- Test, with Line 30464 and 650 type scenarios.
- Fix the findCommon methods, ask Edward or Torrence for help making it less exponential.
- Remove Japanese/Non-Simplified/English words from Related output. (done, test)
- Calculate Probabilities based on occurance counts now that they actually exist! (Done)
- Perhaps add a "total" key to the dictionary to record stuff? (Done)
- Add option to dump all the outputs! (Done)
- Efficiency!
- Test
- All lowercase!
- Use (first) Newdict and search for the correct word.(done)
- If not, go to BabelQuery.(done)
- Perhaps add option for "precision" mode that uses both? (done)
- Done, rerun newdict to reflect the new lowercase, or remove lowercase meme?
- See if can add BabelQuery module that returns highest matched term instead of all.
- Should read from existing text.
- Given a series of nouns relating to a classifier:
- BabelQuery them and get some related ideas.
- Identify surrounding grammar?
- Store information!!!
- Similar idea
- Read from existing text
- If conjoiner, then record before/after term types
- Store information!!!
- Markov Model Merge Probabilities? (E-C * C)
- Download and tag corpora
- Train sentence Markov models
- Phrase detection? (requires further thought)
- Run the contextualisers and get information
- Start work on putting it all together.
- After putting it all together, test against Google Translate - get the API?
- Start
- Expects text file to translate
- Expects sentence Markov model pickles.
- Expects classifier/conjoiner models.
- Expects valid API key
- for each sentence:
- create translatedSentence datatype
- tag POS
- Predict Chinese POS sequence by generating based on probabilities: E-C * C or some other approach to using both E-C and C
- Generate and then confirm: if greater than 50% probability or something then it's fine?
- Go through, for each POS:
- if normal, send through translation pipeline, add into sentence
- Translation Pipeline: Dictionary (manipulated, good methods to get information), then BabelNet (Get related words, ideally with probabilities)
- BabelNet: Requires getSenses, getEdges methods to really do anything.
- Translation Pipeline: Dictionary (manipulated, good methods to get information), then BabelNet (Get related words, ideally with probabilities)
- if conjoiner position, select proper based on models, run through decision model.
- if classifier position, select proper based on models, run through decision model.
- if normal, send through translation pipeline, add into sentence
- Return translatedSentence
- Repeat until finished, output to text file.
- Finish proposal and paperwork (proposal finished, contact Torrence about paperwork 08/01/19)
- Test and fix existing modules/code (~1 hr) (Done!)
- Figure out Google Translate API Access (~1 hr)
- See if BLEU/METEOR work (~1 hr)
- Term datatype? With automated flow outlined in 'for each POS'? There was one datatype I was thinking of earlier that I should implement (~30 min, excluding testing)
- POS Model Builder: Using the Markov system I have, scan through a text file, tag POS, and train the models! (~40 min)
- Confirm by creating a sample sequence based on the probabilities (~10 min)
- For sure want a 'generate' system for Markov system (~30 min)
- Classifier Model Builder: Using the Markov system, scan through a series of pairs of classifiers and their surroundings, build a relationship of what BN information is related to the classifier (~2 hrs)
- Finish getRelated of babelQuery (~40 min) (DONE! IT WORKS!)
- See if babelQuery can return highest prob matched (~30 min)
- Rerun newdict to reflect lowercase only (~10 min) (DONE!)
- Conjoiner Model Builder: Given the context, generate some sort of data. (~1 hr)
- Build Main Translation Script (~2 hr)
- Build Corpora processing script: divide into chunks for POS model builder, or build processing into each of the model builders. (~2 hr)
- Change getEdges to return a list so everything is far easier.
- Map: Apply function to all
- Filter: Returns all that return True
08/01/19: What do I have so far?
- Semi-Functional but untested newdict
- Definition class with working parser
- Dictionary that creates Definitions and splits (in theory)
- Retrieve method
- Fully functional BabelQuery
- Fully functional getRelated (albeit without some features)
- Non-Functional getEdges
- Semi-Functional Markov Model system.
- untested, likely semi-functional translation pipeline
08/01/19: Testing each of the semi-functional things
- newdict (IT WORKS! \o/)
- Rerun with lowercase
- Also, try looking for match for ALL original terms - if no match found then that's no good
- newdict checkfiles and retrieve is broken!!!
- Fix the "div" statement - it's broken!
- getEdges (IT WORKS!)
- When done, find some similar terms (corn, rice) and see if it does what it intends.
- The whole idea of the final thing is to first see if a correlation can be found within reasonable distance, otherwise just dump the original and all of its related, might require further thought
- Markov Model System (IT WORKS! YAAAS!)
- Try training a test based on a basic, fairly simple test file with some states (e.g. "a","b","c")
- Try the "generate" and see if it generates at least something.
- Translation Pipeline
- Fairly linear, just put some words through with the "accuracy" option set to yes or no.
- G undercounted by 1
- ' overcounted by 1
- S undercounted by 1
if count>len(l)-1: break
Stuff like this will cause deep bad, use >=
This is causing some trouble: ü :(
edge1 = bq.getEdges(queue1[0],key)
edge2 = bq.getEdges(queue2[0],key)
for x in edge1:
for y in edge2:
if x["target"]==y["target"]:
common = list(dict.fromkeys(common))
if len(common)>0:
- Init with rid1, rid2, pos, pass count, key
- If passcount is not specified do 1 pass from initial.
- Queue1
- Queue2
- Final1
- Final2
- Queue1 initialised with rid1
- Queue2 initialised with rid2
- Get for rid1 > tmp1
- Get for rid2 > tmp2
- Queue1 = tmp1
- Queue2 = tmp2
- Figure out Google Translate API Access (~1 hr)
- See if BLEU/METEOR work (~1 hr)
- Classifier Model Builder: Using the Markov system, scan through a series of pairs of classifiers and their surroundings, build a relationship of what BN information is related to the classifier (~2 hrs)
- Translation pipeline
- Build Main Translation Script (~2 hr)
- Build Corpora processing script: divide into chunks for POS model builder, or build processing into each of the model builders. (~3 hr)
- Collect conjoiners
- Collect classifier contexts
- Collect POS transitions: parallel and otherwise, train models based on them.
- Modify Markov to have a "reset" tag in the middl that will just start transition recording again.
- Problem: POS tags included may not be compatible with what's actually in the sentence.
- Term datatype? With automated flow outlined in 'for each POS'? There was one datatype I was thinking of earlier that I should implement (~30 min, excluding testing)
- See if babelQuery can return highest prob matched (~30 min) (domains, weight, frequency all not super useable, consider in next iteration)
- Rework Dictionary for static retrieval, retrieve actual words
- Conjoiner Model Builder: Given the context, generate some sort of data. (~1 hr)(Finished)
- Requires somewhat substantial modification of markov system (finished)
- Finish proposal and paperwork (proposal finished, contact Torrence about paperwork 08/01/19)
- POS Model Builder: Using the Markov system I have, scan through a text file, tag POS, and train the models! (~40 min)
- Confirm by creating a sample sequence based on the probabilities (~10 min)
- POS Creator needs some testing once some actual data is in place (~1 hr)
- Build script to tag POS, train ZH and bilingual MM (make sure to include sentence start, "zh" in front of Chinese) (1 hr) (Monday)
- Fix Newdict (1 hr) (Tuesday)
- Translation Pipeline (Wednesday during after-school robotics)
- Conjoiner MM trainer and user (1 hr) (Friday)
- Classifier data finder (2 hr)