title | author | geometry |
Data Structures Notes |
Haroon Ghori |
margin=1in |
- java primative types
- int
- double
- char
- float
- long
- byte
- boolean
- Wrapper Classes
- int => Integer
- double => Double
- char => Character
- ...
- Wrapper classes are instantiable classes that correspond to primitive data types.
- Autobox - primitive types can be automatically be converted to wrapper classes when needed.
- Creates a "generic" methods and classes that work with unspecified data types.
- Generic method header
public static <T> <returnType> methodName(T thing)
- Generic class header
public class myDoubleGen<T1, T2>
- Implementing Generics
- You cannot implement an array of generics directly
T[] ra = new T[n]
(not allowed)T[] ra = (T[]) new Object[n]
- Any type
can fit into a generic type so long as it's an instantiate class (eg Wrapper Class)- we must use
<T> = Integer
instead of<T> = int
- we must use
- You cannot implement an array of generics directly
- Generic method header
- Collection - an object that groups multiple elements in a single unit
- typically data items that form a "natural" group
- Collections Framework - a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections.
- for manipulating a sequence of values
- adds positional operations for indexing into a Collection
- al elements occupy a numbered position
- positions of N elements go from 0 to N-1
set(where, item)
add(where, item)
- Unordered, unique "set" of values
SortedSet<T> extends Set<T>
introduces ordering
- usually "first in first out" (FIFO) but could be priority queue
- adds to end, removes and "peeks" at beginning methods
- A deque is a double ended queue
- usually "first in first out" (FIFO) but could be priority queue
int size()
void clear()
boolean isEmpty()
boolean contains(T o)
boolean add(T)
(maps are not collections)- stores key/value pairs
- each pair is an entry (nested class)
- K is the key, V is the value
- key must be unique
- key could be paired with a collection which includes multiple values
- stores key/value pairs
- Implementations
Map<K, V>
- Data type - a collection of values and the operations that can be applied to them
- Interface
- Gives you a list of operations (method headers) that can be performed on a data type, but doesn't define what they do / how they work. Tells the programmer how the user can interact with the object, but leaves the definitions to the programmer.
- Implementation
- Defines the methods (interactions) in the interface.
- Interface
- Equivalence Relation
- A relation ~ over a set S is a set of pairs of items from S
- Note '~' represents a relation
- write x~y to indicate that {x,y} exists in ~
- A relation ~ over a set S is an equivalence relation if it is
- reflexive
- for al x E S, x~x
- symmetric
for all x,y E S, x
y implies yx - transitive
- for all x,y,z E S, x
y and yz implies x~z
- for all x,y,z E S, x
- reflexive
- An equivalence relation ~ over the set S partitions S into disjoint (non overlapping) subsets
- two elements in the same subsets are considered equivalent with respect to ~
- Dynamic Equivalence Problem
- Sometimes we need to modify the equivalence relation as we go, changing the partition
- the formerly disjointed sets get combined
- Given n equivalence relation over S and two items from S, how can we determine if the elements are equivalent.
- Sometimes we need to modify the equivalence relation as we go, changing the partition
- A relation ~ over a set S is a set of pairs of items from S
- Basically a Set (from the java collections framework) but duplicates are allowed.
- Order doesn't matter
- Size doesn't matter
- Operations
- create
- add
- clear
- size
- isEmpty
- remove
- list
- contains
- Unlike sets Bags do not have union, intersection, and setDifference methods
- a collection of disjoint subsets
- begins with every element in its own subset
- the subsets are then repeatedly joined via a union operator
- Simplify names
- let N be the number of items in a structure
- then we assume that the names of the items in our structure are {0, N-1}
- A Structure with a Quick Union Method
- to start each item is in it's own set named with its own name
- use an array to store names of sets
- position i holds the name of the set that contains item i
- performing find(x)
- return array[x]
- takes O(1) time
- constant time
- very fast
- performing union(a, b)
- find(a) to learn i, the name of 'a's set
- find(b) to learn j, the name of 'b's set
- Go through the array and replace all 'j's with 'i's
- O(N) time
- A Structure with a Quick Union Method
- Use a tree to represent each set with the root being the name of the set
- one "top" element is called the root with related elements branching "below"
- elements with no branches are called leaves
- each node keeps track of it's parent
- tree is represented by an array where array[i] gives the parent of item i -array[0] = -1 since root has no parent
- performing find(x)
- check arrray[x]
- if array[x] == -1
- return x
- else
- check array[array[x]]
- repeat until we find the root (name) of the set
- if array[x] == -1
- performing union(a, b)
- find(a) to find the root of a
- find(b) to find the root of b
- set a[b] to b
- the b is the parent of a
- use union-by-size
- set the root value for b to be -size(b).
- then search for any negative number instead of -1 when performing find(x)
- then always attatch the smaller tree to the larger toree to keep trees small.
- then no tree can have depth greater than log(N)
- set the root value for b to be -size(b).
- use path compression
- when performing find(x) set all nodes between x and the root to point to the root. Compresses all paths such that find(x) becomes much faster
- check arrray[x]
- Use a tree to represent each set with the root being the name of the set
- An object that allows us to access each element in a collection in turn. Interfaces
- Iterator
- Iterable
- Defines a collection that is iterable
- Iteratiors do not neccesarily operate in order. They just garuntee that every element in the iteration will be selected.
- An iterator's remove() method is optional. Calling it might result in an UnspportedOperationException
- Modifying a collection while an iterator is in use can cause problems.
- When detected will throw a ConccurrentModificationException. Happens often when remove() is called.
