A turn-key solution for integrating Quilt client-side libraries into your Rails app, with support for server-side-rendering using @shopify/react-server
, integration with @shopify/sewing-kit
for building, testing and linting, and front-end performance tracking through @shopify/performance
- Server-side-rendering
- Performance tracking a React app
Warning: quilt_rails's server-side-rendering module ReactRenderable
does not work at scale. Improvements to its architecture are being investigated. In its current state, it can be used for:
- Workshop applications
- Proof of concept applications
- Low traffic applications
For a description of the current architecture's problems, see this Github comment.
The "decide on a scalable quilt_rails architecture" issue will track discussion of future architectures.
To scale up existing quilt_rails applications, skip server-side queries in your components. e.g.:
useQuery(MyQuery, {
skip: typeof document === 'undefined',
Using the magic of generators, we can spin up a basic app with a few console commands.
dev init
When prompted, choose rails
. This will generate a basic Rails application scaffold.
bundle add sewing_kit quilt_rails
This will install our ruby dependencies and update the project's gemfile.
rails generate quilt:install
This will install the Node dependencies, provide a basic React app (in TypeScript) and mounts the Quilt engine inside of config/routes.rb
dev up
dev server
Will run the application, starting up both servers and compiling assets.
An application can also be setup manually using the following steps.
# Add ruby dependencies
bundle add sewing_kit quilt_rails
# Add core Node dependencies
yarn add @shopify/sewing-kit @shopify/react-server
# Add React
yarn add react react-dom
# Add Typescript
yarn add typescript @types/react @types/react-dom
// tsconfig.json
"extends": "@shopify/typescript-configs/application.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"rootDir": "."
"include": ["app/ui"]
dev up
There are 2 ways to consume this package.
Add the engine to routes.rb
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Quilt::Engine, at: '/'
If only a sub-section of routes should respond with the React App, it can be configured using the at
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Quilt::Engine, at: '/path/to/react'
Create a ReactController
to handle react requests.
class ReactController < ApplicationController
include Quilt::ReactRenderable
def index
Add routes to default to the ReactController
get '/*path', to: 'react#index'
root 'react#index'
looks for the top level component of your React app in app/ui/index
. The component exported from this component (and any imported JS/CSS) will be built into a main
bundle, and used to render the initial server-rendered markup.
We will add a basic entrypoint using React with some HTML.
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
function App() {
return <h1>My application ❤️</h1>;
export default App;
dev server
Will run the application, starting up both servers and compiling assets.
The basic layout for an app using quilt_rails
and friends will have a ui
folder nested inside the normal Rails app
folder, containing at least an index.js file exporting a React component.
├── Gemfile (must contain "gem 'sewing_kit" and "gem 'quilt_rails'")
├── package.json (must specify '@shopify/sewing-kit' and `@shopify/react-server` as 'dependencies')
└── app
└── ui
│ └─- index.{js|ts} (exports a React component)
└── controllers
└─- react_controller.rb (see above)
A more complex application will want a more complex layout. The following shows scalable locations for:
- Global SCSS settings
- App sections (roughly analogous to Rails routes)
- Components
- Co-located CSS modules
- Co-located unit tests
- Test setup files
└── app
└── ui
├─- index.{js|ts} (exports a React component)
├── styles (optional)
└── shared.scss (common functions/mixins you want available in every scss file. Requires configuring `plugin.sass`'s `autoInclude` option in `sewing-kit.config.js`)
└── tests (optional)
│ └── each-test.{js|ts}
│ └── setup.{js|ts}
└── features (optional)
├── App
│ ├── index.{js|ts}
│ ├── App.{js|ts}x
│ └── tests
│ └── App.test.{js|ts}x
├-─ MyComponent
│ ├-─ index.{js|ts}
│ ├-─ MyComponent.{js|ts}x
│ ├── MyComponent.scss (optional; component-scoped CSS styles, mixins, etc)
│ └── tests
│ └── MyComponent.test.{js|ts}x
└── sections (optional; container views that compose presentation components into UI blocks)
└── Home
├-─ index.{js|ts}
└── Home.{js|ts}
For fast tests with consistent results, test front-end components using the tools provided by sewing-kit instead of Rails integration tests.
Use sewing-kit test
to run all .test.{js|ts}x
files in the app/ui
directory. Jest is used as a test runner, with customization available via its sewing-kit plugin.
