data RequestContent :: *
Type representing all content types that be sent via XHR (ArrayBufferView, Blob, Document, String, FormData).
Requestable RequestContent
class Requestable a where
toRequest :: a -> Tuple (Maybe MimeType) RequestContent
A class for types that can be converted to values that can be sent with
XHR requests. An optional mime-type can be specified for a default
Requestable RequestContent
Requestable (ArrayView Int8)
Requestable (ArrayView Int16)
Requestable (ArrayView Int32)
Requestable (ArrayView Uint8)
Requestable (ArrayView Uint16)
Requestable (ArrayView Uint32)
Requestable (ArrayView Uint8Clamped)
Requestable (ArrayView Float32)
Requestable (ArrayView Float64)
Requestable Blob
Requestable Document
Requestable String
Requestable Json
Requestable FormData
Requestable Unit