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go-eCharger API v1

File metadata and controls

275 lines (224 loc) · 26.6 KB

go-eCharger API Specification (english version)


  1. Connection
  2. API: status
  3. Commands
  4. Return Values
  5. Cloud REST Api Workflow
  6. Custom MQTT Server

1. Connection:

The go-eCharger offers two WLAN interfaces, one of which always serves as a mobile hotspot and another that can connect to an existing WLAN network to establish an Internet connection. The following connections are offered for the API:

The following connections are offered for the API:

Connection Path
WiFi Hotspot
WiFi local network http://x.x.x.x/ The IP address is retrieved from the DHCP server
Cloud: REST Api
Custom MQTT Server


Connection Authentication
WiFi Hotspot None (Hotspot WPA key must be known)
WiFi local network None (device must be in the same WLAN and the HTTP Api must be activated with the go-eCharger app)
Cloud: REST Api go-eCharger Cloud Token
Custom MQTT Server None

Rate Limiting

Verbindung Limit
WiFi Hotspot None (5 second delay recommended)
WiFi local network None (5 second delay recommended)
Cloud: REST Api Fair use Limit : 50MB per month, about 500'000 requests. In case
of planned exceeding, please contact go-e GmbH!

Fair use Limit: 50MB per month, about 25'000 requests. In case of
planned exceeding, please contact go-e GmbH!
Custom MQTT Server None (5 second delay recommended)

2. API: status:

Returns all relevant parameters as a JSON object.

Example (incomplete):


Request Path

Connection Path
WiFi Hotspot
WiFi local network http://x.x.x.x/status
Cloud: REST Api [&wait=0]
The wait parameter is optional

Return Format

Connection Path
WiFi Hotspot Plain STATUS_OBJECT
WiFi local network Plain STATUS_OBJECT
Cloud: REST Api {"success":true,"age":AGE_IN_MILLISECONDS,"data":STATUS_OBJECT}


In addition to these parameters, other parameters may also be added without prior notice and depending on the type of connection.

Explanation Format: All parameters are sent in the JSON object as a string (in quotation marks). Most of these parameters can be converted to an integer format. The data type specified in the format shows the expected size. If the string is not converted to the specified data type, a communication error should be displayed.

Parameter Format Explanation
version String (1) JSON Format.
"B": normal case
"C": When end-to-end encryption is enabled
rbc uint32_t reboot_counter: Counts the number of boot operations. Sent with end-to-end encryption as protection against replay attacks.
rbt uint32_t reboot_timer: Counts the milliseconds since the last boot. Sent with end-to-end encryption as protection against replay attacks.
Expires after 49 days, increasing the reboot_counter.
car uint8_t Status PWM Signaling
1: charging station ready, no vehicle
2: vehicle loads
3: Waiting for vehicle
4: Charge finished, vehicle still connected
amp uint8_t Ampere value for the PWM signaling in whole ampere of 6-32A
amx uint8_t Ampere value for the PWM signaling in whole ampere of 6-32A Will not be written on flash but acts like you set amp instead. Only on the next reboot, the amp value will be restored to the last value set with amp. Recommended for PV charging
err uint8_t error:
1: RCCB (Residual Current Device)
3: PHASE (phase disturbance)
8: NO_GROUND (earthing detection)
10, default: INTERNAL (other)
ast uint8_t access_state: Access control.
0: open
1: RFID / App needed
2: electricity price / automatic
alw uint8_t allow_charging: PWM signal may be present
0: no
1: yes
stp uint8_t stop_state: Automatic shutdown
0: deactivated
2: switch off after kWh
cbl uint8_t Typ2 Cable Ampere encoding
13-32: Ampere Codierung
0: no cable
pha uint8_t Phasen before and after the contactor
binary flags: 0b00ABCDEF
A ... phase 3, in front of the contactor
B ... phase 2 in front of the contactor
C ... phase 1 in front of the contactor
D ... phase 3 after the contactor
E ... phase 2 after the contactor
F ... phase 1 after the contactor
Example: 0b00001000: Phase 1 is available
Example: 0b00111000: Phase1-3 is available
tmp uint8_t Temperature of the controller in °C
dws uint32_t Charged energy in deca-watt seconds
Example: 100'000 means, 1'000'000 Ws (= 277Wh = 0.277kWh)
were charged during this charging process.
dwo uint16_t Abschaltwert in 0.1kWh if stp==2, for dws parameter
Example: 105 for 10,5kWh
Charging station logic: if(dwo!=0 && dws/36000>=dwo)alw=0
adi uint8_t adapter_in: Charging box is plugged in with adapter
uby uint8_t unlocked_by: Number of the RFID card that has activated the
current charging process
eto uint32_t energy_total: Total charged energy in 0.1kWh
Example: 130 means 13kWh charged
wst uint8_t wifi_state: Wi-Fi connection status
3: connected
default: not connected
nrg array[15] Array with values of the current and voltage sensor
nrg [0]: voltage on L1 in volts
nrg [1]: voltage on L2 in volts
nrg [2]: voltage on L3 in volts
nrg [3]: voltage to N in volts
nrg [4]: Ampere on L1 in 0.1A (123 equals 12.3A)
nrg [5]: Ampere on L2 in 0.1A
nrg [6]: Ampere on L3 in 0.1A
nrg [7]: power on L1 in 0.1kW (36 equals 3.6kW)
nrg [8]: power on L2 in 0.1kW
nrg [9]: power at L3 in 0.1kW
nrg [10]: power at N in 0.1kW
nrg [11]: Total power in 0.01kW (360 equals 3.6kW)
nrg [12]: power factor on L1 in%
nrg [13]: power factor on L2 in%
nrg [14]: power factor on L3 in%
nrg [15]: Power factor on N in%

