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MessagePack implementation for Arduino (compatible with other C++ apps)


  • one-line [serialize / deserialize] for almost all standard type of C++ same as msgpack-c
  • support custom class [serialization / deserialization]
  • support working with ArduinoJSON
  • one-line [save / load] between custom serializable MsgPack class and JSON file
  • one-line [save / load] custom serializable MsgPack class [to / from] EEPROM

Typical Usage

This library is only for serialize / deserialize. To send / receive serialized data with Stream class, please use MsgPacketizer.

#include <MsgPack.h>

// input to msgpack
int i = 123;
float f = 1.23;
MsgPack::str_t s = "str"; // std::string or String
MsgPack::arr_t<int> v {1, 2, 3}; // std::vector or arx::stdx::vector
MsgPack::map_t<String, float> m {{"one", 1.1}, {"two", 2.2}, {"three", 3.3}}; // std::map or arx::stdx::map

// output from msgpack
int ri;
float rf;
MsgPack::str_t rs;
MsgPack::arr_t<int> rv;
MsgPack::map_t<String, float> rm;

void setup() {
    Serial.println("msgpack test start");

    // serialize to msgpack
    MsgPack::Packer packer;
    packer.serialize(i, f, s, v, m);

    // deserialize from msgpack
    MsgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
    unpacker.feed(, packer.size());
    unpacker.deserialize(ri, rf, rs, rv, rm);

    if (i != ri) Serial.println("failed: int");
    if (f != rf) Serial.println("failed: float");
    if (s != rs) Serial.println("failed: string");
    if (v != rv) Serial.println("failed: vector<int>");
    if (m != rm) Serial.println("failed: map<string, int>");

    Serial.println("msgpack test success");

void loop() {}

Encode / Decode to Collections without Container

In msgpack, there are two collection types: Array and Map. C++ containers will be converted to one of them but you can do that from individual parameters. To pack / unpack values as such collections in a simple way, please use these functions.

packer.to_array(i, f, s); // becoms array format [i, f, s];
unpacker.from_array(ii, ff, ss); // unpack from array format to ii, ff, ss

packer.to_map("i", i, "f", f); // becoms {"i":i, "f":f}
unpacker.from_map(ki, ii, kf, ff); // unpack from map to ii, ff, ss

The same conversion can be achieved using serialize and deserialize.

packer.serialize(MsgPack::arr_size_t(3), i, f, s); // [i, f, s]
unpacker.deserialize(MsgPack::arr_size_t(3), ii, ff, ss);

packer.serialize(MsgPack::map_size_t(2), "i", i, "f", f); // {"i":i, "f":f}
unpacker.deserialize(MsgPack::map_size_t(2), ki, ii, kf, ff);

Here, MsgPack::arr_size_t and MsgPack::map_size_t are used to identify the size of Array and Map format in serialize or deserialize. This way is expandable to pack and unpack complex data structure because it can be nested.

// {"i":i, "arr":[ii, iii]}
packer.serialize(MsgPack::map_size_t(2), "i", i, "arr", MsgPack::arr_size_t(2), ii, iii);
unpacker.deserialize(MsgPack::map_size_t(2), ki, i, karr, MsgPack::arr_size_t(2), ii, iii);

Custom Class Adaptation

To serialize / deserialize custom type you defined, please use MSGPACK_DEFINE() macro inside of your class. This macro enables you to convert your custom class to Array format.

struct CustomClass {
    int i;
    float f;
    MsgPack::str_t s;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE(i, f, s); // -> [i, f, s]

After that, you can serialize your class completely same as other types.

int i;
float f;
MsgPack::str_t s;
CustomClass c;

MsgPack::Packer packer;
packer.serialize(i, f, s, c);
// -> packer.serialize(i, f, s, arr_size_t(3), c.i, c.f, c.s)

int ii;
float ff;
MsgPack::str_t ss;
CustomClass cc;

MsgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
unpacker.feed(, packer.size());
unpacker.deserialize(ii, ff, ss, cc);

You can also wrap your custom class to Map format by using MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP macro. Please note that you need "key" string for Map format.

