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typescript polymorphism #36

hardfist opened this issue Sep 10, 2019 · 0 comments

typescript polymorphism #36

hardfist opened this issue Sep 10, 2019 · 0 comments


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hardfist commented Sep 10, 2019


  • ad hoc: 为一组独立的类型定义一个公共的接口,函数重载是常见的一种ad hoc polymorphism
  • subtyping: 如果S是T的subtype,那么任何使用T类型对象的环境中,都可以安全的使用S类型的对象
  • parametric polymorphism: 即我们一般所说的泛型,声明与定义函数、复合类型、变量时不指定其具体的类型,而把这部分类型作为参数使用,使得该定义对各种具体的类型都适用。

ad hoc polymorphism (重载)

js因为是动态类型,本身不需要支持重载,直接对参数进行类型判断即可,但是ts为了保证类型安全,支持了函数签名的类型重载,即多个overload signatures和一个implementation signatures

function add(x:string,y:string):string;
function add(x:number, y:number):number;

function add(x:string|number, y: number|string): number | string{
  if(typeof x === 'string'){
    return x + ',' + y;
  }else {
    return x.toFixed() + (y as number).toFixed(); 
   // 很不幸,ts暂时不支持对函数重载后续参数的narrowing操作,如这里对x做了type narrowing但是对y没有做narrowing,需要手动的y做type assert操作
let x = add(1,2) // string
let y = add(2,3) // number


  • 因为implementation signatures对外是不可见的,当我们实现重载时,通常需要定义两个以上的overload signatures
function add(x:string,y:string):string;
function add(x:number, y:number):number;
function add(x:string|number|Function, y: number|string): number | string{
  if(typeof x === 'string'){
    return x + ',' + y;
  }else {
   return 1;
let x = add(1,2)
let z = add(() => {},1) // 报错,implementation的signature不可见,即使implementation的signaure定义了function但是overload没定义,所以type check error
function add(x:string,y:string):string;
function add(x:number, y:number):number; // 报错,implementation没有实现该overload signatue

function add(x:string, y: number|string): number | string{
  if(typeof x === 'string'){
    return x + ',' + y;
  }else {
   return 1;
let x = add(1,2)
  • overload signature的类型不会合并,只能resolve到一个
function len(s: string): number;
function len(arr: any[]): number;
function len(x: any) {
  return x.length;

len(""); // OK
len([0]); // OK
let t = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "hello" : [0]
len(t); // 这里的t是string|number[]但是仍然check error

因此这里就不要用重载了,直接用union type吧

function len(x: any[] | string) {
  return x.length;
let t = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "hello" : [0]
len(t); // 没问题了


control flow analysis && narrow

当使用union来实现函数重载时,ts可以通过control flow analysis,将union type narrowing到某个具体的类型,可以帮助我们保证我们的实现更加安全。

function padLeft(padding: number | string, input: string) {
    return new Array(padding + 1).join(" ") + input; // 报错,string + 1 不合法

narrowing to rescue

function padLeft(padding: number | string, input: string) {
    if (typeof padding === "number") {
        return new Array(padding + 1).join(" ") + input;
    return padding + input; // 此时padding的类型被narrowing为string了 

side effect

如果control flow含有函数调用,那么可能破坏control flow analysis,若1处虽然ts帮我们推断了arg.x不为null,但是由于alert存在副作用运行时还是可能为null,导致运行时程序挂掉

function fn(arg: { x: string | null }) {
    if (arg.x !== null) {
        console.log(arg.x.substr(3)); //1. 这里的arg.x被设置为null了,所以这里会导致runtime error
function alert(a:any) {
    a.x = null;


// @flow
function otherMethod() { /* ... */ }

function method(value: { prop?: string }) {
  if (value.prop) {
    otherMethod(); // flow认为otherMethod可能含有副作用,所以invlidate refinement
    // $ExpectError
    value.prop.charAt(0); // type check error

flow和ts在这里采用了两种策略,ts更加乐观,默认函数没有副作用,这可能导致runtime error,但是flow更加悲观,默认存在副作用,导致typecheck error这可能导致很多无谓的判断,一个倾向于completeness,一个倾向于sound


