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Terraform AWS ECS App Module

e2e tests

Create and manage AWS ECS application in a clean abstracted way.

This module is actively maintained and is covered by multiple end-to-end tests to prevent regressions.


This module is feature-rich, with sane defaults. Some of the features are:


This is a minimal example which demostrates simplicity of the module:

module "api" {
  source     = ""
  version    = "~>2.0.0"
  name             = "api"
  env              = "prod"
  ecs_cluster_name = "prod-cluster"
  vpc_id           = "vpc-00000000000000000"
  public_subnets   = ["subnet-00000000000000000", "subnet-11111111111111111", "subnet-22222222222222222"]
  private_subnets  = ["subnet-33333333333333333", "subnet-44444444444444444", "subnet-55555555555555555"]
  security_groups  = ["sg-00000000000000000"]
  root_domain_name = ""
  zone_id          = "Z00000000000000000000"

  environment = {
    API_KEY   = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
    JWT_TOKEN = "99999999999999999999999999999999"

See examples for more usage options.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1


Name Version
aws 5.47.0
template 2.2.0


Name Source Version
alb ~> 7.0
autoscaling terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws ~> 6.0
datadog ~> 3.3
ecr ~> 1.1
efs ~> 0.36
nginx ~> 1.0
route_53_health_check ~> 1.0
service ./modules/ecs-service n/a


