This page collects useful literature relevant to topics of design.
- Project Loom - Structured Concurrency
- Project Loom – lightweight concurrency for the JVM
- Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful
The Axis of Eval - Some nice paperz on delimited continuations and first-class macros
Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection∗ by Matthias Felleisen et al.
From Imperative to Pure-Functional and Back Again: Monads vs. Scoped Continuations
Implementations of delimited control in OCaml, Haskell, Scheme
The Revised Reporton the Syntactic Theories of Sequential Control and State
Pattern matching for algebraic data types.
- Sum Types
- Product Types
- Union & Intersection Types
- The Two Dualities of Computation: Negative and Fractional Types (2012)
Enable generic programming.
Relevant to memory management.
- Linear Types Wiki
- TypeScript's Intersection Types
- Ceylon's Union & Intersection Types
- C# design repository issue about Union & Intersection Types
- Have sum types ever been considered by the C# language designers? - r/csharp
- Encoding Sum Types
- Call by name
- Call by need (Lazy Evaluation)
- Optimistic Evaluation (Non-deterministic)