is passed to the MEMGRAPH_USER env USER
secrets.passwordKey The key in the Kubernetes secret for the Memgraph password, the value is passed to the MEMGRAPH_PASSWORD PASSWORD
memgraphEnterpriseLicense Memgraph Enterprise License ""
memgraphOrganizationName Organization name for Memgraph Enterprise License ""
statefulSetAnnotations Annotations to add to the stateful set {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the pod {}
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits. Left empty by default. {}
tolerations A toleration is applied to a pod and allows the pod to be scheduled on nodes with matching taints. Left empty by default. []
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated. ""
container.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Grace period for pod termination 1800
probes.liveliness.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay for liveliness probe 10
probes.liveliness.periodSeconds Period seconds for liveliness probe 60
probes.liveliness.failureThreshold Failure threshold for liveliness probe 3
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay for readiness probe 10
probes.readiness.periodSeconds Period seconds for readiness probe 30
probes.readiness.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readiness probe 3
probes.startup.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay for startup probe 10
probes.startup.periodSeconds Period seconds for startup probe 10
probes.startup.failureThreshold Failure threshold for startup probe 30
nodeSelectors Node selectors for pod. Left empty by default. {}
customQueryModules List of custom Query modules that should be mounted to Memgraph Pod [] Name of the StorageClass "memgraph-generic-storage-class"
storageClass.provisioner Provisioner for the StorageClass ""
storageClass.storageType Type of storage for the StorageClass ""
storageClass.fsType Filesystem type for the StorageClass ""
storageClass.reclaimPolicy Reclaim policy for the StorageClass Retain
storageClass.volumeBindingMode Volume binding mode for the StorageClass Immediate
sysctlInitContainer.enabled Enable the init container to set sysctl parameters true
sysctlInitContainer.maxMapCount Value for vm.max_map_count to be set by the init container 262144

Note: It's often recommended not to specify default resources and leave it as a conscious choice for the user. If you want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines in your values.yaml, adjust them as necessary:

    cpu: "100m"
    memory: "128Mi"
    cpu: "100m"
    memory: "128Mi"

The memgraphConfig parameter should be a list of strings defining the values of Memgraph configuration settings. For example, this is how you can define memgraphConfig parameter in your values.yaml:

  - "--also-log-to-stderr=true"
  - "--log-level=TRACE"
  - "--log-file=''"

If you are using the Memgraph user, make sure you have secrets set:

kubectl create secret generic memgraph-secrets --from-literal=USER=myuser --from-literal=PASSWORD=mypassword

For all available database settings, refer to the Configuration settings reference guide.