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Set up CMSSW and offcial NanoAOD-tools

cmsrel CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3
cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3/src

git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools

Get customized NanoAOD tools for HeavyResTagging (NanoHRT-tools)

git clone PhysicsTools/NanoHRTTools -b dev/UL


scram b -j8


Instructions to run the nanoAOD postprocessor can be found at nanoAOD-tools.


cd PhysicsTools/NanoHRTTools/run
Make trees for MC performance study:
python [-i /path/of/input] -o /path/to/output -d datasets.yaml --friend 
-I PhysicsTools.NanoHRTTools.producers.hrtMCTreeProducer hrtMCTree -n 1

To merge the trees, run the same command but add --post -w '' (i.e., set -w to an empty string ('') -- we do not add the cross sections, but simply reweight signals to match the QCD spectrum afterwards).

Make trees for heavy flavour tagging (bb/cc) or top/W data/MC comparison and scale factor measurement:
python -i /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcjme/noreplica/NanoHRT/path/to/input -o /path/to/output 
(--sample-dir custom_samples) --jet-type [ak8,ak15] --channel [photon|qcd|muon|inclusive] --year [2016|2017|2018] -n 10 
(--batch) (--run-data) (--run-syst)
(--run-tagger) (--run-mass-regression) (--sfbdt 0.5)
(--condor-extras '+AccountingGroup = "group_u_CMST3.all"')

Command line options:

  • the preselection for each channel is coded in
  • add --run-data to make data trees
  • add --run-syst to make the systematic trees
  • can run data & MC for multiple years together w/ e.g., --year 2016,2017,2018. The --run-data option will be ignored in this case. Add also --run-syst to make the systematic trees.
  • use --sample-dir to specify the directory containing the sample lists. Currently we maintain two sets of sample lists: the default one is under samples which is used for running over official NanoAOD datasets remotely, and the other one is custom_samples which is used for running over privately produced NanoAOD datasets locally. To run over the private produced samples, ones needs to add --sample-dir custom_samples to the command line.
  • the --batch option will submit jobs to condor automatically without confirmation
  • remove -i to run over remote files (e.g., official NanoAOD, or private NanoAOD published on DAS); consider adding --prefetch to copy files first before running
  • [NEW] add --run-tagger (--run-mass-regression) to run new ParticleNet tagger (mass regression) on-the-fly. Check for the model configuration.
  • [NEW] use --sfbdt to change the sfBDT cut value. This affects only QCD and photon samples. By default, sfBDT > 0.5 is applied to QCD and photon samples.
  • [NEW] use --condor-extras to pass extra options to condor job description file.

More options of or (a wrapper of can be found with python -h or python -h, e.g.,

  • To resubmit failed jobs, run the same command but add --resubmit.

  • To add cross section weights and merge output trees according to the config file, run the same command but add --post. The cross section file to use can be set with the -w option.

Truth-matching criteria

For maximal flexibility, a number of truth-matching varibles are defined in HeavyFlavBaseProducer for hadronically decaying top quarks and W, Z, Higgs bosons. For W/Z/H we define:

  • fj_idx_dr_X: deltaR of the fatjet to the nearest hadronically decaying X particle. If found, this top quark X is then used to define all the following variables. Default to 99 if no hadronically decaying X in the event.
  • fj_idx_dr_X_daus: max deltaR between the fatjet and the two quarks from X decay.
  • fj_idx_X_pt: pt of X
  • fj_idx_X_decay: max abs(pdgId) of the two quarks from X decay. For H/Z, this means 5: bb, 4: cc, <4: qq. For W, this means 4: cx, <4: qq. Default to 0 if no hadronically decaying X in the event.

Top quark is treated a bit differently:

  • fj_idx_dr_T: deltaR of the fatjet to the nearest hadronically decaying top quark. If found, this top quark T is then used to define all the following variables. Default to 99 if no hadronically decaying top in the event.
  • fj_idx_dr_T_b: deltaR between the fatjet and the b quark from the hadronic T decay.
  • fj_idx_dr_T_Wq_(max|min): max|min deltaR between the fatjet and the two quarks from the W decay.
  • fj_idx_T_Wq_(max|min)_pdgId: pdgId (w/o taking the absolute value) of the corresponding two quarks from W decay.
  • fj_idx_T_pt: pt of T

Truth-matching criteria for top/W tagging scale factors

  • top-matched: all three quarks contained in the fatjet
    • fj_1_dr_T_b<jetR && fj_1_dr_T_Wq_max<jetR
  • W-matched: only the two W quarks contained, the b quark is outside the jet cone (if the W is from top quark decay)
    • ((fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId==0 && fj_1_dr_W_daus<jetR) || (fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId!=0 && fj_1_dr_T_b>=jetR && fj_1_dr_T_Wq_max<jetR))
    • [Note] the first part is mainly intended for tW events where the top quark decays leptonically, and the W boson decays hadronically. This can be a sizeable contribution to the W-matched events and needs to be taken into account properly. The trick here makes use of the fact that fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId is non-zero only if there is a hadronic top in the event.
  • unmatched: defined as (NOT top-matched) and (NOT W-matched), i.e.,
    • !(fj_1_dr_T_b<jetR && fj_1_dr_T_Wq_max<jetR) && !((fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId==0 && fj_1_dr_W_daus<jetR) || (fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId!=0 && fj_1_dr_T_b>=jetR && fj_1_dr_T_Wq_max<jetR))

[Extra] For selecting specifically W->cx decays from the W-matched jets:

  • W(cx)-matched:
    • ((fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId==0 && fj_1_dr_W_daus<jetR && fj_1_W_decay==4) || (fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId!=0 && fj_1_dr_T_b>=jetR && fj_1_dr_T_Wq_max<jetR && (abs(fj_1_T_Wq_max_pdgId)==4 || abs(fj_1_T_Wq_min_pdgId)==4)))

Checklist when updating to new data-taking years / production campaigns

  • triggers
  • lumi values
  • golden JSON
  • PU rewgt
  • lepton ID/ISO
  • b-tag WP
  • MET filters
  • MET recipes (if any)
  • samples (check also those in PRODUCTION status)