All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.
- #77 Make module compatible with Magento 2.4.4
- #75 Bump phpstan/phpstan to 1.5
- #72 Bump bitexpert/captainhook-infection to 0.6.0
- #64 Bump phpunit/phpunit to 9.5.20
- #60 Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.8.5
- #58 Bump bitexpert/phpstan-magento to 0.19.0
- #51 Bump infection/infection to 0.26.6
- #49 Bump captainhook/captainhook to 5.10.8
- #37 Bump captainhook/plugin-composer to 5.3.3
- #20 Bump squizlabs/php_codesniffer to 3.6.2
- #17 Bump magento/magento-coding-standard to 15
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- #16 Turn captainhook-infection into dev dependency
- Add Mark Shust's Docker setup to simplify local development
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Made hivecommerce/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr compatible with Magento 2.4.0 - 2.4.3
- Migrated from allin-data/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr to hivecommerce/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr
- Extended customer fuzzyfier to fuzzyfy quote and order addresses.
- Extended customer fuzzyfyier to alter customer password.
- Added --force flag to fuzzyfyr command to allow execution in production mode.
- Extended backup UI in administration area to allow convenient export of database dump matching GDPR compliance
- Added feature to add dummy images for products and categories
- Added feature to export database with fuzzyfied content without altering current database content persistently.
- Added unit test
- Fixed validation check on products fuzzyfyr
- Added missing folder to development environment and build script
- Added default value for URLs
- Added possibility to extend data on configuration model
- Refactored fuzzyfyr structure
- Simplified extension of configuration model
- Added fuzzyfyr for CMS Pages
- Added fuzzyfyr for CMS Blocks
- Extended fuzzyfyr for Customers with address fuzzing
- Changed implementation of fuzzyfyr for Products and Categories to match with EQP of Magento® 2
- Extended documentation
- Placed DI configuration into global scope
- Initial release of the Content Fuzzyfyr module for Magento® 2.