Name Type
aws_eip.autoscaling resource
aws_iam_role_policy.ec2_auto_eip resource
aws_route53_record.alb resource
aws_route53_record.ec2 resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_instance_profile.this data source
aws_region.current data source
template_file.asg_ecs_ec2_user_data data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_container_definition_parameters Additional parameters passed straight to the container definition, eg. tmpfs config any {} no
alb_access_logs_enabled If true, ALB access logs will be written to S3 bool false no
alb_access_logs_s3bucket_name S3 bucket name for ALB access logs string "" no
alb_deregistration_delay The amount of time, in seconds, for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused number 5 no
alb_health_check_healthy_threshold The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy number 3 no
alb_health_check_interval The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target number 30 no
alb_health_check_path ALB health check path string "/health" no
alb_health_check_timeout The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check number 6 no
alb_health_check_unhealthy_threshold The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering the target unhealthy number 3 no
alb_health_check_valid_response_codes The HTTP codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target. You can specify multiple values (for example, "200,202") or a range of values (for example, "200-299"). string "200-399" no
alb_idle_timeout The time in seconds that the connection is allowed to be idle. number 60 no
alb_security_groups Security groups to assign to ALB list(any) [] no
app_secrets List of SSM ParameterStore secret parameters - by default, /$var.env/$* list(any) [] no
app_type ECS application type. Valid values: web (with ALB), worker (without ALB). string "web" no
assign_public_ip ECS service network configuration - assign public IP bool false no
autoscale_enabled ECS Autoscaling enabled bool false no
autoscale_scheduled_down List of Cron-like expressions for scheduled ecs autoscale DOWN list(string) [] no
autoscale_scheduled_timezone Time Zone for the scheduled event string "UTC" no
autoscale_scheduled_up List of Cron-like expressions for scheduled ecs autoscale UP list(string) [] no
autoscale_target_value_cpu ECS Service Average CPU Utilization threshold. Integer value for percentage - IE 80 number 50 no
autoscale_target_value_memory ECS Service Average Memory Utilization threshold. Integer value for percentage. IE 60 number 50 no
autoscaling_health_check_type ECS 'EC2' or 'ELB' health check type string "EC2" no
autoscaling_max_size Maximum number of running ECS tasks during scheduled-up-autoscaling action number 2 no
autoscaling_min_size Minimum number of running ECS tasks during scheduled-up-autoscaling action number 2 no
aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace Amazon ECS Service Discovery private DNS namespace string "" no
cloudwatch_schedule_expressions List of Cron-like Cloudwatch Event Rule schedule expressions (UTC time zone) list(any) [] no
cpu Fargate CPU value ( number 256 no
cpu_architecture When you register a task definition, you specify the CPU architecture. The valid values are X86_64 and ARM64 string "X86_64" no
create_iam_instance_profile Determines whether an IAM instance profile is created or to use an existing IAM instance profile bool true no
create_schedule Determines whether to create autoscaling group schedule or not bool false no
datadog_enabled Datadog agent is enabled bool false no
datadog_jmx_enabled Enables / Disables jmx monitor via the datadog agent bool false no
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent Lower limit on the number of running tasks number 100 no
desired_capacity Desired number (capacity) of running ECS tasks number 1 no
docker_container_command Docker container command list(string) [] no
docker_container_entrypoint Docker container entrypoint list(string) [] no
docker_container_port Docker container port number 3000 no
docker_host_port Docker host port. 0 means Auto-assign. number 0 no
docker_image_name Docker image name string "" no
docker_image_tag Docker image tag string "latest" no
docker_labels Labels to be added to the docker. Used for auto-configuration, for instance of JMX discovery map(any) null no
docker_registry ECR or any other docker registry string "" no
domain_names Domain names for AWS Route53 A records list(any) [] no
ec2_eip_count Count of EIPs to create number 0 no
ec2_eip_dns_enabled Whether to manage DNS records to be attached to the EIP bool false no
ec2_eip_enabled Enable EC2 ASG Auto Assign EIP mode bool false no
ec2_service_group Service group name, e.g. app, service name etc. string "app" no
ecr_force_delete If true, will delete the ECR repository even if it contains images on destroy bool false no
ecr_repo_create Creation of a ECR repo bool false no
ecr_repo_name ECR repository name string "" no
ecs_cluster_arn ECS cluster arn. Should be specified to avoid data query by cluster name string "" no
ecs_cluster_name ECS cluster name string n/a yes
ecs_exec_custom_prompt_enabled Enable Custom shell prompt on ECS Exec bool false no
ecs_exec_enabled Turns on the Amazon ECS Exec for the task bool true no
ecs_exec_prompt_string Shell prompt that contains ENV and APP_NAME is enabled string `"\e[1;35m★\e[0m $ENV-$APP_NAME:$(wget -qO- $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 sed -n 's/."com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-version":"\([^\"]\).*/\1/p') \e[1;36m★\e[0m $(wget -qO- $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4
ecs_launch_type ECS launch type: FARGATE or EC2 string "FARGATE" no
ecs_network_mode Corresponds to networkMode in an ECS task definition. Supported values are none, bridge, host, or awsvpc string "awsvpc" no
ecs_platform_version The platform version on which to run your service. Only applicable when using Fargate launch type string "LATEST" no