支持副作用标注,如果我们可以标注函数的副作用,就可以得到更合理的type check

function fn(arg: { x: string | null }) {
    if (arg.x !== null) {
        console.log(arg.x.substr(3)); //1. 这里的arg.x被设置为null了,所以这里会导致runtime error
// 假想的语法,没有支持
pure function alert(a:any)  {
    a.x = null;


type guard

typescript通过 type guard来进行narrowing控制,ts内置了如下的type guard

  • typeof
function printAll(strs: string | string[] | null) {
    if (typeof strs === "object") {
        for (const s of strs) {
    else if (typeof strs === "string") {
    else {
        // do nothing
  • truth narrowing
    除了0|NaN|""|0n|null|undefined如下几个value为falsy value,其他都是truth value,ts可以通过truth 判定来进行narrowing
function printAll(strs: string | string[] | null|undefined) {
    if (strs) {
      if(typeof strs === 'object'){ // 这里的strs被收敛到truthy value即 string | string[]
        for (const s of strs) {
    // 由于""为string但是为falsy,所以这里的str为string | null
    else if (typeof strs === "string") {
  • equality narrowing
function foo(x: string | number, y: string | boolean) {
    if (x === y) {
        // 通过相等判定,x和y只能都为string
    else {
  • instance narrowing
function logValue(x: Date | string) {
    if (x instanceof Date) {
    else {
  • assignment narrowing
function foo() {
    let x: string | number | boolean;

    x = Math.random() < 0.5;


    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
        x = "hello";
        console.log(x.toUpperCase()); // narrow 为string
    else {
        x = 100;
        console.log(x.toFixed()); // narrow为number

    return x;
  • user-defined type guard
interface Foo {
    foo: number;
    common: string;

interface Bar {
    bar: number;
    common: string;

function isFoo(arg: any): arg is Foo {
    return !== undefined;

function doStuff(arg: Foo | Bar) {
    if (isFoo(arg)) {
        console.log(; // OK
        console.log(; // Error!
    else {
        console.log(; // Error!
        console.log(; // OK

doStuff({ foo: 123, common: '123' });
doStuff({ bar: 123, common: '123' });

algebraic data types && pattern match

上面提到的narrowing只适用于简单的类型如string,boolean,number之类,通常我们可能需要处理更加复杂的类型如不同结构的对象,我们typescript可以通过discriminated union来实现对复杂对象的narrowing操作,discriminated union通常由如下几部分组成

  • union: 是多个type的union
  • discriminant: union里的每个type都必须要有一个公共的type property
  • type guard: 通过对公共的type property进行type check来实现narrowing
interface Circle {
    kind: "circle";
    radius: number;

interface Square {
    kind: "square";
    sideLength: number;

type Shape = Circle | Square;

function getArea(shape: Shape) {
    switch (shape.kind) {
        case "circle":
            return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
        case "square":
            return shape.sideLength ** 2;

exhaustive check

如我们此时新添加了一个shape类型 type Shape = Circle | Square | Rectangle, typescript会自动告诉我们getArea里需要添加对新加类型的处理

interface Circle {
    kind: "circle";
    radius: number;

interface Square {
    kind: "square";
    sideLength: number;
interface Rectangle {
    kind: 'rectangle',
    width: number;
    height: number;
type Shape = Circle | Square | Rectangle;

// 在开了noimplicitReturn:true情况下,会提示我们Not all code paths return a value.ts(7030)
function getArea(shape: Shape) { 

    switch (shape.kind) {
        case "circle":
            return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
        case "square":
            return shape.sideLength ** 2;


function assertNever(x: never): never {
    throw new Error("Unexpected object: " + x);
function getArea(shape: Shape) {
    switch (shape.kind) {
        case "circle":
            return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
        case "square":
            return shape.sideLength ** 2;
        case 'rectangle':
            return shape.height * shape.width;
            return assertNever(shape); // 这里会type error,提示我们rectangle无法赋值给never

基于discriminant union我们实际上实现了ADT(algebraic data type), 在其他的functional programming language里ADT和pattern match配合起来,有着惊人的表达能力,如haskell计算一个树高

data Tree = Empty
          | Leaf Int
          | Node Tree Tree

depth :: Tree -> Int
depth Empty = 0
depth (Leaf n) = 1
depth (Node l r) = 1 + max (depth l) (depth r)


type Tree = TreeNode | Empty;
type Empty = {
  kind: 'empty'
type TreeNode = {
  kind: 'node',
  left: Tree,
  right: Tree
const root: Tree = {
  kind: 'node',
  left: {
    kind: 'node', 
    left: {
      kind: 'empty'
    right: {
      kind: 'empty'
  right: {
    kind: 'empty'

function depth(tree: Tree):number{
  if(tree.kind === 'empty'){
    return 0;
    return 1 + Math.max(depth(tree.left), depth(tree.right))


subtyping polymorphism(子类型)

soundness && completeness


  • soundness指type checker能够reject所有的在运行时可能发生error的代码,这可能导致reject一些运行时不会发生error的代码
  • completeness指type checker只reject运行时可能发生error的代码,这可能导致有一些运行时可能产生error的代码没被reject
    理想的情况当然是type checker即是sound也是complete,但这是不可能实现的,只能在两者中做tradeoff,事实上typescript即不sound也不completeness。事实上受限于javascript 的本身缺陷,基于javascript的type checker几乎不可能做到sound,理由如下

