Provides development tools mainly used in the development of skypager itself.
This provides the following command:
$ skypager test
So assuming your project doesn't have a scripts/test.js
file it will run the test script in this project
This script starts the mocha-webpack
command for you, with the webpack build config that @skypager/webpack
finds for your project.
Mocha looks in test/test.js
for a global test setup file. If you have one, we'll use that. If you don't provide one, by default we'll load
the following default
// Load Test Environment Utilities
const chai = require('chai')
const should = chai.should() // eslint-disable-line
const sinon = require('sinon')
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai')
global.expect = chai.expect
// sinon provides test spies
global.sinon = sinon
- Mocha Webpack
- Chai.js
- See other libraries in package.json