- print to console
- read from console
- store numbers
- store strings
- store booleans
- if statement
- asthmatic functions
- logical functions
- comparison functions
- define functions
- define subroutines
- define memoized functions
- load function
- declaring lists
- returning lists
- passing lists as parameters
- head and tail function
- cons operator
- replace the num type from double to a better type
- import function
- make an easy way to make libraries
- file system
- time library
- math library (Still a lot to add but a good start)
- List library
- string processing
- logging library
- data structure library
- functional library (map, reduce)
- Regex library
- Random Library
- shell library
- os library (get system info)
- concurrency library (do together, map together)
- networking library
- a REST library
- audio library
- graphics library
- Cuda library
- graphing library
- email library
- Raspberry Pi Specific library (GPIO pins)
- make or use a testing framework
- set up CI
- create test cases for core library
- implement benchmarking framework
- create a how to guide
- better comment code
- Proof on Turing Completeness
- Write a project in the language as an example
- Get the language added to GitHub's language inference program
- Create a Vim plugin for syntax highlighting