All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.
Method | HTTP request | Description |
getCategoriesList() | GET /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/count | Item count with listing quality issues |
getListingQualityScore() | GET /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/score | Seller Listing Quality Score |
getProSellerBadgeInfo() | GET /v3/insights/prosellerbadge | Pro Seller Badge Status |
getTrendingResult() | GET /v3/insights/items/trending | Top Trending Items |
getUnpublishedItemCount() | GET /v3/insights/items/unpublished/counts | Unpublished Item Counts |
getUnpublishedItems() | GET /v3/insights/items/unpublished/items | Unpublished Items |
itemsDetailsForListing() | POST /v3/insights/items/listingQuality/items | Item Listing Quality Details |
getCategoriesList($viewTrendingItems, $wfsFlag, $hasIssue, $type, $limit, $offset): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\GetListingQualityScore
Item count with listing quality issues
Get a list of all item categories that have items with listing quality issues or brands for a seller.
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$viewTrendingItems = true; // bool | Specify whether or not to include seller's items that are trending in the Listing Quality Score.
$wfsFlag = True; // bool | Specify whether or not to include WFS-eligible items in the overall Listing Quality Score.
$hasIssue = 0; // int | Specify whether or not to include items that have issues in the Listing Quality Score.
$type = 'type_example'; // string | Specify whether to get item count by brand or category. Category is the default value when no type is specified.
$limit = 56; // int | Specify number of items to return. The value is defaulted to 100 and the maximum value is 1000.
$offset = 0; // int | Specify the offset of item list to be returned.
try {
$result = $api->getCategoriesList($viewTrendingItems, $wfsFlag, $hasIssue, $type, $limit, $offset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getCategoriesList: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
viewTrendingItems | bool | Specify whether or not to include seller's items that are trending in the Listing Quality Score. | [optional] [default to true] |
wfsFlag | bool | Specify whether or not to include WFS-eligible items in the overall Listing Quality Score. | [optional] |
hasIssue | int | Specify whether or not to include items that have issues in the Listing Quality Score. | [optional] [default to 0] |
type | string | Specify whether to get item count by brand or category. Category is the default value when no type is specified. | [optional] |
limit | int | Specify number of items to return. The value is defaulted to 100 and the maximum value is 1000. | [optional] |
offset | int | Specify the offset of item list to be returned. | [optional] [default to 0] |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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getListingQualityScore($viewTrendingItems, $wfsFlag): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\GetListingQualityScore
Seller Listing Quality Score
Get the total Listing Quality Score for a seller's entire item catalog.
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$viewTrendingItems = True; // bool | Specify whether or not to include seller's items that are trending in the Listing Quality Score.
$wfsFlag = 'wfsFlag_example'; // string | Specify whether or not to include WFS-eligible items in the overall Listing Quality Score.
try {
$result = $api->getListingQualityScore($viewTrendingItems, $wfsFlag);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getListingQualityScore: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
viewTrendingItems | bool | Specify whether or not to include seller's items that are trending in the Listing Quality Score. | [optional] |
wfsFlag | string | Specify whether or not to include WFS-eligible items in the overall Listing Quality Score. | [optional] |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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getProSellerBadgeInfo(): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\ProSellerResponse
Pro Seller Badge Status
The Pro Seller badge status will provide you with information regarding your current badge status as well as the progress you've made in meeting the criteria.
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
try {
$result = $api->getProSellerBadgeInfo();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getProSellerBadgeInfo: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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getTrendingResult($departmentId, $categoryId, $limit, $offset, $timeFrame): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\GetTrendingResult
Top Trending Items
Get Trending Item List
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$departmentId = 'departmentId_example'; // string | departmentId
$categoryId = 'null'; // string | categoryId
$limit = '20'; // string | The number of items to be returned.
$offset = '0'; // string | The object response to start with, where 0 is the first entity that can be requested.