struct CustomClass {
    MsgPack::str_t key_i {"i"}; int i;
    MsgPack::str_t key_f {"f"}; float f;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP(key_i, i, key_f, f); // -> {"i":i, "f":f}

CustomClass c;
MsgPack::Packer packer;
// -> packer.serialize(map_size_t(2), c.key_i, c.i, c.key_f, c.f)

CustomClass cc;
MsgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
unpacker.feed(, packer.size());

Custom Class with Inheritance

Also you can use MSGPACK_BASE() macro to pack values of base class.

struct Base {
    int i;
    float f;

struct Derived : public Base {
    MsgPack::str_t s;
    // -> packer.serialize(arr_size_t(2), s, arr_size_t(2), Base::i, Base::f)

If you wamt to use Map format in derived class, add "key" for your MSGPACK_BASE.

struct Derived : public Base {
    MsgPack::str_t key_s; MsgPack::str_t s;
    MsgPack::str_t key_b; // key for base class
    MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP(key_s, s, key_b, MSGPACK_BASE(Base));
    // -> packer.serialize(map_size_t(2), key_s, s, key_b, arr_size_t(2), Base::i, Base::f)

Nested Custom Class

You can nest custom classes to express complex data structure.

// serialize and deserialize nested structure
// {"i":i, "f":f, "a":["str", {"first":1, "second":"two"}]}

// {"first":1, "second":"two"}
struct MyMap {
    MsgPack::str_t key_first; int i;
    MsgPack::str_t key_second; MsgPack::str_t s;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP(key_first, i, key_second, s);

// ["str", {"first":1, "second":"two"}]
struct MyArr {
    MsgPack::str_t s;
    MyMap m;

// {"i":i, "f":f, "a":["str", {"first":1, "second":"two"}]}
struct MyNestedClass {
    MsgPack::str_t key_i; int i;
    MsgPack::str_t key_f; int f;
    MsgPack::str_t key_a;
    MyArr arr;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE_MAP(key_i, i, key_f, f, key_a, arr);

And you can serialize / deserialize as same as other types.

MyNestedClass c;
MsgPack::Packer packer;

MyNestedClass cc;
MsgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
unpacker.feed(, packer.size());

JSON and Other language's msgpack compatibility

In other languages like JavaScript, Python and etc. has also library for msgpack. But some libraries can NOT convert msgpack in "plain" style. They always wrap them into collections like Array or Map by default. For example, you can't convert "plain" format in other languages.

packer.serialize(i, f, s);                // "plain" format is NOT unpackable
packer.serialize(arr_size_t(3), i, f, s); // unpackable if you wrap that into Array

It is because the msgpack is used as based on JSON (I think). So you need to use Array format for JSON array, and Map for Json Object. To achieve that, there are several ways.

  • use to_array or to_map to convert to simple structure
  • use serialize() or deserialize() with arr_size_t / map_size_t for complex structure
  • use custom class as JSON array / object which is wrapped into Array / Map
  • use custom class nest recursively for more complex structure
  • use ArduinoJson for more flexible handling of JSON

Use MsgPack with ArduinoJson

  • you can [serialize / deserialize] StaticJsonDocument<N> and DynamicJsonDocument directly
#include <ArduinoJson.h>  // include before MsgPack.h
#include <MsgPack.h>

void setup() {
    StaticJsonDocument<200> doc_in;
    MsgPack::Packer packer;
    packer.serialize(doc_in); // serialize directly

    StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
    MsgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
    unpacker.feed(, packer.size());
    unpacker.deserialize(doc); // deserialize directly


Save/Load to/from JSON file directly from/to MsgPack

You can directly save/load to/from JSON file with this library. SD, SdFat, SD_MMC, SPIFFS, etc. are available for the target file system. Please see save_load_as_json_file example for more details.

#include <SD.h>
#include <MsgPack.h>

struct MyConfig {
    Meta meta;
    Data data;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE(meta, data);

MyConfig config;

void setup() {

    // load json data from /config.txt to config struct directly
    MsgPack::file::load_from_json_static<256>(SD, "/config.txt", config);

    // change your configuration...