For testing React applications we provide and support @shopify/react-testing
Given a component MyComponent.tsx
// app/ui/components/MyComponent/MyComponent.tsx
export function MyComponent({name}: {name: string}) {
return <div>Hello, {name}!</div>;
A test would be written using Jest and @shopify/react-testing
's mount
// app/ui/components/MyComponent/tests/MyComponent.test.tsx
import {MyComponent} from '../MyComponent';
describe('MyComponent', () => {
it('greets the given named person', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent name="Kokusho" />);
// toContainReactText is a custom matcher provided by @shopify/react-testing/matchers
expect(wrapper).toContainReactText('Hello, Kokusho');
Often you will want to hook up custom polyfills, global mocks, or other logic that needs to run either before the initialization of the test environment, or once for each test suite.
By default, sewing-kit will look for such test setup files under /app/ui/tests
. Check out the documentation for more details.
React-server sets up @shopify/react-network automatically, so most interactions with the request or response can be done from inside the React app.
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import {useRequestHeader} from '@shopify/react-network';
function App() {
// get `some-header` from the request that was sent through Rails
const someHeaderICareAbout = useRequestHeader('some-header');
return (
<h1>My application ❤️</h1>
export default App;
In some cases you may want to send custom headers from Rails to your React server. Quilt facilitates this case by providing consumers with a headers
argument on the render_react
class ReactController < ApplicationController
include Quilt::ReactRenderable
def index
render_react(headers: {'x-custom-header': 'header-value-a'})
Headers can be accessed during server-side-rendering with the useRequestHeader
hook from @shopify/react-network
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import {useRequestHeader} from '@shopify/react-network';
function App() {
const header = useRequestHeader('x-custom-header');
return <h1>Data: {header}</h1>;
export default App;
In some cases you may want to send basic data from Rails to your React server. Quilt facilitates this case by providing consumers with a data
argument on the render_react
Note: The data passed should be data that is unlikely or will never change over the course of the session before they render any React components.
class ReactController < ApplicationController
include Quilt::ReactRenderable
def index
render_react(data: {'some_id': 123})
The React server will serialize the provided quilt data using quilt-data
as the ID. You can then get this serialized data on the client with getSerialized
from @shopify/react-html
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import {getSerialized} from '@shopify/react-html';
const IS_CLIENT = typeof window !== 'undefined';
function App() {
// get the serialized data from the request that was sent through Rails ReactController
const quiltData = IS_CLIENT ? getSerialized<Record<string, any>>('quilt-data') : null;
// Logs {"some_id":123}
return <h1>Data: {quiltData}</h1>;
export default App;
If using the webpack plugin, this will be done automatically and the data will be passed into your application as the data
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
function App({data}: {data: Record<string, any>}) {
// Logs {"some_id":123}
return <h1>Data: {data}</h1>;
export default App;
// app/ui/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import {useRedirect} from '@shopify/react-network';
function App() {
// redirect to google as soon as we render
return <h1>My application ❤️</h1>;
export default App;
With SSR enabled React apps, state must be serialized on the server and deserialized on the client to keep it consistent. When using @shopify/react-server
, the best tool for this job is @shopify/react-html
's useSerialized
can be used to implement universal-providers, allowing application code to manage what is persisted between the server and client without adding any custom code to client or server entrypoints. We offer some for common use cases such as CSRF, GraphQL, I18n, and the Shopify App Bridge.
By default, sewing-kit bundles in @shopify/react-server-webpack-plugin
for quilt_rails
applications to get apps up and running fast without needing to manually write any node server code.
If what it provides is not sufficient, a completely custom server can be defined by adding a server.js
or server.ts
file to the app/ui
folder. The simplest way to customize the server is to export the object created by @shopify/react-server
's createServer
call in server.ts
└── appeon
└── ui
└─- app.{js|ts}x
└─- index.{js|ts}
└─- server.{js|ts}x
When a React component sends HTTP requests back to a Rails endpoint (e.g., /graphql
), Rails may throw a Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
exception. This stems from the Rails CSRF tokens not persisting until after the first UiController
call ends.
