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Perspective API reference

Using the API

First, follow the quickstart guide to enable the API for your project, generate an API key, and ensure you're able to make a successful request.

Key concepts

  • A comment is the text to be scored. Each API request contains a single comment. A comment could be a single post to a web page's comments section, a forum post, a message to a mailing list, a chat message, etc.

  • A model is a dimension that the comment is scored on, for example, "toxic", "obscene", "thoughtful", "off-topic", etc. This is also sometimes referred to as an attribute or model attribute.

  • The API can return model attribute scores in different formats, known as score types. The default score type is a probability score between 0 to 1, with higher values indicating greater likelihood of the attribute label.

  • A span is a continuous section of text. The API can return span scores, which are model scores for particular subparts of the request's comment. For example, if the API only found one sentence in a paragraph to be "toxic", it could return a high "toxic" span score for the span corresponding to that sentence while giving a low "toxic" span score to the rest of the comment.

  • A model's summary score provides an overall score for the entire comment. While the API may return multiple span scores for a given input, it will always return exactly one summary score.

  • (Coming soon) Context is a representation of the conversation context for the comment (for example, an article which is being commented on, or another comment that is being replied to). It is used in the analysis of the comment text, for example when determining the "off-topic" model score.

    Note: you can send context with your requests, however our current models are not making use of it, so sending context won't change any model's scores.



The following alpha models are recommended for use. They have been tested across multiple domains and trained on hundreds of thousands of comments tagged by thousands of human moderators.


The following models are experimental. They were targeted for a single usecase, so may not generalize to your usecase well. They may be deprecated or removed with little notice.

  • TOXICITY_FAST: This model is similar to the TOXICITY model, but has lower latency and lower accuracy in its predictions. Unlike TOXICITY, this model returns summary scores as well as span scores. This model uses character-level n-grams fed into a logistic regression, a method that has has been surprisingly effective at detecting abusive language.

The following experimental models were trained on New York Times data tagged by their moderation team.

  • ATTACK_ON_AUTHOR: Attack on author of original article or post.
  • ATTACK_ON_COMMENTER: Attack on fellow commenter.
  • INCOHERENT: Difficult to understand, nonsensical.
  • INFLAMMATORY: Intending to provoke or inflame.
  • OBSCENE: Obscene or vulgar language such as cursing.
  • SPAM: Irrelevant and unsolicited commercial content.
  • UNSUBSTANTIAL: Trivial or short comments.
  • LIKELY_TO_REJECT: Overall measure of the likelihood for the comment to be rejected according by the NYT's moderation.


Scoring comments: AnalyzeComment

To send a comment scoring request to the API, post a request object to this endpoint:


Note: If you're using API key authentication, append ?key=YOUR_API_KEY to the end of the request. See the quickstart guide for an example.

AnalyzeComment request

  "comment": {
    "text": string,
    "type": string
  "context": {
    "entries": [{
      "text": string,
      "type": string
  "requestedAttributes": {
    string: {
      "scoreType": string,
      "scoreThreshold": float
  "languages": [string],
  "doNotStore": bool,
  "clientToken": string,
  "sessionId": string,
Field Description
comment.text (required) The text to score. This is assumed to be utf8 raw text of the text to be checked. Emoji and other non-ascii characters can be included (raw HTML will probably result in lower performance).
comment.type (optional) The text type of comment.text. Either "PLAIN_TEXT" or "HTML". Currently only "PLAIN_TEXT" is supported.
context.entries (optional) A list of objects providing the context for comment. Currently ignored by the API.
context.entries[].text (optional) The text of a context object.
context.entries[].type (optional) The text type of the corresponding context text. Same type as comment.text.
requestedAttributes (required) A map from model's attribute name to a configuration object. See the models section for a list of available model attribute names. If no configuration options are specified, sensible defaults are used, so the empty object {} is a valid (and common) choice.
requestedAttributes[name].scoreType (optional) The score type returned for this model attribute. Currently, only "PROBABILITY" is supported. Probability scores are in the range [0,1].
requestedAttributes[name].scoreThreshold (optional) The API won't return scores that are below this threshold for this model attribute. By default, all scores are returned.
languages (optional) A list of ISO 631-1 two-letter language codes specifying the language(s) that comment is in (for example, "en", "es", "fr", "de", "zh", etc). If unspecified, the API will autodetect the comment language. If language detection fails, the API returns an error. Note: Currently, all models only support English. Explicitly specifying a language other than "en" will fail. If the language autodetection determines the comment is in a non-English language, the request also fails.
doNotStore (optional) Whether the API is permitted to store comment and context from this request. Stored comments will be used for future research and community model building purposes to improve the API over time. We also plan to provide dashboards and automated analysis of the comments submitted, which will apply only to those stored. Defaults to false (request data may be stored). Important note: This should be set to true if data being submitted is private (i.e. not publicly accessible), or if the data submitted contains content written by someone under 13 years old.
clientToken (optional) An opaque token that is echoed back in the response.
sessionId (optional) An opaque session id. This should be set for authorship experiences by the client side so that groups of requests can be grouped together into a session.

Note that only comment.text and requestedAttributes are required.

