Magento 2 module to using slick in magento block or page
- Download this module
- create directory Hprasetyou under app/code on your magento 2 project
- move this module inside app/code/Hprasetyou
- this module path sould be < magento root >/app/code/Hprasetyou/SlickMagento
- run php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Usage is pretty simple, just call data-mage-init='{"Hprasetyou_SlickMagento/js/carousel":{}}' where you want to init your slick carousel. You can pass slick option directly to the markup. Please refer this to see available options:
<div data-mage-init='{
{"infinite":false, "slidesToShow": 3,"responsive": [
"breakpoint": 480,
"settings": {
"slidesToShow": 1,
"slidesToScroll": 1,
"centerMode": true
<img src="{{media url="pages/home/service/1.jpg"}}" alt="">
<img src="{{media url="pages/home/service/2.jpg"}}" alt="">