DSProxy target contract with stateless scripts.
The build artifacts can be browsed via unpkg.com.
With yarn:
$ yarn add @hifi/proxy-target
Or npm:
$ npm install @hifi/proxy-target
The node package that you just installed contains both Solidity and JavaScript code. The former is the smart contracts themselves; the latter, the smart contract ABIs and the TypeChain bindings.
You will likely never need to interact with the smart contracts from Solidity. Though for the sake of completeness, here is a code snippet for how to do that:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
import "@hifi/proxy-target/contracts/IHifiProxyTarget.sol";
import "@hifi/protocol/contracts/core/balance-sheet/IBalanceSheetV2.sol";
contract YourContract {
// Find the address on https://docs.hifi.finance
IHifiProxyTarget hifiProxyTarget = IHifiProxyTarget(0x...);
function depositCollateral(
IBalanceSheetV2 balanceSheet,
IErc20 collateral,
uint256 depositAmount
) external {
hifiProxyTarget.depositCollateral(balanceSheet, collateral, depositAmount);
This code snippet shows how to interact with a DSProxy contract that is already deployed. For guidance on how to deploy the DSProxy itself, refer to Maker's guide Working with DSProxy.
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { HifiProxyTarget__factory } from "@hifi/protocol/dist/types/factories/contracts/HifiProxyTarget__factory";
async function depositCollateral() {
const signer = "..."; // Get hold of an ethers.js Signer
const hifiProxyTargetFactory = new HifiProxyTarget__factory(signer); // Find the address on https://docs.hifi.finance
const hifiProxyTarget = hifiProxyTargetFactory.attach("0x...");
const balanceSheet = "0x...";
const collateral = "0x...";
const depositAmount = parseUnits("100", 18);
const accountLiquidity = await hifiProxyTarget.depositCollateral(balanceSheet, collateral, depositAmount);
$ yarn hardhat deploy:contract:hifi-proxy-target \
--confirmations 5 \
--network ${NETWORK} \
--print true \
--verify true
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