App logic:
if(Math.floor(pha/8) ==1 &&
fwv String Firmware Version
Example: "020-rc1"
sse String Serial number number formatted as %06d
Example: "000001"
wss String WiFi SSID
Example: "My home network"
wke String WiFi Key
Example: "****" for fwv after 020
Example: "password" for fwv before 020
wen uint8_t wifi_enabled: Wi-Fi enabled
0: deactivated
1: activated
tof uint8_t ime_offset: Time zone in hours for internal battery-powered clock +100
Example: 101 is GMT +1
tds uint8_t Daylight saving time offset (Summer time) in hours
Example: 1 for Central Europe
lbr uint8_t LED brightness from 0-255
0: LED off
255: LED brightness maximum
aho uint8_t Minimum number of hours in which to load with "electricity price - automatic"
Example: 2 ("Car is full enough after 2 hours")
afi uint8_t Hour (time) in which with "electricity price - automatically" the charge must have lasted at least aho hours.
Example: 7 ("Done until 7:00, so before at least 2 hours loaded")
azo uint8_t Awattar price zone
0: Austria
1: Germany
ama uint8_t Absolute max. Ampere: Maximum value for ampere setting
Example: 20 (can not be set to more than 20A in the app)
al1 uint8_t Ampere Level 1 for push button on the device.
6-32: Ampere level activated
0: level deactivated (is skipped)
al2 uint8_t Ampere Level 2 for push button on the device.
Must be either 0 or >al1
al3 uint8_t Ampere Level 3 for push button on the device.
Must be either 0 or >al2
al4 uint8_t Ampere Level 4 for push button on the device.
Must be either 0 or >al3
al5 uint8_t Ampere Level 5 for push button on the device.
Must be either 0 or >al4
cid uint24_t Color idle: color value for standby (no car plugged in) as a number
Example: parseInt ("# 00FFFF"): 65535 (blue / green, default)
cch uint24_t Color charging: color value for charging active, as a number
Example: parseInt ("# 0000FF"): 255 (blue, default)
cfi uint24_t Color idle: color value completed for charging, as a number
Example: parseInt ("# 00FF00"): 65280 (green, default)
lse uint8_t led_save_energy: Turn off the LED automatically after 10 seconds
0: Energy saving function deactivated
1: Energy saving function activated
ust uint8_t unlock_state: Cable lock adjustment
0: lock as long as the car is plugged in
1: Automatically unlock after charging
2: Always leave the cable locked
wak String WiFi Hotspot Password
Example: "abdef0123456"
r1x uint8_t Flags
0b1: HTTP Api in the WLAN network activated (0: no, 1: yes)
0b10: End-to-end encryption enabled (0: no, 1: yes)
dto uint8_t Remaining time in milliseconds remaining on activation by
electricity prices
App logic:
if( = "Zuerst Auto anstecken"
else message = "Restzeit: …"
nmo uint8_t Norway mode activated
0: deactivated (earthing detection activated)
1: activated (no earthing detection, intended only for IT grids)
uint32_t Charged energy per RFID card from 1-10
Example: eca == 1400: 140kWh charged on card 1
Example: ec7 == 1400: 140kWh charged on board 7
Example: ec1 == 1400: 140kWh charged on card 10
String RFID Card ID from 1-10 as a string
Format and length: variable, depending on the version
String RFID Card Name from 1-10
Maximum length: 10 characters
tme String Current time, formatted as ddmmyyhhmm
0104191236 corresponds to 01.04.2019 12:36
sch String Scheduler settings (base64 encoded)
Functions for encode and decode are here:
The settings can be set in this way:
Direct setting of sch = is not supported
sdp uint8_t Scheduler double press: Activates charge after double pressing the
button if the load has just been interrupted by the scheduler
0: Function disabled
1: Allow charge immediately
upd uint8_t Update available (only available if connected via go-e server)
0: no update available
1: Update available
cdi uint8_t Cloud disabled
0: cloud enabled
1: cloud disabled
loe uint8_t Load balancing enabled
0: load balancing disabled
1: Load balancing activated via cloud
lot uint8_t Load balancing group total ampere
lom uint8_t Load balancing minimum amperage
lop uint8_t Lastmanagement priority
log String Lastmanagement group ID
lon uint8_t Lastmanagement:expected number of charging stations
(currently not supported)
lof uint8_t Load balancing fallback amperage
loa uint8_t Load balancing Ampere (current permitted charging current)
is automatically controlled by the load balancing)
lch uint32_t Load balancing: seconds since the last current flow while the
car is still plugged in

