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The current version of this project is tested on baremetal servers and in serverless environment using Apache OpenWhisk. The underlying operating system in all deployment environments is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The testbed setup is automated and the environment deployment is orchestrated using Kubernetes with up to 16 nodes.

Setup Instructions

To setup the underlying environment using the provided scripts, ensure that sudo access is enabled and the repository is cloned into the home directory.

$ sudo su
$ cd $HOME
$ git clone

The configuration of the Kubernetes cluster for this project requires the following software packages:

  • Docker (≥ v20.10.16)
  • Helm (v2.16.1)
  • Kubernetes (≥ v1.21)
  • OpenWhisk CLI (≥ v1.2)
  • MongoDB (≥ v5.0.8) for database query workloads.

The installation of these software packages have been automated. To install and configure dependencies and required software packages, and build the serverless environment, run the following command on the master node of the Kubernetes cluster.

$ make install

next, label the master node as core:

$ kubectl label nodes <MASTER_NODE_NAME> openwhisk-role=core

The node's name can be found by running kubectl get nodes. Ensure that the master node has passwordless ssh connection to all worker nodes.

Next, ssh into each worker node and run the following commands to configure each node and join the cluster.

$ git clone
$ sudo $HOME/canary/deploy/

You will be prompted to reply some questions:

Enter Master's Public IP: <cluster IP>
Enter cluster's auth token: <cluster token>
Enter cluster's discovery token hash: <discovery hash>

The answer to these questions is available on the master node.

  • cluster IP is obtained from kubectl cluster-info.
  • cluster token is obtained from kubeadm token list. If there is no token, run kubeadm token create.
  • discovery token hash is obtained from openssl x509 -pubkey -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt | openssl rsa -pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | openssl dgst -sha256 -hex | sed 's/^.* //'.

On the master node, label each worker node as invoker:

$ kubectl label nodes <WORKER_NODE_NAME> openwhisk-role=invoker

Finally, replace <cluster IP> in the folder $HOME/canary/deploy/mycluster.yaml by the ip address from the command kubectl cluster-info, and run the following command to deploy OpenWhisk in the Kubernetes cluster:

$ sudo $HOME/canary/deploy/

Once the setup completes, source the bashrc file to start interacting with the framework.

$ source ~/.bashrc

Running Experiments

For our evaluation, we built a docker runtime image with workload dependencies and Openwhisk packages pre-installed such as:

  • Deep Learning Training: hpdsl/canary:dltrain
  • Data Mining with Spark: hpdsl/canary:sparkdiversity
  • Database query: hpdsl/canary:dbquery

To execute our evaluation workloads with Canary, run the following command.

$ canary <job> -m <model> -d <dataset> -b <batch> -e <epoch> -t <type>

For example canary dl resnet50 mnist -b 64 -e 50 -t std will train the ResNet50 model with the MNIST dataset over 50 epochs using a batch size of 64 in a standalone execution. The alternate type is "batch" to denote batch jobs.

You can also run the following command to see the description and available options for the parameters.

$ canary -h

The data query workload requires a database to query from. In our experiments, we used MongoDB as database and use PostgreSQL to query data. Download our dataset from YELP database at the following URL k. Next, extract and copy to the running docker container with the following commands

docker exec canary-db mkdir /tmp/canary
docker cp <each json file> canary-db

Next, the database query workload can be deployed by running canary query -t std