AnalyzeComment response

  "attributeScores": {
    string: {
      "summaryScore": {
        "value": float,
        "type": string
      "spanScores": [{
        "begin": int,
        "end": int,
        "score": {
           "value": float,
           "type": string
  "languages": [string],
  "clientToken": string
Field Description
attributeScores A map from model attribute name to per-attribute score objects. The attribute names will mirror the request's requestedAttributes.
attributeScores[name].summaryScore.value The model attribute summary score for the entire comment. All attributes will return a summaryScore (unless the request specified a scoreThreshold for the attribute that the summaryScore did not exceed).
attributeScores[name].summaryScore.type This mirrors the requested scoreType for this attribute.
attributeScores[name].spanScores A list of per-span scores for this attribute. These scores apply to different parts of the request's comment.text. Note: Some attributes may not return spanScores at all.
attributeScores[name].spanScores[].begin Beginning of the text span in the request comment.
attributeScores[name].spanScores[].end End of the text span in the request comment.
attributeScores[name].spanScores[].score.value The attribute score for the span delimited by begin and end.
attributeScores[name].spanScores[].score.type Same as summaryScore.type.
languages Mirrors the request's languages. If no languages were specified, the API returns the auto-detected language.
clientToken Mirrors the request's clientToken.

AnalyzeComment example

This is a request for the "TOXICITY" and "UNSUBSTANTIAL" models for a comment that's explicitly in English.

// Request
  "comment": {
     "text": "What kind of idiot name is foo? Sorry, I like your name."
  "languages": ["en"],
  "requestedAttributes": {
    "TOXICITY": {},

The response contains the "TOXICITY" and "UNSUBSTANTIAL" model scores. Each attribute has a single overall summaryScore as well as two spanScores.

Both models return the same spans in this case: the span [0, 31) (corresponding to "What kind of idiot name is foo?") and the span [32, 56) (corresponding to "Sorry, I like your name."). Models may not always return the same spans, however.

// Response
  "attributeScores": {
    "TOXICITY": {
      "summaryScore": {
        "value": 0.8627961,
        "type": "PROBABILITY"
      "spanScores": [
          "begin": 0,
          "end": 31,
          "score": {
            "value": 0.52690625,
            "type": "PROBABILITY"
          "begin": 32,
          "end": 55,
          "score": {
            "value": 0.9106685,
            "type": "PROBABILITY"
      "summaryScore": {
        "value": 0.69036055,
        "type": "PROBABILITY"
  "languages": [

Sending feedback: SuggestCommentScore

The SuggestCommentScore endpoints submits feedback to the API in the form of a suggested score. You can use this method if you disagree with a score and would like to improve the model. All submissions to SuggestCommentScore are stored and used to improve the API and related services. This method should not be used for private data (i.e. for data that is not accessible publicly), or if the data submitted contains content written by someone under 13 years old.


SuggestCommentScore request

  "comment": {
    "text": string,
    "type": string
  "context": {
    "entries": [{
      "text": string,
      "type": string
  "attributeScores": {
    string: {
      "summaryScore": {
         "value": float,
         "type": string
      "spanScores": [{
        "begin": int,
        "end": int,
        "score": {
           "value": float,
           "type": string
  "languages": [string],
  "communityId": string,
  "clientToken": string
Field Description
comment (required) Same as AnalyzeComment request.
context (optional) Same as AnalyzeComment request.
attributeScores Similar to AnalyzeComment response. This holds the attribute scores that the client believes the comment should have. It has the same format as the attributeScores field in the AnalyzeComment response, as it's what the client believes is the correct "answer" for what this comment should be scored as. The client can specify just summary scores, just span scores, or both.
languages (optional) Same as AnalyzeComment request.
communityId (optional) Opaque identifier associating this score suggestion with a particular community. If set, this field allows us to differentiate suggestions from different communities, as each community may have different norms.
clientToken An opaque token that is echoed back in the response.

SuggestCommentScore response

  "clientToken": string
Field Description
clientToken Mirrors the request's clientToken.

SuggestCommentScore example

This is a request stating that the comment has a "TOXICITY" summary score of 0.

// Request
  "comment": {
    "text": "I guess it comes down a simple choice: Get busy living, or get busy dying."
  "attributeScores": {
    "TOXICITY": {
      "summaryScore": {
        "value": 0
  "communityId": "/forum/movies",
  "clientToken": "comment-53922"

The response is not particularly interesting:

// Response
  "clientToken": "comment-53922"

API client libraries

Since the API isn't yet fully public, there aren't ready-made client libraries. However, you can effectively generate one at runtime with the Google API Client Libraries. The API Client Libraries have been released for many languages. Here, we walk through a few versions.


Here's an example with the Python version of the Google API Client Libraries. First, install the library following the directions here.)

Then try this:

from googleapiclient import discovery


# Generates API client object dynamically based on service name and version.
service ='commentanalyzer', 'v1alpha1', developerKey=API_KEY)

analyze_request = {
  'comment': { 'text': 'friendly greetings from python' },
  'requestedAttributes': {'TOXICITY': {}}

response = service.comments().analyze(body=analyze_request).execute()

import json
print json.dumps(response, indent=2)

You should see something like:

  "languages": ["en"],
  "attributeScores": {
    "TOXICITY": {
      "summaryScore": {
        "type": "PROBABILITY",
        "value": 0.012669894

Our friendly greeting got a low toxicity score, whew.


Here's an example with the Node.js version of the API Client Libraries. First, install the library (the NPM package is googleapis; see their docs for details).

Then try this:

var googleapis = require('googleapis');

API_KEY = 'copy-your-api-key-here'
DISCOVERY_URL = '$discovery/rest?version=v1alpha1'

googleapis.discoverAPI(DISCOVERY_URL, (err, client) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  var analyzeRequest = {
    comment: {text: 'Jiminy cricket! Well gosh durned it! Oh damn it all!'},
    requestedAttributes: {'TOXICITY': {}}
  client.comments.analyze({key: API_KEY, resource: analyzeRequest}, (err, response) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

You should see something like:

  "attributeScores": {
    "TOXICITY": {
      "spanScores": [
          "score": {
            "value": 0.4445836,
            "type": "PROBABILITY"
      "summaryScore": {
        "value": 0.4445836,
        "type": "PROBABILITY"
  "languages": [

Which shows that our old timey exclamations get lower toxicity scores.