$timeFrame = 10; // string | Returns all trending items for the given time frame in days
try {
$result = $api->getTrendingResult($departmentId, $categoryId, $limit, $offset, $timeFrame);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getTrendingResult: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
departmentId | string | departmentId | |
categoryId | string | categoryId | [optional] [default to 'null'] |
limit | string | The number of items to be returned. | [optional] [default to '20'] |
offset | string | The object response to start with, where 0 is the first entity that can be requested. | [optional] [default to '0'] |
timeFrame | string | Returns all trending items for the given time frame in days | [optional] [default to '7'] |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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getUnpublishedItemCount($fromDate): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\GetUnpublishedItemsCount
Unpublished Item Counts
Get Count for Unpubished Item
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$fromDate = 2020-09-23; // string | Returns all unpublished items count with reason codes since the given date
try {
$result = $api->getUnpublishedItemCount($fromDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getUnpublishedItemCount: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
fromDate | string | Returns all unpublished items count with reason codes since the given date |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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getUnpublishedItems($fromDate, $unpublishedReasonCode, $limit, $offerLifecycleStatus, $marketTrending, $itemsWithInventory): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\GetUnpublishedItem
Unpublished Items
Get Unpublished Items
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$fromDate = 2020-09-23; // string | Returns all unpublished items since the given date
$unpublishedReasonCode = 'all'; // string | Unpublished reason code
$limit = '20'; // string | The number of items to be returned.
$offerLifecycleStatus = 'all'; // string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED.
$marketTrending = 'true'; // string | Filter the item list to return only items that are trending on
$itemsWithInventory = 'true'; // string | Filter the item list to return only items that have inventory
try {
$result = $api->getUnpublishedItems($fromDate, $unpublishedReasonCode, $limit, $offerLifecycleStatus, $marketTrending, $itemsWithInventory);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->getUnpublishedItems: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
fromDate | string | Returns all unpublished items since the given date | |
unpublishedReasonCode | string | Unpublished reason code | [optional] [default to 'all'] |
limit | string | The number of items to be returned. | [optional] [default to '20'] |
offerLifecycleStatus | string | The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle. Examples of allowed values are ACTIVE , ARCHIVED, RETIRED. | [optional] [default to 'all'] |
marketTrending | string | Filter the item list to return only items that are trending on | [optional] [default to 'true'] |
itemsWithInventory | string | Filter the item list to return only items that have inventory | [optional] [default to 'true'] |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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itemsDetailsForListing($itemDetailsLQRequestPayload, $limit, $nextCursor): \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\ItemDetailsLQResponsePayload
Item Listing Quality Details
Get each item's listing quality details including: item quality score, offer score, content score and issues, and item performance.
use Walmart\Configuration;
use Walmart\Enums\Country;
use Walmart\Walmart;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Walmart\Configuration([
'clientId' => 'CLIENT_ID', // May not be necessary for all endpoints, particularly outside the US
'clientSecret' => 'CLIENT_SECRET', // Ditto above
'country' => Country::US, // Default Country::US if not set
$api = Walmart::marketplace($config)->insights();
$itemDetailsLQRequestPayload = {"query":{"field":"sku","value":"WB 433KP412-12"}}; // \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\ItemDetailsLQRequestPayload | Request payload
$limit = '200'; // string | Specify number of items to return. If no limit is specified, API returns 200 items by default.
$nextCursor = 'nextCursor_example'; // string | Specify pagination for long list of items.
try {
$result = $api->itemsDetailsForListing($itemDetailsLQRequestPayload, $limit, $nextCursor);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception when calling InsightsApi->itemsDetailsForListing: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemDetailsLQRequestPayload | \Walmart\Models\MP\US\Insights\ItemDetailsLQRequestPayload | Request payload | |
limit | string | Specify number of items to return. If no limit is specified, API returns 200 items by default. | [optional] [default to '200'] |
nextCursor | string | Specify pagination for long list of items. | [optional] |
This endpoint requires the following authorization methods:
: Header authentication with a Walmart access token, which is automatically generated using your Client ID and Client Secret. The token is valid for 15 minutes, and will be passed in the WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN header
See the Authorization section of the README for more information.
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