If your API does not require session data, the easiest way to deal with this is to use protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
. This will work for APIs that either have no authentication requirements, or use header based authentication.
class GraphqlController < ApplicationController
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
def execute
# Get GraphQL query, etc
result = MySchema.execute(query, operation_name: operation_name, variables: variables, context: context)
render(json: result)
If your API does require session data, you can follow these steps:
- Add an
header to all GraphQL requests with a value of 1 (this is done automatically if you are using@shopify/react-graphql-universal-provider
) - Add a
protect_from_forgery with: Quilt::HeaderCsrfStrategy
override to your controllers
class GraphqlController < ApplicationController
protect_from_forgery with: Quilt::HeaderCsrfStrategy
def execute
# Get GraphQL query, etc
result = MySchema.execute(query, operation_name: operation_name, variables: variables, context: context)
render(json: result)
Using Quilt::Performance::Reportable
and @shopify/react-performance it's easy to add performance tracking to apps usingsewing_kit
for client-side-rendering or quilt_rails
for server-side-rendering.
- Install the gem (if your app is not already using
bundle add quilt_rails
- Install
, the library we will use to annotate our React application and send performance reports to our server.
yarn add @shopify/react-performance
If your application is not using Quilt::Engine
, you will need to manually configure the server-side portion of performance tracking. If it is using the engine, the following will be done automatically.
- Add a
and the corresponding routes to your Rails app.
# app/controllers/performance_report_controller.rb
class PerformanceReportController < ActionController::Base
include Quilt::Performance::Reportable
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
def create
render(json: { result: 'success' }, status: 200)
rescue ActionController::ParameterMissing => error
render(json: { error: error.message }, status: 422)
- Add a route pointing at the controller.
# config/routes.rb
post '/performance_report', to: 'performance_report#create'
# rest of routes
Add a usePerformanceMark
call to each of your route-level components.
// app/ui/features/Home/Home.tsx
import {usePerformanceMark} from '@shopify/react-performance';
export function Home() {
// tell the library the page has finished rendering completely
usePerformanceMark('complete', 'Home');
return <>{/* your Home page JSX goes here*/}</>;
Add a usePerformanceReport
call to your top-level <App />
// app/ui/foundation/App/App.tsx
import {usePerformanceReport} from '@shopify/react-performance';
export function App() {
// send the report to the server
return <>{/* your app JSX goes here*/}</>;
For more details on how to use the APIs from @shopify/react-performance
check out its documentation.
By default quilt_rails
will not send metrics in development mode. To verify your app is setup correctly you can check in your network tab when visiting your application and see that POST requests are sent to /performance_report
, and recieve a 200 OK
If you want more insight into what distributions would be sent in production, you can use the on_distribution
callback provided by the library to setup logging.
# app/controllers/performance_report_controller.rb
class PerformanceReportController < ActionController::Base
include Quilt::Performance::Reportable
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
def create
# customize process_report's behaviour with a block
process_report do |client|
client.on_distribution do |name, value, tags|
# We log out the details of each distribution that would be sent in production.
Rails.logger.debug("Distribution: #{name}, #{value}, #{tags}")
render json: { result: 'success' }, status: 200
rescue ActionController::ParameterMissing => error
render json: { error: error.message, status: 422 }
Now you can check your Rails console output and verify that metrics are reported as expected.
Attention Shopifolk! If using
endpoint will already be configured for you in production. You should not need to do the following. ✨
To tell Quilt::Performance::Reportable
where to send it's distributions, setup the environment variables detailed documentation.
The ReactRenderable
mixin is intended to be used in Rails controllers, and provides only the render_react
method. This method handles proxying to a running @shopify/react-server
class ReactController < ApplicationController
include Quilt::ReactRenderable
def index
The Quilt::Performance::Reportable
mixin is intended to be used in Rails controllers, and provides only the process_report
method. This method handles parsing an incoming report from @shopify/react-performance's <PerformanceReport />
component (or a custom report in the same format) and sending it to your application's StatsD endpoint as distribution
s using StatsD-Instrument
does not require you to use theReact::Renderable
mixin, React-Server, or even any server-side-rendering solution at all. It should work perfectly fine for applications using something likesewing_kit_script_tag
based client-side-rendering.
