Latest update: 17 December 2021 Adapted from the Cairo coding style document
Libdwarf/dwarfdump etc coding style.
This document is intended to be a short description of the preferred coding style for the libdwarf and related source code. Good style requires good taste, which means this can't all be reduced to automated rules, and there are exceptions.
We want the code to be easy to understand and maintain, and consistent style plays an important part in that, even if some of the specific details seem trivial. If nothing else, this document gives a place to put consistent answers for issues that would otherwise be arbitrary.
Most of the guidelines here are demonstrated by examples, (which means this document is quicker to read than it might appear given its length). Most of the examples are positive examples that you should imitate. The few negative examples are clearly marked with a comment of /* Yuck! */. Please don't submit code for libdwarf that looks like any of these.
Also see the src/lib/libdwarf/CODINGSTYLE document.
Section list:
Tab characters
Struct Format and Content
Managing nested blocks
Test or Loop with Side Effect
Switch statements
Macro Tests Commented
Lookup Tables
Memory allocation
Checking For Overflow
Dwarfdump Flags Data
Never use strcpy strcat strncpy
Static data and functions
Tools that help
Each new level is indented 4 more spaces than the previous level, and an if is followed by a space and a left-paren:
if (condition) {
Done solely with space characters. The simple project on, dicheck-da, detects all instances of tabs, improper indentation and line-ending whitespace.
Similarly, for is to have a single space after the r followed by a left parenthesis.
for (v; condition; v2) {
The tab character must never appear except in a printf string.
Most of the code in libdwarf uses bracing in the style of K&R:
if (condition) {
} else {
and that is the preferred style.
Even if all of the substatements of an if statement are single statements, the optional braces must always appear.
if (condition) {
} else {
Never if (condition) /* Yuck / do_this(); / Yuck / else / Yuck / do_the_other(); / Yuck */
Note that this last example also shows a situation in which the opening brace can be on its own line, though usually it looks like this example. The following can be difficult to read.
if (condition &&
other_condition &&
yet_another) { /* But we usually do put the brace here */
Separate logically distinct chunks with a single newline. This obviously applies between functions, but also applies within a function or block and can even be used to good effect within a structure definition. But don't get carried away with blank lines:
struct _Dwarf_Data_s {
struct Something_s op;
double tolerance;
Dwarf_Unsigned line_width;
Dwarf_Unsigned line_height;
Dwarf_Unsigned line_thickness;
/* Notice the _s on struct declarations
And notice indent of this comment
and the blank line above this comment to
make it clear the comment applies to fill_rule. */
struct Reg_Struct_s fill_rule;
Dwarf_Signed distance_from_end;
Having both CamelCase in names and _ in the names is perhaps unusual, but it's been that way in the libdwarf source a very long time, so we sitck with it in most cases.
Never use a space before a function-call left parenthesis or a macro-call left parenthesis.
Don't eliminate newlines just because things would still fit on one line. This breaks the expected visual structure of the code making it much harder to read and understand:
(); /* Yuck! */
Eliminate trailing whitespace on any line. Also, avoid putting initial or final blank lines into any file, and never use multiple blank lines instead of a single blank line.
Use dicheck (see above) to find trailing whitespace and indentation inconsistencies.
You might find the git-stripspace utility helpful which acts as a filter to remove trailing whitespace as well as initial, final, and duplicate blank lines.
As a special case of the bracing and whitespace guidelines, function definitions in libdwarf should always take the following form:
my_function (Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Unsigned second_arg,
Dwarf_Unsigned* ret_value;
Dwarf_Error *error)
/* The meaning of life */
*ret_value = 42;
return DW_DLV_OK;
And in dwarfdump, etc, the code tends to follow this form too (but far from always).
Function prototypes inside libdwarf headers (as opposed to .c files) usually have the return type (and associated specifiers and qualifiers) the same line as the function name. If the line gets long addtional lines are appropriate.
Function prototypes inside libdwarf.h always comment out argument names (but not types) to preserve the caller's macro namespace. Because it is a public header, unlike all the other headers in libdwarf/dwarfdump etc.
In .c files the function name starts a line as shown above.
Notice, above, how a too-long argument line gets folded with standard indentation(4).
Break up long lines (> ~72 characters) and use whitespace to align things nicely. For example the arguments in a long list to a function call should all (but the first) be aligned with each other:
align_function_arguments (argument_the_first,
And as a special rule, in a function prototype, (as well as in the definition), whitespace should be inserted between the parameter types and names so that the names are aligned:
align_parameter_names_in_prototypes(const char *char_star_arg,
int int_arg,
double *double_star_arg,
double double_arg);
Parameters with a * prefix are aligned one character to the left so that the actual names are aligned.
Usually, avoid adding a comment alongside declarations unless it is a very short comment. The following example uses meaningless x y z field names (sorry), but but does show a short prefix related to the struct name. Generally struct members should have a prefix common to that struct and hopefully distinct from other struct declarations. This short prefix makes it much easier to find all uses of a particular field in the code (with grep).
struct Dwarf_Nothing_Special_s {
int ns_x; /* usually avoid comment here this is Yuck!
and this is even worse as continuation. Yuck! */
/* Comment here about y with blank line above
and belows to make it clear which line
referred to. */
unsigned ns_y;
unsigned ns_z;
Long blocks that are deeply nested make the code very hard to read. Fortunately such blocks often indicate logically distinct chunks of functionality that are begging to be split into their own functions. Please listen to the blocks when they beg. You will notice many exceptions to this in the code, unfortunately.
