Address utilities for loading and ordering addresses.
$ yarn add @shopify/address
field in Address is expected to be of format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, eg. CA / FR / JP
Instantiate the AddressFormatter by passing it a locale.
Update the locale of the formatter. Following requests will be in the given locale.
Loads and return data about a given country in the locale used for instanciation. Country and province names are localized. Province names are ordered based on the locale
Loads and return data about a all countries in the given locale. Countries are ordered alphabetically based on the locale. Zones are also ordered based on the locale.
Returns how to order address fields.
['firstName', 'lastName'],
['country', 'province', 'zip'],
Given an address, returns the address ordered for multiline show. Eg.
['Shopify', 'Lindenstraße 9-14', '10969 Berlin', 'Germany'];
Show an address:
import AddressFormatter from '@shopify/address';
const address = {
company: 'Shopify',
firstName: '恵子',
lastName: '田中',
address1: '八重洲1-5-3',
address2: '',
city: '目黒区',
province: 'JP-13',
zip: '100-8994',
country: 'JP',
phone: '',
const addressFormatter = new AddressFormatter('ja');
await addressFormatter.format(address);
/* =>
await addressFormatter.getOrderedFields('CA');
/* =>
['firstName', 'lastName'],
['country', 'province', 'zip'],
If your component uses this package and you want to test it with mock API calls you can use the following
import {fetch} from '@shopify/jest-dom-mocks';
import {mockCountryRequests} from '@shopify/address/tests';
Note: Only FR / JA and EN are mocked.