A fully-sound type system built on top of existing JS syntax is simply a fool's errand; it cannot be done in a way that produces a usable programming language. Even Flow doesn't do this (people will claim that it's sound; it isn't; they make trade-offs in this area as well).
JS runtime behavior is extremely hostile toward producing a usable sound type system. Getters can return a different value each time they're invoked. The valueOf and toString functions are allowed to do literally anything they want; it's possible that the expression x + y produces a nondeterministic type due to this. The delete operator has side effects which are extremely difficult to describe with a type system. Arrays can be sparse. An object with a own property of type undefined behaves differently from an object with a prototype property of the same value. What could even be done about code like const x = { ["to" + "String"]: 42 } + "oops"; (disallow all computed property names? disallow all primitive values? disallow operator + except when you've... done what, exactly)?

structural typing && nominal typing

大部分面向对象的语言都是nominal typing的,这意味着即使两个类型的结构相同,也互不相容

class Foo {
  method(input: string): number { ... }
class Bar {
  method(input: string): number { ... }
let foo: Foo = new Bar(); // ERROR

这里的Foo和Bar虽然结构相同由于不是同一个class name,所以并不相容
而对于structual typing,只进行结构比较,并不关心name,所以下述代码在ts里并不会报错

class Foo {
  method(input: string): number { ... }
class Bar {
  method(input: string): number { ... }
let foo: Foo = new Bar(); // Okay.

而flow的做法和typescript不同,其对class采用了nominal typing而对普通的对象和function采用了structural typing,
typescript暂时并不支持nominal typing,
事实上有一个pr正在个typescript添加nominal typing的支持microsoft/TypeScript#33038

subtype && assignment


So far, we’ve used “compatible”, which is not a term defined in the language spec. In TypeScript, there are two kinds of compatibility: subtype and assignment. These differ only in that assignment extends subtype compatibility with rules to allow assignment to and from any, and to and from enum with corresponding numeric values.

事实上typescript大部分都是assignment compatibility检测,即使是在extends的场景如 A extends B ? X : Y 这里检查的是A和B的assignment compatibility。

Different places in the language use one of the two compatibility mechanisms, depending on the situation. For practical purposes, type compatibility is dictated by assignment compatibility, even in the cases of the implements and extends clauses.

structural assignability

由于ts暂时不支持nominal subtyping, 我们主要讨论structural subtyping问题.

primitive type

对于primitive type,类型检查很简单

function isAssignableTo(source: Type, target: Type): boolean {
  return source === target;

这里的Type可以是null| string | number | Date | Regex 等基本类型,我们只需要直接比较两者的类型是否相等即可,为了简化讨论
我们定义=>来表示 isAssignableTo,如下

target => source

这里的target为subtype, source为 supertype
对于primitive type,=>可以等价于==,但是对于ts还支持其他复杂类型,此时=>和==就不等价了,如

  • structural types
  • union type ,intersect types
  • literal type , enum type
  • generic type

width subtyping

对于structual types,
比较两个对象的是否类型兼容,我们只需要检查两个对象的所有属性的类型是否相同(这里是===并不是 =>,对于对象属性的=>的讨论见depth subtyping)。

即 {a:T1,b:T2 } => { a:T1,b:T2}

如 target: {a:string,b:number} => source: { a: string, b: number}

另一个规则就是 target不能缺少source里的member,如下就会产生错误

function distance(p: {x:number,y:number}){
  return p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y
distance({x:1}) // error

这里的target为{x:number} 而source 为{x:number,y:number} ,target里缺少source的y会导致程序出现runtime error。


function distance(p: {x:number,y:number}){
  return p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y
distance({x:1,y:2,z:3}) // ok

上述的代码并不会产生runtime error,所以这条规则似乎也很显然

exact type


function assign(x:{name: string}, y:{age: number}){
  return Object.assign({},x,y);
const x = {name: 'yj'}
const y = {age: 20, name: 'override'}
assign(x, y) //我们不希望x的name被y的name覆盖掉,所以期望这里ts报错

flow对exact object type进行了支持,保证传入的参数没有额外属性

/* @flow */
function assign(x:{name: string}, y:{|age: number|}){ // {||}表示exact object type
  return Object.assign({},x,y);
const x = {name: 'yj'}
const y = {age: 20, name: 'override'}
assign(x, y) //flow 会报错, Cannot call `assign` with `y` bound to `y` because property `name` is missing in object type [1] but exists in object literal [2].

