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Change data structures which happstack-state modifies to reflect internal structure. It compiles, while not guaranteed to all work.
Notably, there are some regressions in the web interface, as HTML generation mostly hasn't been updated.
Some infrastructure challenges remaining: modularizing the import/export system, adding flexible hooks, and shuffling around code for a more organized module tree
  • Loading branch information
gracenotes committed Jun 7, 2010
1 parent 8443cb9 commit 63a8c72
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Showing 35 changed files with 1,135 additions and 1,177 deletions.
164 changes: 77 additions & 87 deletions Distribution/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ module Distribution.Server (

-- * Server configuration

-- * First time initialisation of the database
Expand All @@ -17,29 +17,23 @@ module Distribution.Server (
) where

import Distribution.Package (packageName)
import Happstack.Server hiding (port, host)
import qualified Happstack.Server
import Happstack.State hiding (Version)

import Distribution.Server.ServerParts (guardAuth)
import qualified Distribution.Server.Import as Import ( importTar )
import qualified Distribution.Server.Import as Import (importTar)

import Distribution.Server.Packages.ServerParts
import Distribution.Server.Users.ServerParts
import Distribution.Server.Distributions.ServerParts
import Distribution.Server.Users.Permissions (GroupName(..))
--import Distribution.Server.Distributions.ServerParts -- this will take some effort to revamp

import qualified Distribution.Server.Feature as Feature
import qualified Distribution.Server.Features as Features

import Distribution.Server.State as State
import Distribution.Server.Packages.State as State hiding (buildReports, bulkImport)
import Distribution.Server.Packages.State as State hiding (bulkImport)
import Distribution.Server.Users.State as State
import qualified Distribution.Server.Cache as Cache
import Distribution.Server.Packages.Types
( PkgInfo(..) )
import qualified Distribution.Server.ResourceTypes as Resource
import qualified Distribution.Server.Util.BlobStorage as BlobStorage
import Distribution.Server.Util.BlobStorage (BlobStorage)
import qualified Distribution.Server.BulkImport as BulkImport
Expand All @@ -49,62 +43,60 @@ import qualified Distribution.Server.Users.Users as Users
import qualified Distribution.Server.Users.Types as Users

import Distribution.Server.Export.ServerParts (export)
import Distribution.Server.Auth.Types (PasswdPlain(..))
import qualified Distribution.Server.Auth.Types as Auth
import qualified Distribution.Server.Auth.Basic as Auth
import qualified Distribution.Server.Auth.Crypt as Auth

import Distribution.Server.Resource (addResponse, serverTreeEmpty, renderServerTree, spiffyResources)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Distribution.Server.Resource --(addResponse, serverTreeEmpty, renderServerTree)
--import Data.List (foldl')

import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist )
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad (when, msum)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import Network.URI
( URIAuth(URIAuth) )
import Network.BSD
( getHostName )
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty)
import Network.URI (URIAuth(URIAuth))
import Network.BSD (getHostName)
import Data.Char (toUpper)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS

import Paths_hackage_server (getDataDir)

data Config = Config {
data ServerConfig = ServerConfig {
confHostName :: String,
confPortNum :: Int,
confStateDir :: FilePath,
confStaticDir :: FilePath
} deriving (Show)

confHappsStateDir, confBlobStoreDir :: Config -> FilePath
confHappsStateDir, confBlobStoreDir :: ServerConfig -> FilePath
confHappsStateDir config = confStateDir config </> "db"
confBlobStoreDir config = confStateDir config </> "blobs"

defaultConfig :: IO Config
defaultConfig = do
defaultServerConfig :: IO ServerConfig
defaultServerConfig = do
hostName <- getHostName
dataDir <- getDataDir
return Config {
return ServerConfig {
confHostName = hostName,
confPortNum = 8080,
confStateDir = "state",
confStaticDir = dataDir </> "static"

data Server = Server {
serverTxControl :: MVar TxControl,
serverFeatureConfig :: Feature.Config,
serverPort :: Int,
serverCache :: Cache.Cache
serverTxControl :: MVar TxControl,
serverPort :: Int,
serverConfig :: Config

