A fully working website for posting/sharing art.
Currently under heavy development. Contributions are welcome, my discord handle
- Homepage
- Pull art from discord server.
- Display art in website gallery.
- Add author profiles with their art only.
- Refactoring and making the code easier to work with and read. link
- (in progress) Add connection limit and throttle and auto block.
- Add admin dashboard for seeing ip's and connection count with ability to block.
- Add authentication by email or discord.
- Add galley sorting and filtering.
- Add fav button.
- Add user profile with user settings and their favorited art.
- Add comments.
docker compose up
before you can run it manually, you need to setup the mongodb database first. Easiest way would be cd mongo && docker compose up
which will only start the database instance.
And then you can run the website with:
sudo pacman -S rustup sudo git base-devel go binaryen nodejs npm
npm -g i tailwindcss
rustup toolchain install stable
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup default stable
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli
cargo run --package artcord-builder
it should also work with cargo-leptos serve
but i dont use it personally.