class PerformanceController < ApplicationController
include Quilt::Performance::Reportable
def create
The params sent to the controller are expected to be of type application/json
. Given the following example JSON sent by @shopify/react-performance
"connection": {
"rtt": 100,
"downlink": 2,
"effectiveType": "3g",
"type": "4g"
"navigations": [
"details": {
"start": 12312312,
"duration": 23924,
"target": "/",
"events": [
"type": "script",
"start": 23123,
"duration": 124
"type": "style",
"start": 23,
"duration": 14
"result": 0
"metadata": {
"index": 0,
"supportsDetailedTime": true,
"supportsDetailedEvents": true
"events": [
"type": "ttfb",
"start": 2,
"duration": 1000
given the the above controller input, the library would send the following metrics:
StatsD.distribution('time_to_first_byte', 2, tags: {
StatsD.distribution('time_to_first_byte', 2, tags: {
browser_connection_type:'3g' ,
StatsD.distribution('navigation_complete', 23924, tags: {
browser_connection_type:'3g' ,
StatsD.distribution('navigation_usable', 23924, tags: {
browser_connection_type:'3g' ,
The full list of metrics sent by default are as follows:
, representing the time from the start of the request to when the server began responding with data.AppName.time_to_first_paint
, representing the time from the start of the request to when the browser rendered anything to the screen.AppName.time_to_first_contentful_paint
representing the time from the start of the request to when the browser rendered meaningful content to the screen.AppName.dom_content_loaded
representing the time from the start of the request to when the browser fired the DOMContentLoaded event.AppName.dom_load
representing the time from the start of the request to when the browser fired the window.load event.
, representing the time it took before for the page to be rendered in a usable state. Usually this does not include data fetching or asynchronous tasks.AppName.navigation_complete
representing the time it took for the page to be fully loaded, including any data fetching which blocks above-the-fold content.AppName.navigation_download_size
, representing the total weight of all client-side assets (eg. CSS, JS, images). This will only be sent if there are any events with atype
, representing what percentage of client-side assets (eg. CSS, JS, images) were returned from the browser's cache. This will only be sent if there are any events with atype
The behaviour of process_report
can be customized by manipulating the Quilt::Performance::Client
instance yielded into its implicit block parameter.
process_report do |client|
# client.on_distribution do ....
The Quilt::Performance::Client
class is yielded into the block parameter for process_report
, and is the primary API for customizing what metrics are sent for a given POST.
The on_distribution
method takes a block which is run for each distribution (including custom ones) sent during process_report
The provided callback can be used to easily add logging or other side-effects to your measurements.
client.on_distribution do |metric_name, value, tags|
Rails.logger.debug "#{metric_name}: #{value}, tags: #{tags}"
The on_navigation
method takes a block which is run once per navigation reported to the performance controller before the default distributions for the navigation are sent.
The provided callback can be used to add tags to the default distributions
for a given navigation.
client.on_navigation do |navigation, tags|
# add tags to be sent with each distribution for this navigation
tags[:connection_rtt] = navigation.connection.rtt
tags[:connection_type] = navigation.connection.type
tags[:navigation_target] = navigation.target
# add a tag to allow filtering out navigations that are too long
# this is useful when you are unable to rule out missing performance marks on some pages
tags[:too_long_dont_read] = navigation.duration > 30.seconds.in_milliseconds
It can also be used to compute and send entirely custom metrics.
client.on_navigation do |navigation, tags|
# calculate and then send an additional distribution
weight = navigation.events_with_size.reduce(0) do |total, event|
total + event.size
client.distribution('navigation_total_resource_weight', weight, tags)
The on_event
method takes a block which is run once per event reported to the performance controller before the default distributions for the event are sent.
The provided callback can be used to add tags to the default distributions
for a given event, or perform other side-effects.
client.on_event do |event, tags|
# add tags to be sent with each distribution for this event
tags[:connection_rtt] = event.connection.rtt
tags[:connection_type] = event.connection.type
- a preconfigured
which consumesReactRenderable
- a preconfigured
which consumesPerformance::Reportable
- a
route mapped toperformance_report#index
- a catch-all index route mapped to the
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Quilt::Engine, at: '/my-front-end'
The above is the equivalent of
post '/my-front-end/performance_report', to: 'performance_report#create'
get '/my-front-end/*path', to: 'ui#index'
get '/my-front-end', to: 'ui#index'
The configure
method allows customization of the address the service will proxy to for UI rendering.
# config/initializers/quilt.rb
Quilt.configure do |config|
config.react_server_host = "localhost:3000"
config.react_server_protocol = 'https'
The Performance::Reportable
mixin uses https://github.com/Shopify/statsd-instrument to send distributions. For detailed instructions on configuring where it sends data see the documentation.
Installs the Node dependencies, provide a basic React app (in TypeScript) and mounts the Quilt engine in config/routes.rb
Adds a basic sewing-kit.config.ts