Thank you for raising this feature request. We’ve reviewed your suggestion within PlatUI, and we have opened a Jira Task ticket to work on this suggestion. You can track this ticket on our board via [this link](link to Jira ticket).
Thank you for this suggestion to improve our products.
Thank you for raising this bug report. We’ve reviewed your suggestion within PlatUI, and we have opened a Jira Bug ticket to work on this suggestion. You can track this ticket on our board via [this link](link to Jira ticket).
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thank you for raising this feature request. We’ve reviewed your suggestion within PlatUI, and we have opened a Jira Spike ticket to carry out further analysis on this suggestion. You can track this ticket on our board via [this link](link to Jira ticket).
Thank you for this suggestion to improve our products.
Thank you for raising this Github issue. We have now reviewed your issue and we won’t be making a code change related to this request.
<- - - If solution already exists - - -> If you take a look in our documentation, you can see an implementation for this via [this link](link to relevant documentation). <- - - - - ->
Please feel free to reach out to us either via this ticket or on Slack if you would like to discuss this issue further.
Thank you for raising this Github issue. PlatUI are now reviewing your issue. The next step will be for us to assign one of the following labels: accepted, cantfix, invalid, wontfix. We’ll update on this issue when a label is assigned.
Thank you for raising this Github issue. We have now reviewed your issue and unfortunately we are not able to make a change related to this request.
<- - - If relates to govuk-frontend code - - -> This implementation comes directly from govuk-frontend, of which play-frontend-hmrc is a Scala / Play implementation. You can read more about PlatUI’s design decision to retain parity with the underlying library here.
If you wish to raise an issue with govuk-frontend, you can do so via their Github repo directly. <- - - - - ->
<- - - If relates to another team - - -> This implementation is not looked after by PlatUI, but instead belongs to other Platform team. You could reach out to them via Slack at #-some-team-channel. <- - - - - ->
<- - - Other explanations - - -> Provide an explanation here. Linked to relevant research if possible. <- - - - - ->
Thank you for raising this Github issue. We have now reviewed your issue and unfortunately we will not be able to make a change related to this request.
<- - - If relates to another team - - -> Provide an explanation here. Linked to relevant research if possible. <- - - - - ->
Please feel free to reach out to us either via this ticket or on Slack if you would like to discuss this issue further.