Perl script to extract statistics from a whatsapp chat text export
The script takes in a whatsapp chat export in a text format and churns out some statistics for you to analyze. currently the script does the following 3 types of analysis
- Number of characters in the chat per day.
- Number of characters in the chat per month.
- Number of characters in the chat per person.
The results of these parameters are output in 3 separate text files, the data of which can then be imported in MS Excel to visualize it using appropriate graphs.
The script required a input text file. You can get this file from you whatsapp application by opening a personal/group chat windon. Click on the 3 dots at the top right corner. in the context menu that opens up,click on More --> Export chat --> Without Media. This lets you export your chat in a text file to either your email/cloud drive/share on whatsapp etc.
perl <inputfile.txt>
- daywise.txt
- monthwise.txt
- personwise.txt