ecs_service_deployed This service resource doesn't have task definition lifecycle policy, so terraform is used to deploy it (instead of ecs cli or ize) bool false no
ecs_service_discovery_enabled ECS service can optionally be configured to use Amazon ECS Service Discovery bool false no
ecs_service_name The ECS service name string "" no
ecs_task_health_check_command Command to check for the health of the container string "" no
ecs_volumes_from The VolumeFrom property specifies details on a data volume from another container in the same task definition list(any) [] no
efs_enabled Whether to enable EFS mount for ECS task bool false no
efs_file_system_id EFS file system ID string "" no
efs_mount_point EFS mount point in the container string "/mnt/efs" no
efs_root_directory EFS root directory string "/" no
efs_share_create Whether to create EFS share or not bool false no
env Target environment name of the infrastructure string n/a yes
environment Map of parameters to be set in SSM and then exposed into a Task Definition as environment variables. map(string) n/a yes
firelens_ecs_log_enabled AWS Firelens ECS logs enabled (used by FluentBit, Datadog, etc) bool false no
global_secrets List of SSM ParameterStore global secrets - by default, /$var.env/global/* list(any) [] no
gpu GPU-enabled container instances number 0 no
http_port Port that is used for HTTP protocol number 80 no
https_enabled Whether enable https or not (still needs tls_cert_arn) bool true no
iam_instance_profile IAM Instance Profile string null no
iam_role_policy_statement ECS Service IAM Role policy statement list(any) [] no
image_id EC2 AMI id string null no
instance_type EC2 instance type for ECS string "t3.small" no
key_name EC2 key name string null no
max_size Maximum number of running ECS tasks number 1 no
memory Fargate Memory value ( number 512 no
memory_reservation The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container number 256 no
min_size Minimum number of running ECS tasks number 1 no
name ECS app name including all required namespaces string n/a yes
operating_system_family Platform to be used with ECS. The valid values for Amazon ECS tasks hosted on Fargate are LINUX, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL, and WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE. The valid values for Amazon ECS tasks hosted on EC2 are LINUX, WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_CORE, WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_FULL, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL, and WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE, WINDOWS_SERVER_2016_FULL, WINDOWS_SERVER_2004_CORE, and WINDOWS_SERVER_20H2_CORE. string "LINUX" no
port_mappings List of ports to open from a service any [] no
private_subnets VPC Private subnets to place ECS resources list(any) [] no
proxy_docker_container_command Proxy docker container CMD list(string)
"daemon off;"
proxy_docker_entrypoint Proxy docker container entrypoint list(string)
proxy_docker_image_name Nginx proxy docker image name string "nginx" no
public It's publicity accessible application bool true no
public_ecs_service It's publicity accessible service bool false no
public_subnets VPC Public subnets to place ECS resources list(any) [] no
resource_requirements The ResourceRequirement property specifies the type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported resource is a GPU list(any) [] no
root_block_device_size EBS root block device size in GB number "50" no
root_block_device_type EBS root block device type string "gp2" no
root_domain_name Domain name of AWS Route53 Zone string "" no
route53_health_check_enabled AWS Route53 health check is enabled bool false no
schedules Map of autoscaling group schedule to create map(any) {} no
security_groups Security groups to assign to ECS Fargate task/ECS EC2 list(any) [] no
shared_memory_size Size of the /dev/shm shared memory in MB number 0 no
sidecar_container_definitions Sidecar container definitions for ECS task any [] no
sns_service_subscription_endpoint You can use different endpoints, such as email, Pagerduty, Slack, etc. string "" no
sns_service_subscription_endpoint_protocol See valid protocols here: string "email" no
ssm_global_secret_path AWS SSM root path to global environment secrets like /dev/global string null no
ssm_secret_path AWS SSM root path to environment secrets of an app like /dev/app1 string null no
tls_cert_arn TLS certificate ARN string null no
tmpfs_container_path Path where tmpfs shm would be mounted string "/tmp/" no
tmpfs_enabled TMPFS support for non-Fargate deployments bool false no
tmpfs_mount_options Options for the mount of the ram disk. noatime by default to speed up access list(string)
tmpfs_size Size of the tmpfs in MB number 1024 no
volumes Amazon data volumes for ECS Task (efs/FSx/Docker volume/Bind mounts) list(any) [] no
vpc_id AWS VPC ID string n/a yes
web_proxy_docker_container_port Proxy docker container port number 80 no
web_proxy_docker_image_tag Nginx proxy docker image tag string "1.19.2-alpine" no
web_proxy_enabled Nginx proxy enabled bool false no
zone_id AWS Route53 Zone ID string "" no


Name Description
alb_arn ARN of the ALB (if ALB is created)
alb_dns_name Name of the ALB DNS record (if ALB is created)
alb_dns_zone Zone ID of the ALB DNS record (if ALB is created)
cloudwatch_event_rule_id ID of the Cloudwatch event rule for ECS Scheduled Task
cloudwatch_log_group n/a
ec2_dns_name Public DNS name of the EC2 instance (if EC2 is used)
efs_mount_target DNS name of the EFS mount target (if EFS is created)
eips List of EIPs associated with the EC2 instances (if EC2 is used)
public_ip Public IP of the EC2 instance (if EC2 is used)
r53_lb_dns_name DNS name of the record that is attached to the ALB (if app type is web or tcp-ap)
this_target_group_arn n/a
this_task_definition_arn n/a