    // save config data from config struct to /config.txt as json directly
    MsgPack::file::save_as_json_static<256>(SD, "/config.txt", config);

Save/Load to/from EEPROM with MsgPack

In Arduino, you can use the MsgPack utility to save/load to/from EEPROM. Following code shows how to use them. Please see save_load_eeprom example for more details.

struct MyConfig {
    Meta meta;
    Data data;
    MSGPACK_DEFINE(meta, data);

MyConfig config;

void setup() {

    // load current config

    // change your configuration...

    // save


Supported Type Adaptors

These are the lists of types which can be serialize and deserialize. You can also pack() or unpack() variable one by one.


  • MsgPack::object::nil_t


  • bool


  • char (signed/unsigned)
  • ints (signed/unsigned)


  • float
  • double


  • char*
  • char[]
  • std::string or String(Arduino) (MsgPack::str_t)


  • unsigned char* (need to serialize(ptr, size) or pack(ptr, size))
  • unsigned char[] (need to serialize(ptr, size) or pack(ptr, size))
  • std::vector<char> (MsgPack::bin_t<char>)
  • std::vector<unsigned char> (MsgPack::bin_t<unsigned char>)
  • std::array<char>
  • std::array<unsigned char>


  • T[] (need to serialize(ptr, size) or pack(ptr, size))
  • std::vector (MsgPack::arr_t<T>)
  • std::array (MsgPack::fix_arr_t<T, N>)
  • std::deque
  • std::pair
  • std::tuple
  • std::list
  • std::forward_list
  • std::set
  • std::multiset
  • std::unordered_set
  • std::unordered_multiset


  • std::map (MsgPack::map_t<T>)
  • std::multimap
  • std::unordered_map
  • std::unordered_multimap


  • MsgPack::object::ext


  • MsgPack::object::timespec


  • std::queue
  • std::priority_queue
  • std::bitset
  • std::stack


  • unordered_xxx cannot be used in all Arduino
  • C-style array and pointers are supported only packing.
  • for NO-STL Arduino, following types can be used
    • all types of NIL, Bool, Integer, Float, Str, Bin
    • for Array, only T[], MsgPack::arr_t<T> (arx::stdx::vector<T>), and MsgPack::fix_arr_t<T, N> (arx::stdx::array<T, N>) can be used
    • for Map, only MsgPack::map_t<T, U> (arx::stdx::map<T, U>) can be used
    • for the detail of arx::stdx::xxx, see ArxContainer

Additional Types for MsgPack

There are some additional types are defined to express msgpack formats easily.

Type Aliases for Str / Bin / Array / Map

These types have type aliases like this:

  • MsgPack::str_t = String (Arduino only)
  • MsgPack::bin_t<T> = std::vector<T>
  • MsgPack::arr_t<T> = std::vector<T>
  • MsgPack::fix_arr_t<T, N> = std::array<T, N>
  • MsgPack::map_t<T, U> = std::map<T, U>

For general C++ apps (not Arduino), str_t is defined as:

  • MsgPack::str_t = std::string


MsgPack::object::nil_t is used to pack and unpack Nil type. This object is just a dummy and do nothing.


MsgPack::object::ext holds binary data of Ext type.

// create ext type with args: int8_t, const uint8_t*, uint32_t
MsgPack::object::ext e(type, bin_ptr, size);
MsgPack::Packer packer;
packer.serialize(e); // serialize ext type

MsgPack::object::ext r;
msgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
unpacker.feed(, packer.size());
unpacker.deserialize(r); // deserialize ext type


MsgPack::object::timespec is used to pack and unpack Timestamp type.

MsgPack::object::timespec t = {
    .tv_sec  = 123456789, /* int64_t  */
    .tv_usec = 123456789  /* uint32_t */
MsgPack::Packer packer;
packer.serialize(t); // serialize timestamp type

MsgPack::object::timespec r;
msgPack::Unpacker unpacker;
unpacker.feed(, packer.size());
unpacker.deserialize(r); // deserialize timestamp type

Other Options

Enable Error Info

Error information report is disabled by default. You can enable it by defining this macro.


