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phillyslick edited this page Mar 9, 2014 · 4 revisions

Feel free to add your own how-to and categorize it in this list.

  1. Workflow Customization
  • [Automatically generate password for users (simpler registration)](
  • [Change the default sign_in and sign_out routes](
  • [Customize routes to user registration pages](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in out](
  • [Customize the redirect after a user edits their profile](
  • [Customize the redirect path after destroying a session (signing out)](
  • [Override confirmations so users can pick their own passwords as part of confirmation activation](
  • [Redirect with locale after authentication failure](—Redirect-with-locale-after-authentication-failure)
  • [Require admin to activate account before sign_in](
  • [Set up devise as a single user system](
  • [Two step confirmation](
  • [Redirect back to current page after sign in, sign out, sign up, update](,-sign-out,-sign-up,-update)
  • [Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP on successful sign out](
  • [Redirect to a specific page after a successful sign in or sign out](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in and sign out](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in or sign out](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in out](
  • [Redirect to a specific page on successful sign up (registration)](
  • [Redirect to a specific page when the user can not be authenticated](
  • [Do not redirect to login page after session timeout](
  • [Create a guest user](
  • [Allow users to edit their password](
  • [Require authentication for all pages and avoid “You need to sign in…” message when hitting the application root](
  • [Use a custom email validator with Devise](
  1. View/Content Customization
  • [Create custom layouts](
  • [Custom mailer](
  • [I18n](
  • [Set :host and :port for all devise mailer urls](
  • [Override devise_error_messages! for use in views](!-for-views)
  • [Integrate I18n Flash Messages with Devise and Bootstrap](
  1. Custom Authentication Methods
  • [Allow users to sign in with something other than their email address](
  • [Authenticate via LDAP](
  • [Create a guest user](
  • [Email-only sign-up]( To: Email-only sign-up)
  • [Edit an account without providing a password](
  • [HTTP Authentication](
  • [HTTP Auth Basic](
  • [Isolate users to log into a single subdomain](—Isolate-users-to-log-into-a-single-subdomain)
  • [Recaptcha](
  • [Remote authentication with Devise](
  • [Set up devise as a single user system](
  • [Sign in using either a username or email address](
  • [Simple Token Authentication Example](
  • [Use case insensitive emails](
  • [Use SSL (HTTPS)](
  • [Use subdomains](
  1. OmniAuth
  • [OmniAuth: Overview](
  • [OmniAuth: Testing](—Testing)
  • [Omniauthable, sign out action and rememberable](,-sign-out-action-and-rememberable)
  1. Testing
  • [Capybara](
  • [Controllers tests with Rails 3 (and rspec)](
  • [Cucumber](
  • [OmniAuth: Testing](—Testing)
  • [Rspec with devise and machinist](
  • [Speed up your unit tests](
  • [Stub authentication in controller specs](
  1. Privileges/Authorization
  • [Add an Admin role](
  • [Add a default role to a User](
  • [Create a guest user](
  • [Integrate with CanCan for roles management](
  • [Manage Users with an Admin Role (CanCan method)](
  • [Require admin to activate account before sign_in](
  • [Sign in as another user if you are an admin](
  • [Turn off trackable for admin users](
  1. Special Configurations
  • [Add :confirmable to Users](
  • [Create a custom encryptor](
  • [Create Haml and Slim Views](
  • [Configure a master password](
  • [Customize user account status validation when logging in](
  • [Disable user from destroying his account](
  • [Disallow previously used passwords](
  • [Dynamic user registration timeout](
  • [Embed users in your account model with Mongoid](
  • [Protect Resque Web with Devise](
  • [Send emails from subdomains](
  • [Send emails in background (Resque, Sidekiq and Delayed::Job)](
  • [Using paranoid mode, avoid user enumeration on registerable](,-avoid-user-enumeration-on-registerable)
  • [Use Devise Inside a Mountable Engine](
  1. Elsewhere in your App
  • [Add sign_in, sign_out, and sign_up links to your layout template](,-sign_out,-and-sign_up-links-to-your-layout-template)
  • [Display a custom sign_in form anywhere in your app](
  • [Sign in from a controller](
  • [Use Devise generated method and filters for controllers](
  • [Find a user when you have their credentials](
  • [Make Devise work with other formats like mobile, iPhone and iPad (Rails specific)](,-iPhone-and-iPad—-Rails-specific)
  • [Manage users through a CRUD interface](
  • [Mass password reset and email notification](
  1. JavaScript
  • [Use with BackboneJS models](
  1. Devise Internals
  • [List of Devise Controllers](
  1. Upgrading
  • [Upgrade to Devise 2.2](
  • [Upgrade to Devise 2.1](
  • [Upgrade to Devise 2.0](
  • [Upgrade to Devise 2.0 migration schema style](
  • [Migration legacy database](
  1. Migrating from other authentication plugins
  • [Migrate from restful_authentication to Devise](
  • [Add devise required columns to an existing users table](
  • [Change an already existing table to add devise required columns](
  • Clone this wiki locally