In other cases, gratuitous nesting comes about because the primary functionality gets buried in a nested block rather than living at the primary level where it belongs. Consider the following:
foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t));
if (foo) { /* Yuck! The error return becomes
hard to see. */
/* lots of code to initialize foo */
return DW_DLV_OK;
return DW_DLV_ERROR;
This kind of gratuitous nesting can be avoided by following a pattern of handling exceptional cases early and returning:
foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t));
/* A test foo == NULL is fine but the following
is better as there is no danger of
turning == into = by accident. */
if (!foo) {
return DW_DLV_ERROR;
lots of code to initialize foo */
return DW_DLV_OK;
The return statement is often the best thing to use in a pattern like this. If it's not available due to additional nesting above which require some cleanup after the current block, then consider splitting the current block into a new function before using goto.
Never do:
if ((foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t)))) {
if (foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t))) {
as the reader has to think carefully about it, whereas
foo = malloc (sizeof (foo_t));
if (foo) {
is more transparent (in some sense) and makes it easier to stop( in debugger) or add a printf in case this is a point where things might be going wrong somehow.
Also see "Managing nested blocks" just above.
We use the following indent practice:
switch(x) {
case a: {
/* Define&use local variables, do something */
case b:
/* Do something, no new local variable
needed. */
default: /* do something or break*/
The default case is used everywhere (instead of being omitted when it could be omitted) to satisfy a Cobra rule. One thinks consistency reads well.
dwarf_names.c (for example) is full of functions where all known values do a return on each case: and there the last entry is default: break; followed outside the switch by the return for the error case.
#else /* !SOME_MACRO */
#endif /* !SOME_MACRO */
#endif /* OTHER_MACRO */
The comments add clarity when one is not familiar with code in the area but are not required if the #else #endif are within a couple lines of the #if(def). In a spot with nested #if(def) the comments become necessary to avoid confusing the reader. There is nothing wrong with adding them everywhere.
Any situation requiring a lookup table should use one or the other tsearch functions. The practical ones are dwarf_tsearchhash.c and dwarf_tsearchbal.c. dwarfdump and libdwarf each use one of them and only one of them. See the tsearch-code project to see the full set available.
These use the traditional UNIX tsearch arguments and return values even though those are not good designs by current standards. Expanded to have destroy() functions whose prototype was copied from GNU man pages.
GNU libc has much nicer (in the sense of much nicer interface designs) non-standard tsearch functions, but we've ignored those to keep to the official Single Unix Specification standard interfaces.
In libdwarf we are careful to name things visible to callers (and in libdwarf.h) starting with with dwarf (for public stuff) or _dwarf (for functions in the library not intended for public use. Structs begin with Dwarf. Macros begin with DW (dwarf.h is full of those!).
In general, be wary of performing any arithmetic operations in an argument to malloc. You should explicitly check for integer overflow yourself in any more complex situations.
In libdwarf most allocations use _dwarf_alloc() instead of malloc. And the tables of valid types (which are predefined in libdwarf) allow for constructor/destructor functions. The _dwarf_alloc() code keeps a record of what is allocated so a careless user can simply call dwarf_finish() at the end and all the allocated data will be freed that was not already freed via user calls to dwarf_dealloc().
Libdwarf and dwarfdump are often dealing with offsets and indexes read from disk object files and all such should be checked before use. That approach means that dwarfdump (and libdwarf callers in general) need not check the things that libdwarf has returned (at least those libdwarf could check).
When it is possible that X +Y might overflow make every effort to check X an Y independently before attempting an addition. If you are confident X and Y are sensible (given available data like section sizes) you can add them and then determine if the sum (say an offset) is still within the relevant section or data-item usable range.
There are many libdwarf-internal functions to read data from an object, and all of them require an end-pointer argument so the code can easly check for corrupt object-file or DWARF values without duplicating the error-code-setting.
Dwarfdump has a large number of options and nearly all the option values are recorded as fields in a single global structure glflags (see dwarfdump.c). Option data not in that structure should be moved into it, in general. This makes it much simpler to find instances using flags and to know, reading dwarfdump source, when flags are being referred to..
The text in this document (not the examples!) was formatted with the vi command "!}fmt -64"...without the quotes.
dwarfdump has dd_safe_strcpy().
libdwarf has _dwarf_safe_strcpy().
These functions eliminate the need for the three traditional string functions strcpy, strcat, strncpy and do exactly what is needed safely while doing nothing extra.
Any data or function not referenced outside the defining source file should be declared 'static'.
In the libdwarf library itself static data is not appropriate in general. Because multiple Dwarf_Debug may be open at the same time in a single program (dwarfdump or user code).
Function names should be all lower case with underbars with the goal that statements and comments 'read well'.
The project
is a tool that checks indentation and a few other things to find instances of failures to follow codingstyle rules. The program trimtrailing in that project removes trailing whitespace and changes a sequence of blank lines to a single blank line.
The open-source project
package is being used (beginning December 2021) as an aid to finding problematic or not-best-practices code.
It does not compile anything, it does checking via source scans with regular expressions. Not everything it mentions is necessarily a bug or a defect.
The primary commands used (in a source directory) are
cobra -f basic *.h
cobra -f basic *.c
cobra -terse -f stats *.[ch]
cobra -terse -f metrics *.[ch]
# The cwe command generates lots of spurious output as they
# check things we do not care much about.
# But some of it has been useful.
cwe *.h
cwe *.c