Also you can change debug info stream by calling this macro (default: Serial).


See DebugLog for details.

Packet Data Storage Class Inside

STL is used to handle packet data by default, but for following boards/architectures, ArxContainer is used to store the packet data because STL can not be used for such boards. The storage size of such boards for max packet binary size and number of msgpack objects are limited.

  • AVR
  • megaAVR
  • SAMD

Memory Management (for NO-STL Boards)

As mentioned above, for such boards like Arduino Uno, the storage sizes are limited. And of course you can manage them by defining following macros. But these default values are optimized for such boards, please be careful not to excess your boards storage/memory.

// msgpack serialized binary size
// max size of MsgPack::arr_t
#define MSGPACK_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE          8
// max size of MsgPack::map_t
#define MSGPACK_MAX_MAP_SIZE            8
// msgpack objects size in one packet
#define MSGPACK_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE        24

These macros have no effect for STL enabled boards.

In addtion for such boards, type aliases for following types are different from others.

  • MsgPack::str_t = String
  • MsgPack::bin_t<T> = arx::stdx::vector<T, N = MSGPACK_MAX_PACKET_BYTE_SIZE>
  • MsgPack::arr_t<T> = arx::stdx::vector<T, N = MSGPACK_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE>
  • MsgPack::map_t<T, U> = arx::stdx::map<T, U, N = MSGPACK_MAX_MAP_SIZE>

Please see "Memory Management" section and ArxContainer for detail.

STL library for Arduino Support

For such boards, there are several STL libraries, like ArduinoSTL, StandardCPlusPlus, and so on. But such libraries are mainly based on uClibc++ and it has many lack of function. I considered to support them but I won't support them unless uClibc++ becomes much better compatibility to standard C++ library. I reccomend to use low cost but much better performance chip like ESP series.

Dependent Libraries

Embedded Libraries

Used Inside of



// reserve internal buffer
void reserve_buffer(const size_t size);

// variable sized serializer for any type
template <typename First, typename ...Rest>
void serialize(const First& first, Rest&&... rest);
template <typename T>
void serialize(const arr_size_t& arr_size, Args&&... args);
template <typename ...Args>
void serialize(const map_size_t& map_size, Args&&... args);
template <size_t N>
void serialize(const StaticJsonDocument<N>& doc, const size_t num_max_string_type = 32);
void serialize(const DynamicJsonDocument& doc, const size_t num_max_string_type = 32);
void serialize_arduinojson(const JsonDocument& doc, const size_t num_max_string_type = 32);

// variable sized serializer to array or map for any type
template <typename ...Args>
void to_array(Args&&... args);
template <typename ...Args>
void to_map(Args&&... args);

// single arg packer for any type
template <typename T>
void pack<T>(const T& t);
template <typename T>
void pack<T>(const T* ptr, const size_t size); // only for pointer types

// accesor and utility for serialized binary data
const bin_t<uint8_t>& packet() const;
const uint8_t* data() const;
size_t size() const;
size_t indices() const;
void clear();

// abstract serializer for msgpack formats
// serialize() and pack() are wrapper for these methods
void packInteger(const T& value); // accept both uint and int
void packFloat(const T& value);
void packString(const T& str);
void packString(const T& str, const size_t len);
void packBinary(const uint8_t* bin, const size_t size);
void packArraySize(const size_t size);
void packMapSize(const size_t size);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const T value);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const uint64_t value_h, const uint64_t value_l);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const uint8_t* ptr, const uint8_t size);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const uint16_t* ptr, const uint8_t size);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const uint32_t* ptr, const uint8_t size);
void packFixExt(const int8_t type, const uint64_t* ptr, const uint8_t size);
void packExt(const int8_t type, const T* ptr, const U size);
void packExt(const object::ext& e);
void packTimestamp(const object::timespec& time);