但是ts尚未支持exact types,有相关pr microsoft/TypeScript#28749
ts采取了另外一种方式来处理exact type的问题
ts对于object literal type进行了EPC(excess property check)

function assign(x:{name: string}, y:{age: number}){
  return Object.assign({},x,y);
const x = {name: 'yj'}
const y = {age: 20, name: 'override'}
assign(x, {age: 20, name: 'override'}) //我们不希望x的name被y的name覆盖掉,所以期望这里ts报错

如果我们不希望进行ECF,则可以通过将object literal 赋值给变量来绕过ECF,因为ECF只适用于object literal

function assign(x:{name: string}, y:{age: number}){
  return Object.assign({},x,y);
const x = {name: 'yj'}
const y = {age: 20, name: 'override'}
assign(x, y) // 绕过ecf检查

depth subtyping


class Person { name: string }
class Employee extends Person { department: string }

可知Employee是Person的subtype,即Employee => Person,我们可以将Employee赋值给Person的

class Person { name: string }
class Employee extends Person { department: string }

var employee: Employee = new Employee;
var person: Person = employee; // OK


class Person { name: string }
class Employee extends Person { department: string }

var employee: { who: Employee } = { who: new Employee };
var person: { who: Person } = employee; 

虽然在ts里正常通过,但是实际上会导致runtime error

class Person {
  name: string
  constructor() { = 'person'

class Employee extends Person {
  constructor(public department: string) {

var employee: { who: Employee } = { who: new Employee('department') };
var person: { who: Person } = employee;
person.who = new Person

employee.who.department.toUpperCase(); // runtime error

这里出错的根源在于person和employee是mutable的,如果他们是immutable的,那么person.who = new Person
这步操作就会被禁止,也就不会导致runtime error,结论就是在mutation情况下,depth subtyping 会导致unsound

事实上typescript不仅仅是object 是covaraint的,数组也是covariant的,同样会导致runtime error

class Person {
  name: string
  constructor() { = 'person'

class Employee extends Person {
  constructor(public department: string) {

let  person_list: Person[] = [];
let  employee_list: Employee[] = [];
person_list = employee_list;

person_list[0] = new Person;


type variance

简单介绍下各种type variance


class Noun {x:string}
class City extends Noun {y:string}
class SanFrancisco extends City {z:string} 
// 由于ts的class是structual typing,所以
class A{}
class B extends A{} 中A =>B && B=>A ,A和B是等价的,所以需要额外加成员来区分,

可以得知 SanFrancisco => City => Noun
City是Noun的subtype, Noun是City的supertype
ts不支持type variance标注,我们这里使用flow来说明

  • invariance
function method(value: InvariantOf<City>) {...}

method(new Noun());         // error...
method(new City());         // okay
method(new SanFrancisco()); // error...

invariance 不接受supertype和subtypes

  • covariance
function method(value: CovariantOf<City>) {...}
method(new Noun());         // error...
method(new City());         // okay
method(new SanFrancisco()); // okay


  • congtravariance
function method(value: ContravariantOf<City>) {...}

method(new Noun());         // okay
method(new City());         // okay
method(new SanFrancisco()); // error...

contravariance 接受supertype但不接受subtype

  • bivarance
function method(value: BivariantOf<City>) {...}
method(new Noun());         // okay
method(new City());         // okay
method(new SanFrancisco()); // okay


function subtyping


function dist1(p:{x:number,y:number}){
  return p.x+p.y
function dist2(p:{x:number,y:number,z:number}){
  return p.x + p.y + p.z

let f: typeof dist1 = dist2;
let g: typeof dist2 = dist1;
console.log(g({x:1,y:2,z:3})// ok
console.log(f({x:1,y:2})) // 结果为NaN,因为 p.z为undefined



let tuple = [1,2] as [number,number];
let tuple2 = [1,2,3] as [number,number,number]

let t1: typeof tuple = tuple2; // ok
let t2: typeof tuple2 = tuple; // error because t2[2].toFixed() will cause runtime error

可知 t2 => t1 即tuple长度大的是长度小的子类型

function add1(x:number,y:number){
  return x+y;
function add2(x:number,y:number,z:number){
  return x+y+z
let f1: typeof add2 = add1; // ok,because [number,number,number] => [number,number]  and function contravariant
let f2: typeof add1 = add2; // error


function f(): {x:number,y:number}{
  return {x:1,y:2}
function g(): {x:number,y:number,z:number}{
  return {x:1,y:2,z:3}

let a: typeof f = g;
let b: typeof g = f;

a().x // ok
b().z // error


let t = {x:1,y:2,z:3};
function f(): void{
function g(): string{
  return 'a'

let a: typeof f = g; // should error but ok

const res = a(); 

这里虽然void 既不是string的subtype又不是supertype,但是这里仍然能够通过检查,这里ts故意为之见, 但在flow里是通不过类型检查的

parametric polymorphism (泛型)

type constructor && opaque type alias

conditional type

variadic kinds

higher kinked type & monad

bounded parametric polymorphism

f-bounded polymorphism

recursive type


algebraic assignability

weaktype && apparent type

widening && fresh literal types

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