Variable list and descriptions
Variable name and Description
- subject ID: the subject who performed the activity for each window sample. Its range is from 1 to 30.
- activity Activity: name
- featDomain Feature: Time domain signal or frequency domain signal (Time or Freq)
- featInstrument Feature: Measuring instrument (Accelerometer or Gyroscope)
- featAcceleration Feature: Acceleration signal (Body or Gravity)
- featVariable Feature: Variable (Mean or SD)
- featJerk Feature: Jerk signal
- featMagnitude Feature: Magnitude of the signals calculated using the Euclidean norm
- featAxis Feature: 3-axial signals in the X, Y and Z directions (X, Y, or Z)
- featCount Feature: Count of data points used to compute average
- featAverage Feature: Average of each variable for each activity and each subject