// serializer for detailed msgpack format
// serialize() and pack() are wrapper for these methods
void packNil();
void packNil(const object::nil_t& n);
void packBool(const bool b);
void packUInt7(const uint8_t value);
void packUInt8(const uint8_t value);
void packUInt16(const uint16_t value);
void packUInt32(const uint32_t value);
void packUInt64(const uint64_t value);
void packInt5(const int8_t value);
void packInt8(const int8_t value);
void packInt16(const int16_t value);
void packInt32(const int32_t value);
void packInt64(const int64_t value);
void packFloat32(const float value);
void packFloat64(const double value);
void packString5(const str_t& str);
void packString5(const str_t& str, const size_t len);
void packString5(const char* value);
void packString5(const char* value, const size_t len);
void packString8(const str_t& str);
void packString8(const str_t& str, const size_t len);
void packString8(const char* value);
void packString8(const char* value, const size_t len);
void packString16(const str_t& str);
void packString16(const str_t& str, const size_t len);
void packString16(const char* value);
void packString16(const char* value, const size_t len);
void packString32(const str_t& str);
void packString32(const str_t& str, const size_t len);
void packString32(const char* value);
void packString32(const char* value, const size_t len);
void packString5(const __FlashStringHelper* str);
void packString5(const __FlashStringHelper* str, const size_t len);
void packString8(const __FlashStringHelper* str);
void packString8(const __FlashStringHelper* str, const size_t len);
void packString16(const __FlashStringHelper* str);
void packString16(const __FlashStringHelper* str, const size_t len);
void packString32(const __FlashStringHelper* str);
void packString32(const __FlashStringHelper* str, const size_t len);
void packBinary8(const uint8_t* value, const uint8_t size);
void packBinary16(const uint8_t* value, const uint16_t size);
void packBinary32(const uint8_t* value, const uint32_t size);
void packArraySize4(const uint8_t value);
void packArraySize16(const uint16_t value);
void packArraySize32(const uint32_t value);
void packMapSize4(const uint8_t value);
void packMapSize16(const uint16_t value);
void packMapSize32(const uint32_t value);
void packFixExt1(const int8_t type, const uint8_t value);
void packFixExt2(const int8_t type, const uint16_t value);
void packFixExt2(const int8_t type, const uint8_t* ptr);
void packFixExt2(const int8_t type, const uint16_t* ptr);
void packFixExt4(const int8_t type, const uint32_t value);
void packFixExt4(const int8_t type, const uint8_t* ptr);
void packFixExt4(const int8_t type, const uint32_t* ptr);
void packFixExt8(const int8_t type, const uint64_t value);
void packFixExt8(const int8_t type, const uint8_t* ptr);
void packFixExt8(const int8_t type, const uint64_t* ptr);
void packFixExt16(const int8_t type, const uint64_t value_h, const uint64_t value_l);
void packFixExt16(const int8_t type, const uint8_t* ptr);
void packFixExt16(const int8_t type, const uint64_t* ptr);
void packExtSize8(const int8_t type, const uint8_t size);
void packExtSize16(const int8_t type, const uint16_t size);
void packExtSize32(const int8_t type, const uint32_t size);
void packTimestamp32(const uint32_t unix_time_sec);
void packTimestamp64(const uint64_t unix_time);
void packTimestamp64(const uint64_t unix_time_sec, const uint32_t unix_time_nsec);
void packTimestamp96(const int64_t unix_time_sec, const uint32_t unix_time_nsec);


// reserve internal buffer for indices
void reserve_indices(const size_t size);

// feed data to deserialize
bool feed(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);

// variable sized deserializer
template <typename First, typename ...Rest>
bool deserialize(First& first, Rest&&... rest);
template <size_t N>
bool deserialize(StaticJsonDocument<N>& doc);
bool deserialize(DynamicJsonDocument& doc);

// varibale sized desrializer for array and map
template <typename ...Args>
bool from_array(Args&&... args);
template <typename ...Args>
bool from_map(Args&&... args);

// single arg deserializer
template <typename T>
bool unpack(T& value);

// check if next arg can be deserialized to value
template <typename T>
bool unpackable(const T& value) const;