0 when charging is in progress
mce uint8_t MQTT custom enabled
Connect to your own MQTT server
0: Function disabled
1: Function activated
mcs String(63) MQTT custom Server
Hostname without protocol specification (z.B.
mcp uint16_t MQTT custom Port
i.e. 1883
mcu String(16) MQTT custom Username
mck String(16) MQTT custom key
For MQTT authentication
mcc uint8_t MQTT custom connected
0: not connected
1: connected

3. Commands:

The following parameters can only be read:

version rbc rbt car err cbl pha tmp dws adi uby eto wst nrg fwv sse eca ecr
ecd ec4 ec5 ec6 ec7 ec8 ec9 ec1 rca rcr rcd rc4 rc5 rc6 rc7 rc8 rc9 rc1

The following parameters can be set:

amp amx ast alw stp dwo wss wke wen tof tds lbr aho afi ama al1 al2 al3 al4 al5
cid cch cfi lse ust wak r1x dto nmo rna rnm rne rn4 rn5 rn6 rn7 rn8 rn9 rn1

Set parameter

For all parameters that can be set, the format is for the command:

Method Payload
SET [param]=[value]
Example: amp=16
Example: wss=my home network


Connection Path
WiFi Hotspot
WiFi local network http://x.x.x.x/mqtt?payload=
Cloud: REST Api

4. Return Values:

Local WiFi / Hotspot

Connection Response
WiFi Hotspot Complete status JSON object with already changed value
WiFi local network Complete status JSON object with already changed value

For every status request and every command, the status JSON object is returned. An
unsuccessful command can be recognized by the fact that the value in the status object has not changed.

Cloud: REST Api

Responses for /api

Condition Response
Token not specified {"success":false,"error":"no token"}
Payload not specified {"success":false,"error":"no payload"}
Token not found in database {"success":false,"error":"wrong token"}
Rate limit exception {"success":false,"error":"rate limiting"}
Success {"success":true,"payload":original_payload}

Return values for /api_status

Condition Response
Token not specified {"success":false,"error":"no token"}
Token not found in database {"success":false,"error":"wrong token"}
Rate limit exception {"success":false,"error":"rate limiting"}
Status not available {"success":false,"error":"other"}
Success {"success":true,"age":AGE_IN_MILLISECONDS,"data":STATUS_OBJECT}

Response time for /api_status

Condition Response time
Last Status <10 seconds old ~300 milliseconds
Last Status 10 seconds old If wait=1:
~300 bis ~3500 milliseconds

If wait=0:
~300 milliseconds

Explanation: If wait=1 (default) API Server sends ping to load box and waits up to 3 seconds for a new status object. If no new
status arrives after 3 seconds, the last received status will be sent.
Status nicht abrufbar < 1000 milliseconds

5. Cloud REST Api Workflow:


Action Set charging current to 16A
Response {"success":true,"payload":"amp=16"}
Action Deactivate charging
Response {"success":true,"payload":"alw=0"}
Action Activate charging
Response {"success":true,"payload":"alw=1"}
Action Get Status
URL &wait=0
{"success":true,"age":1234,"data":{"version":"B", [...] ,<br>"car":"1","amp":"16","err":"0", [...] }}

6. Custom MQTT Server:

From firmware version 030 on it is possible to use a separate MQTT server in addition to the
go-e cloud.

Commands are accepted via this topic:
Where 000000 must be replaced by the respective serial number.

The status object is output every 5 seconds via the following topic:

It is not necessary to activate the sending, the go-eCharger continuously sends data to /status.