It can be so hard sometimes to choose best colors that go together while customizing Flarum and it's nightmare if you're using admin panel-only for adding some custom LESS/CSS/HTML - especially if you're a newcomer or less technical. I hope this extension speeds up your customization process and gives you some inspiration for your next Flarum theme as it does for me.
- Live theme visualization with Pickr implementation
- In-browser code editor powered by CodeMirror
- Relocate sidebar to the right or keep it on the left
- Prevent admin page from reloading after saving LESS/CSS/HTML changes
- Integration with
This extension conflicts with the-turk/flarum-stargazing-theme package for now. I plan to release a new version for it in order to solve this confliction.
composer require the-turk/flarum-extended-appearance
composer update the-turk/flarum-extended-appearance
php flarum cache:clear
Just enable the extension and go to the "Appearance" settings.