// accesor and utility for deserialized msgpack data
bool decode_ready() const;
bool decoded() const;
size_t size() const;
void index(const size_t i);
size_t index() const;
void clear();

// abstract deserializer for msgpack formats
// deserialize() and unpack() are wrapper for these methods
T unpackUInt();
T unpackInt();
T unpackFloat();
str_t unpackString();
bin_t<T> unpackBinary();
bin_t<T> unpackBinary();
size_t unpackArraySize();
size_t unpackMapSize();
object::ext unpackExt();
object::timespec unpackTimestamp();

// deserializer for detailed msgpack format
// these methods check deserialize index overflow and type mismatch
// deserialize() and unpack() are wrapper for these methods
bool unpackNil();
bool unpackBool();
uint8_t unpackUInt7();
uint8_t unpackUInt8();
uint16_t unpackUInt16();
uint32_t unpackUInt32();
uint64_t unpackUInt64();
int8_t unpackInt5();
int8_t unpackInt8();
int16_t unpackInt16();
int32_t unpackInt32();
int64_t unpackInt64();
float unpackFloat32();
double unpackFloat64();
str_t unpackString5();
str_t unpackString8();
str_t unpackString16();
str_t unpackString32();
bin_t<T> unpackBinary8();
bin_t<T> unpackBinary16();
bin_t<T> unpackBinary32();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinary8();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinary16();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinary32();
size_t unpackArraySize4();
size_t unpackArraySize16();
size_t unpackArraySize32();
size_t unpackMapSize4();
size_t unpackMapSize16();
size_t unpackMapSize32();
object::ext unpackFixExt1();
object::ext unpackFixExt2();
object::ext unpackFixExt4();
object::ext unpackFixExt8();
object::ext unpackFixExt16();
object::ext unpackExt8();
object::ext unpackExt16();
object::ext unpackExt32();
object::timespec unpackTimestamp32();
object::timespec unpackTimestamp64();
object::timespec unpackTimestamp96();

// deserializer for detailed msgpack format
// these methods does NOT check index overflow and type mismatch
bool unpackNilUnchecked();
bool unpackBoolUnchecked();
uint8_t unpackUIntUnchecked7();
uint8_t unpackUIntUnchecked8();
uint16_t unpackUIntUnchecked16();
uint32_t unpackUIntUnchecked32();
uint64_t unpackUIntUnchecked64();
int8_t unpackIntUnchecked5();
int8_t unpackIntUnchecked8();
int16_t unpackIntUnchecked16();
int32_t unpackIntUnchecked32();
int64_t unpackIntUnchecked64();
float unpackFloatUnchecked32();
double unpackFloatUnchecked64();
str_t unpackStringUnchecked5();
str_t unpackStringUnchecked8();
str_t unpackStringUnchecked16();
str_t unpackStringUnchecked32();
bin_t<T> unpackBinaryUnchecked8();
bin_t<T> unpackBinaryUnchecked16();
bin_t<T> unpackBinaryUnchecked32();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinaryUnchecked8();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinaryUnchecked16();
std::array<T, N> unpackBinaryUnchecked32();
size_t unpackArraySizeUnchecked4();
size_t unpackArraySizeUnchecked16();
size_t unpackArraySizeUnchecked32();
size_t unpackMapSizeUnchecked4();
size_t unpackMapSizeUnchecked16();
size_t unpackMapSizeUnchecked32();
object::ext unpackFixExtUnchecked1();
object::ext unpackFixExtUnchecked2();
object::ext unpackFixExtUnchecked4();
object::ext unpackFixExtUnchecked8();
object::ext unpackFixExtUnchecked16();
object::ext unpackExtUnchecked8();
object::ext unpackExtUnchecked16();
object::ext unpackExtUnchecked32();
object::timespec unpackTimestampUnchecked32();
object::timespec unpackTimestampUnchecked64();
object::timespec unpackTimestampUnchecked96();

