CanCompute( category, string ) Returns true if the operation with name is computable in .
MissingOperationsForConstructivenessOfCategory( category, string ) Returns a list of names of basic operations which are not computable in but needed to have the categorical property completely constructive.
ListKnownCategoricalProperties( category ) Lists all known categorical properties of .
InstalledMethodsOfCategory( category ) Lists all installed methods of category.
DerivationsOfMethodByCategory( category, method ) Shows how can be derived in .
ListInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category ) Returns a list of strings of all installed operations of .
ListPrimitivelyInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category ) Returns a list of strings of all primitively installed operations of .
ListCAPPrepareFunctions( ) Lists all prepare functions currently available.
PrintAutomaticallyGeneratedInstallationsForLimits( string ) Prints all installations of the method with name which are automatically generated by the (co)limit mechanism. If no method name is given, all such installations are printed.
PackageOfCAPOperation( string ) Returns the package where the operation with name is defined.