-- | If we made a server instance from this 'Config', would we find some
-- existing saved state or would it be a totally clean instance with no
-- existing state.
hasSavedState :: Config -> IO Bool
hasSavedState :: ServerConfig -> IO Bool
hasSavedState = doesDirectoryExist . confHappsStateDir

-- | Make a server instance from the server configuration.
Expand All @@ -115,9 +107,8 @@ hasSavedState = doesDirectoryExist . confHappsStateDir
-- Note: the server instance must eventually be 'shutdown' or you'll end up
-- with stale lock files.
initialise :: Config -> IO Server
initialise config@(Config hostName portNum stateDir staticDir) = do

initialise :: ServerConfig -> IO Server
initialise config@(ServerConfig hostName portNum stateDir staticDir) = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist staticDir
when (not exists) $
fail $ "The static files directory " ++ staticDir ++ " does not exist."
Expand All @@ -126,17 +117,20 @@ initialise config@(Config hostName portNum stateDir staticDir) = do
store <- blobStoreDir

txCtl <- runTxSystem (Queue (FileSaver happsStateDir)) hackageEntryPoint
cache <- =<< stateToCache hostURI =<< query GetPackagesState
cache <- do
packages <- query GetPackagesState
users <- query GetUserDb =<< stateToCache hostURI packages users

return Server {
serverTxControl = txCtl,
serverFeatureConfig = Feature.Config {
Feature.serverStore = store,
Feature.serverStaticDir = staticDir,
Feature.serverURI = hostURI
serverPort = portNum,
serverCache = cache
serverConfig = Config {
serverStore = store,
serverStaticDir = staticDir,
serverURI = hostURI,
serverCache = cache

Expand All @@ -156,13 +150,20 @@ run server = simpleHTTP conf $ mungeRequest $ impl server
conf = nullConf { Happstack.Server.port = serverPort server }
mungeRequest = localRq mungeMethod
-- this is not restful.
mungeMethod req = case (rqMethod req, lookup "_method" (rqInputs req)) of
(POST, Just input) -> case reads (BS.unpack (inputValue input)) of
(POST, Just input) -> case reads . map toUpper . BS.unpack $ inputValue input of
[(newMethod, "")] -> req { rqMethod = newMethod }
_ -> req
_ -> req
-- todo: given a .json or .html suffix, munge it into an Accept header
-- can use MessageWrap.pathEls to reparse rqPath

{-case lookup "_patharg" (rqInputs req) of
Just param -> req' { rqUri = rqUri req </> SURI.escape param, rqPath = rqPath req ++ [param] }
_ -> req'
where req' = -}
-- | Perform a clean shutdown of the server.
shutdown :: Server -> IO ()
Expand All @@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ bulkImport :: Server
-> Maybe String -- users
-> Maybe String -- admin users
-> IO [UploadLog.Entry]
bulkImport (Server _ (Feature.Config store _ host) _ cache)
bulkImport (Server _ _ (Config store _ host cache))
indexFile logFile archiveFile htPasswdFile adminsFile = do
pkgIndex <- either fail return (BulkImport.importPkgIndex indexFile)
uploadLog <- either fail return (BulkImport.importUploadLog logFile)
Expand All @@ -192,19 +193,18 @@ bulkImport (Server _ (Feature.Config store _ host) _ cache)
(pkgsInfo, users, badLogEntries) <- either fail return
(BulkImport.mergePkgInfo pkgIndex uploadLog tarballs accounts)

update $ BulkImport pkgsInfo users
update $ BulkImport pkgsInfo
update $ ReplaceUserDb users

admPerms <- case admins of
Nothing -> return []
case admins of
Nothing -> return ()
Just adminUsers -> do
state <- query GetPackagesState
uids <- either fail return $ lookupUsers (userDb state) adminUsers
return $ map (\uid -> (uid, Administrator)) uids

let uploadPerms
= map (\pkg -> (pkgUploadUser pkg, PackageMaintainer (packageName pkg))) pkgsInfo
userDb <- query GetUserDb
uids <- either fail return $ lookupUsers userDb adminUsers
mapM_ (\uid -> update $ AddHackageAdmin uid) uids