// checks types of next msgpack object
bool isNil() const;
bool isBool() const;
bool isUInt7() const;
bool isUInt8() const;
bool isUInt16() const;
bool isUInt32() const;
bool isUInt64() const;
bool isUInt() const;
bool isInt5() const;
bool isInt8() const;
bool isInt16() const;
bool isInt32() const;
bool isInt64() const;
bool isInt() const;
bool isFloat32() const;
bool isFloat64() const;
bool isFloat() const;
bool isStr5() const;
bool isStr8() const;
bool isStr16() const;
bool isStr32() const;
bool isStr() const;
bool isBin8() const;
bool isBin16() const;
bool isBin32() const;
bool isBin() const;
bool isArray4() const;
bool isArray16() const;
bool isArray32() const;
bool isArray() const;
bool isMap4() const;
bool isMap16() const;
bool isMap32() const;
bool isMap() const;
bool isFixExt1() const;
bool isFixExt2() const;
bool isFixExt4() const;
bool isFixExt8() const;
bool isFixExt16() const;
bool isFixExt() const;
bool isExt8() const;
bool isExt16() const;
bool isExt32() const;
bool isExt() const;
bool isTimestamp32() const;
bool isTimestamp64() const;
bool isTimestamp96() const;
bool isTimestamp() const;
MsgPack::Type getType() const

MsgPack Utilities

template <typename T>
inline size_t estimate_size(const T& msg);

namespace file {
    template <typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool save_as_json(FsType& fs, const String& path, const T& value, JsonDocument& doc);
    template <size_t N, typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool save_as_json_static(FsType& fs, const String& path, const T& value);
    template <typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool save_as_json_dynamic(FsType& fs, const String& path, const T& value, const size_t json_size = 512);

    template <typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool load_from_json(FsType& fs, const String& path, T& value, JsonDocument& doc, const size_t num_max_string_type = 32);
    template <size_t N, typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool load_from_json_static(FsType& fs, const String& path, T& value);
    template <typename FsType, typename T>
    inline bool load_from_json_dynamic(FsType& fs, const String& path, T& value, const size_t json_size = 512);

namespace eeprom {
    template <typename T>
    inline bool save(const T& value, const size_t index_offset = 0);
    template <typename T>
    inline bool load(T& value, const size_t index_offset = 0);
    template <typename T>
    inline void clear(const T& value, const size_t index_offset = 0);
    inline void clear_size(const size_t size, const size_t index_offset = 0);


enum class Type : uint8_t {
    NA          = 0xC1, // never used
    NIL         = 0xC0,
    BOOL        = 0xC2,
    UINT7       = 0x00, // same as POSITIVE_FIXINT
    UINT8       = 0xCC,
    UINT16      = 0xCD,
    UINT32      = 0xCE,
    UINT64      = 0xCF,
    INT5        = 0xE0, // same as NEGATIVE_FIXINT
    INT8        = 0xD0,
    INT16       = 0xD1,
    INT32       = 0xD2,
    INT64       = 0xD3,
    FLOAT32     = 0xCA,
    FLOAT64     = 0xCB,
    STR5        = 0xA0, // same as FIXSTR
    STR8        = 0xD9,
    STR16       = 0xDA,
    STR32       = 0xDB,
    BIN8        = 0xC4,
    BIN16       = 0xC5,
    BIN32       = 0xC6,
    ARRAY4      = 0x90, // same as FIXARRAY
    ARRAY16     = 0xDC,
    ARRAY32     = 0xDD,
    MAP4        = 0x80, // same as FIXMAP
    MAP16       = 0xDE,
    MAP32       = 0xDF,
    FIXEXT1     = 0xD4,
    FIXEXT2     = 0xD5,
    FIXEXT4     = 0xD6,
    FIXEXT8     = 0xD7,
    FIXEXT16    = 0xD8,
    EXT8        = 0xC7,
    EXT16       = 0xC8,
    EXT32       = 0xC9,
    TIMESTAMP32 = 0xD6,
    TIMESTAMP64 = 0xD7,
    TIMESTAMP96 = 0xC7,

    FIXSTR          = 0xA0,
    FIXARRAY        = 0x90,
    FIXMAP          = 0x80,

