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Dataset for detection task

David Lopera edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 11 revisions

Create dataset for detection task

Learn how to build a dataset for detection tasks through PyTorchCV Studio. Once you build the detection dataset, you can use the Models module for develop an object detector model.


  • A set of images to build your object detection dataset.

Create a new dataset

In PyTorchCV Studio select the first option (Datasets) on the top left.

  1. To create the dataset, click on add button. The Create New Dataset dialog box will appear.

  1. Enter a name and description (optional) for the dataset and click OK.

  2. The new dataset will appear in the Datasets window.

  1. You have different options to manage the dataset:
  • Delete dataset: To delete the dataset from application.
  • Edit dataset: To update the name and description.
  • Refresh dataset: Refresh the size of the dataset based on the total size of the images associated.
  • Download annotations: Download the annotations into a json file.

Add images

  1. To add images, double click in the Dataset, a new tab will open.

  1. Drag and Drop the files you want to add to the dataset. When the loading process is finished, you should see something like this.

  1. In the dataset window you can:
  • Delete an image.
  • Zoom in/out an image.
  • Edit the annotations associated to the image.
  • Double click to add/edit annotations and assign a label.

Labels and annotations

  1. After the selection of the image, you must see a windows like this.

  1. In this window you can:
  • Create and edit labels.
  • Create, edit and delete annotations.
  • Assign labels to bounding boxes.
  • Navigate over the data set images.


  1. In the right panel on tab Labels you create the labels for the dataset. To create one, Right click over the list and add the label.

  1. The Create New Label dialog box will appear. Type a name and choose a color for the label you want to create.

Annotate images

You can add/edit annotations and assign labels to a specific image.

  1. Select the box option from the panel on the bottom and draw a box on the region of interest.

  1. Right click on the bounding box and select the label you want to assign.

  1. The color of the bounding box must change once you assign the label.