update $ BulkImportPermissions (admPerms ++ uploadPerms)
--let uploadPerms = map (\pkg -> (pkgUploadUser pkg, PackageMaintainer (packageName pkg))) pkgsInfo
--update $ BulkImportPermissions (admPerms ++ uploadPerms)

updateCache cache host

Expand All @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ bulkImport (Server _ (Feature.Config store _ host) _ cache)
Just uid -> Right uid

importTar :: Server -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe String)
importTar (Server _ (Feature.Config store _ host) _ cache) tar = do
importTar (Server _ _ (Config store _ host cache)) tar = do
res <- Import.importTar store tar
case res of
Nothing -> updateCache cache host
Expand All @@ -231,66 +231,56 @@ importTar (Server _ (Feature.Config store _ host) _ cache) tar = do
-- An alternative to an import.
-- Starts the server off to a sane initial state.
initState :: MonadIO m => Server -> m ()
initState (Server _ (Feature.Config _ _ host) _ cache) = do
initState (Server _ _ (Config _ _ host cache)) = do
-- clear off existing state
update $ BulkImport [] Users.empty
update $ BulkImportPermissions []
update $ BulkImport []
update $ ReplaceUserDb Users.empty
--update $ BulkImportPermissions []

-- create default admin user
let userName = Users.UserName "admin"
userAuth <- newPasswd (PasswdPlain "admin")
res <- update $ AddUser userName userAuth
userAuth = Auth.newDigestPass userName (Auth.PasswdPlain "admin") "hackage"
res <- update $ AddUser userName (Users.UserAuth userAuth Auth.DigestAuth)

case res of
Just user -> update $ AddToGroup Administrator user
Just user -> update $ State.AddHackageAdmin user
_ -> fail "Failed to create admin user!"

updateCache cache host

impl :: Server -> ServerPart Response
impl server = flip renderServerTree Map.empty $ spiffyResources $ foldl' (flip $ uncurry addResponse) serverTreeEmpty $ ([], core server):concatMap (Feature.serverParts) Features.hackageFeatures
impl server = renderServerTree (serverConfig server) [] $ foldr (uncurry addResponse) serverTreeEmpty $ ([], \_ _ -> core server):concatMap Feature.locations Features.hackageFeatures

core :: Server -> ServerPart Response
core (Server _ (Feature.Config store static host) _ cache) = msum
[ dir "packages" $
methodSP GET $
ok . Cache.packagesPage =<< Cache.get cache
, dir "package" $ msum
core (Server _ _ (Config store static _ cache)) = msum
{- [ dir "package" $ msum
[ path $ msum . handlePackageById store
, path $ servePackage store
, dir "buildreports" $ msum (buildReports store)
[ dir "buildreports" $ msum (buildReports store)
-- , dir "groups" (groupInterface)
, dir "recent.rss" $ msum
[ methodSP GET $ ok . Cache.packagesFeed =<< Cache.get cache ]
, dir "recent.html" $ msum
[ methodSP GET $ ok . Cache.recentChanges =<< Cache.get cache ]
, dir "upload" $ msum
[ uploadPackage store cache host ]
, dir "00-index.tar.gz" $ msum
[ methodSP GET $ do
cacheState <- Cache.get cache
ok $ toResponse $ Resource.IndexTarball (Cache.indexTarball cacheState)
, dir "admin" $ admin static store
, dir "check" checkPackage
, dir "htpasswd" $ msum
[ changePassword ]
, dir "distro" distros
-- , dir "htpasswd" $ msum [ changePassword ]
-- , dir "distro" distros
, fileServe ["hackage.html"] static

-- Top level server part for administrative actions under the "admin"
-- directory
admin :: FilePath -> BlobStorage -> ServerPart Response
admin static storage = do

guardAuth [Administrator]

[ dir "users" userAdmin
, dir "export.tar.gz" (export storage)
, adminDist
, fileServe ["admin.html"] static
userDb <- query State.GetUserDb
let admins = Users.adminList userDb
Auth.requireHackageAuth userDb (Just admins) Nothing
[ dir "users" userAdmin
, dir "export.tar.gz" (export storage)
-- , adminDist
, fileServe ["admin.html"] static

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