supports transactions via
RW.DoTx(...) which
uses any backoff strategy that implements the
Backoff interface.
There are two backoffs
provided by the package:
ConstBackOff and
// Example with ExpBackoff
retryErrFn := func(_ error) bool { return true }
_, err = rw.DoTx(
func(_ error) bool { return true }, // retry all errors
3, // three retries
ExpBackoff{}, // exponential backoff
func(w Writer) error {
// the TxHandler updates the user's name
_, err := w.Update(context.Background(),
if err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
// handle errors from the transaction...
You can also control the transaction yourself using:
// begin a transaction
tx, err := rw.Begin(ctx)
// do some database operations like creating a resource
if err := tx.Create(...); err != nil {
// rollback the transaction if you
if err := tx.Rollback(ctx); err != nil {
// you'll need to handle rollback errors... perhaps via retry.
// commit the transaction if there are not errors
if err := tx.Commit(ctx); err != nil {
// handle commit errors