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Interact with ipywidgets

This how-to guide demonstrates how to easily enable interaction with ipywidgets using familiar APIs from Panel and Param, such as watch, bind, depends, and rx.


The pn.dataclass module provides functions to synchronize the traits of an ipywidget with a Parameterized object, a Panel widget, or an rx value. It also provides a ModelViewer class for creating a Layoutable Viewer that wraps an ipywidget Widget class or instance.


  • Traitlets: A library for creating dataclass like models (HasTraits) with observable fields (called traits).
  • ipywidgets: A library for creating interactive widgets for notebooks. Its base class Widget derives from HasTraits.
  • widget: Refers to ipywidgets Widget classes or instances unless otherwise stated.
  • model: Refers to Traitlets HasTraits and ipywidgets Widget classes or instances.
  • names: Refers to the names of the traits/parameters to synchronize. Can be an iterable or a dictionary mapping from trait names to parameter names.


  • ModelParameterized: An abstract Parameterized base class for wrapping a Traitlets HasTraits class or instance.
  • ModelViewer: An abstract base class for creating a Layoutable Viewer that wraps an ipywidget Widget class or instance.


  • to_rx: Creates rx values from traits of a model, each synced to a trait of the model.
  • sync_with_parameterized: Syncs the traits of a model with the parameters of a Parameterized object.
  • sync_with_widget: Syncs a trait of the model with the value of a Panel widget.
  • sync_with_rx: Syncs a single trait of a model with an rx value.

All synchronization is bidirectional. Only top-level traits/parameters are synchronized, not nested ones.

Synchronize Traits of an ipywidget with Panel Widgets

Use sync_with_widget to synchronize a trait of an ipywidget with the value parameter of a Panel widget.

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl


leaflet_map = ipyl.Map()

zoom_widget = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(value=4.0, start=1.0, end=24.0, name="Zoom")
zoom_control_widget = pn.widgets.Checkbox(name="Show Zoom Control")

pn.dataclass.sync_with_widget(leaflet_map, zoom_widget, name="zoom")
pn.dataclass.sync_with_widget(leaflet_map, zoom_control_widget, name="zoom_control")
pn.Column(leaflet_map, zoom_widget, zoom_control_widget).servable()

Synchronize an ipywidget with a Parameterized Object

Use sync_with_parameterized to synchronize an ipywidget with a Parameterized object.

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl
import param


leaflet_map = ipyl.Map()

class Map(param.Parameterized):
    center = param.List(default=[52.204793, 360.121558])
    zoom = param.Number(default=4, bounds=(0, 24), step=1)

parameterized = Map()

    model=leaflet_map, parameterized=parameterized
pn.Column(leaflet_map, parameterized.param.zoom,

The sync_with_parameterized function synchronizes the shared traits/parameters center and zoom between the leaflet_map and parameterized objects.

To specify a subset of traits/parameters to synchronize, use the names argument:

    model=leaflet_map, parameterized=parameterized, names=("center",)

The names argument can also be a dictionary mapping trait names to parameter names:

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl
import param


leaflet_map = ipyl.Map()

class Map(param.Parameterized):
    zoom_level = param.Number(default=4, bounds=(0, 24), step=1)

parameterized = Map()

    model=leaflet_map, parameterized=parameterized, names={"zoom": "zoom_level"}
pn.Column(leaflet_map, parameterized.param.zoom_level).servable()

Create a Viewer from an ipywidget Instance

To create a Viewer object from a ipywidget instance, use the ModelViewer class:

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl


leaflet_map = ipyl.Map(zoom=4)

viewer = pn.dataclass.ModelViewer(model=leaflet_map, sizing_mode="stretch_both")
pn.Row(pn.Column(viewer.param, scroll=True), viewer, height=400).servable()

Check out the parameters to the left of the map, there you will find all the traits of the leaflet_map instance. Try changing some.

To specify a subset of traits/parameters to synchronize, use the names argument:

viewer = pn.dataclass.ModelViewer(
    model=leaflet_map, names=("center",), sizing_mode="stretch_both"

The names argument can also be a dictionary mapping trait names to parameter names.

Create a Viewer from an ipywidget Class

To create a Viewer class from an ipywidget class, use the ModelViewer class:

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl
import param


class MapViewer(pn.dataclass.ModelViewer):
    _model_class = ipyl.Map
    _model_names = ["center", "zoom"]

    zoom = param.Number(4, bounds=(0, 24), step=1)

viewer = MapViewer(sizing_mode="stretch_both")

pn.Row(pn.Column(viewer.param, scroll=True), viewer, height=400).servable()

The _model_names attribute is an optional iterable or dictionary. It specifies which traits to synchronize to which parameters.

Create Reactive Values from the Traits of an ipywidget

Use to_rx to create reactive values from the traits of an ipywidget.

import panel as pn
import ipyleaflet as ipyl


leaflet_map = ipyl.Map(zoom=4)
zoom, zoom_control = pn.dataclass.to_rx(
    leaflet_map, "zoom", "zoom_control"

        lambda x: f"**Value**: {x}, **Zoom Control**: " + zoom_control.rx.pipe(str)
