Releases: hcoles/pitest
#518 - Experimental BigInteger mutator (thanks @ripdajacker)
#523 - Sort mutators in html report (thanks @ThLeu)
#533 - Classic mutators from literature (thanls @LaurentTho3)
#528 - Added skipFailingTests option from maven plugin (thanks @nicerloop)
A test matrix mode can now be enabled by setting the parameter fullMutationMatrix
to true, mutant will continue to be challenged with tests after one has failed and the result for each test determined. Note that only XML output is supported in this mode.
This release adds support for larger classpaths.
Classpaths are now passed via an environment variable (rather than as a command line parameter) by default.
For very large classpath the useClasspathJar parameter can be set. When this is set pitest will create a temporary jar with a classpath manifest entry containing all required entries.
- #466 Ignore absent code directories when aggregating report (thanks @maxgabut )
- #457 Fix path issue for multi module projects using scm goal (thanks @sarahBuisson and @ giggluigg)
- #471 Basic Java 11 support
- #477 Null byte in xml (thanks @maxgabut)
- #480 Allow aggregation of timestamped reports (thanks @maxgabut)
- #495 Move summary to end of console output (thanks @pedrorijo91)
- #499 Fix for equivalent mutants in new return val mutators
- #445 Raise minimum java version to 8
- Switch to ASM 6.1.1
- #448 Aggregate report based on module
- #462 Escape test names in coverage xml
As of this release pitest will no longer run on JVM < 8, but pre Java 8 bytecode continues to be supported.
Commons-codec is no longer required on the classpath when running via Ant or the command line.
#433 - Aggregate reports via maven (thanks @rchargel)
#438 - Filter tests at method level (thanks @ftrautsch)
#439 - Primitives return mutator doesn't handle bytes
#380 - Remove reliance on xstream for improved java 9 support
#414 - Replace xstream history store (thanks @kiftio)
Note when upgrading that history files generated by previous releases are not compatible with 1.3.2 and above.
The removal of xstream eliminates all access warnings under java 9. If running from the commandline or ant commons-codec is now required on the tool classpath.
- #196 - Raise minimum java version to 7
- #425 - Broaden for-each detection
- #428 - Add excludedTestClasses parameter
- #379 - Remove support for mutating static initializers
- #432 - Add export plugin functionality into pitest
- #427 - Better return values mutators
- #429 - Simplify test api
Upgrade notes
428 changes the existing behaviour of the excludedClasses filter. Previously this excluded classes from both being mutated and run as tests which may require changes for some people when upgrading.
Test plugin selection is no longer automatic for projects using testng - the test plugin must no be explicitly set using the new testPlugin
parameter. This defaults to "junit" unless the junt5 plugin is on the classpath in which case it will be defaulted to "junit5".
New mutation operators
The intention is to change the mutation operators that are active by default in the next release, replacing the RETURN_VALS mutator with the improved set introduced in this release.
The new proposed defaults can be used in this release by setting the mutators
parameter to NEW_DEFAULTS.
- #407 - SCM goal cannot be run from within module (thanks @sbuisson)
- #256 - Inline style violate Content Security Policy (thanks @kiftio)
- #403 - No css in the html report viewed from jenkins (thanks @kiftio)
- #409 - Mutate based on changes across branched (thanks @sbuisson)
- #418 - Avoid for loop increments
- #424 - Avoid for each code
- #389 - Widen matching of implicit null checks