- Collection with discontinuous memory allocation
- capacity is not fixed
- each element "points" to the next element in the list (Singly linked list)
- thus each element (called a node) must have a data part and a next part
- the final node's next part points to null
- the pointer to the beginning of the list is called the head pointer
- the pointer to the end of the list is called the tail pointer
- each element points to the next and previous element in the list (Doubly linked list)
- stores twice the ammount of data, but very useful
- Last In First Out (LIFO) structure. User has no access to inner elements
- Modifications to stack only occur at the end (called the top)
- Operations
void push(T items)
- adds an item to the top of the stack
T pop()
- removes the top item
T peek()
- returns the top item
int size()
- returns the stack's size
boolean isEmpty()
- returns whether or not the stack is empty
- First In First Out (FIFO) structure. User only has access to first element and can only add to the end.
- Operations
void enquee()
- adds to the end of the queue
T dequeue()
- removes from the front of the queue
T front()
- returns the first element
int size()
- returns the size of the queue
boolean isEmpty()
- returns whether or not the queue is empty
- Deque
- Similar to queue, but the user can add or remove from the beginning or end
- Operations
void addFront(item)
- adds to the front of the deque
void addBack(item)
- adds to the back of the deque
T removeFront()
- removes from the front of the deque
T removeBack()
- remmoves from the back of the deque
- Collection in which items are stored in a table
- Location of a particular item is determined by a "hash function" instead of position relative to rest of the data
- if a hash function maps two items to the same location we call this a hash colision.
- ideally a hash function will provide O(1) access time
- Java has built in Hash Functions for general classes (String, Integer, etc), but sometimes it is useful to write your own functions.
- typically we create a table of size 'm' with indices [0, m-1].
- then if x = Hash(item) we reduce x % m such that it will fit in the table
- Collision Resolution
- Seperate chaining
- use seperate linked list for each bucket
- Open adressing strategies
- items don't always get added to their ideal location
- Linear Probing
- find index = Hash(x) % M
- check if index is empty
- if index is empty, add item to index
- if index is not empty
- for K = 0, 1, ... M-1 if (index + K) % M is empty insert item in (index + k) and end loop
- For this strategy to be eficient the table needs to have a lot of empty space. (M > what we really "need"). Then theoretically there will be empty spaces where collision-items can be added close to their "actual" space (as per the Hash function) which maximizes search efficiency.
- Search(item)
- Find index = Hash(item)
- check index
- if Table(index) = item return
- else
- for k = 0, 1, M-1 if Table(index + k) == item, return else if Table(index + k != null), keep searching else if Table(index + k == null), return
- Seperate chaining
node, root, internal, external (no children = leaf)
parent, child, sibling, ancestors, descendents
edge, path
- Edge is a link between two nodes
- Path is the set of edges between two nodes. The path length is the number of edges between two noeds
depth of node
- root=0, 1+depth(parent),
height of node
- leaf=0, 1+max child height
ordered tree:
- children of a node are ordered, ie, book TOC
Tree Algorithms
- compute depth of node
- compute height of node (two methods)
- traversals
- breadth-first
- depth-first
- preorder
- postorder
- int size()
- O(1)
- boolean isEmpty()
- O(1)
Iterable<E> breadthFirst()
Iterable<E> preOrder()
Iterable<E> postOrder()
Binary Trees
- every node has at most 2 children (called left & right usually)
- depth-first traversals:
- Pre-Order
- Check root, then left subtree, then right subtree
- Post-Order
- Check left subtree, then right subtree then root
- In-Order
- Check left subtree, then root, then right subtree
- Pre-Order
Binary Tree Properties
- Every node has at most 2 children
- assume n nodes, height h:
- h < n
- log n <= h because n <= 2^(h+1) - 1 = sum (i=0,h) 2^i
- nodes at depth i <= 2^i
- Proper Binary Tree
- All nodes have 0 or 2 children
- Complete Binary Tree
- Full from top to bottom, left to right
- h <= log(N)
- Balanced Binary Tree
- difference in height of left and right subtrees is at most 1
Binary Tree Implementations - Recursive Linked Structure: - Bnode has T data, Bnode parent, Bnode left, Bnode right - Ranked Sequence Representation: - Use array, waste slot at index 0 - Root goes into index 1 - Left child of node at i is at index 2i - Right child of node at i is at index 2i+1 - Parent of node at i is at index i/2 (integer division)
Binary Search Tree
- A binary tree where items are placed into the tree based on their value.
- Algorithms
- Find K
def find(k, root): if (root == null): return false if (k == root.data): return true else if (k < root.data): return find(k, root.left) else: return find(k, root.right)
- Insert K
def insert(k, root): if (root == null): return new Node(k) if (k < root.data): root.left = insert(k, root.left) else: root.right = insert(k, root.right)
- Remove K
def remove(k, root): if (k < root.data): root.left = remove(k, root.left) else if (k > root.data): root.right = remove(k, root.right) else: if (root.isLeaf): #leaf return null else if (root.left != null && root.right == null): #only right child return root.right else if (curr.left == null && curr.right != null): #only left child return root.left else: curr = findMin(root.right) #delete minimum on the right root.right = this.delete(root.right, curr.data) root.data = curr.data return root
- Example: arithmetic expression evaluation
- Consider this arithmetic expression: (1+2) * -6 - 2 * (14/5)
- This binary tree represents it and can be used to compute the result:
- / \ * * / \ / \ + - 2 / / \ \ / \ 1 2 6 14 5
- in-order traversal for fully parenthesized in-fix form: $(((1+2)(-6))-(2(14/5)))$
- pre-order traversal generates pre-fix notation:
- * + 1 2 - 6 * 2 / 14 5
- post-order traversal generates post-fix notation:
1 2 + 6 - * 2 14 5 / * -
AVL Tree
- An AVL tree is a binary search tree which must maintain the Height Balance Property
- The absolute value of the difference between the heights of any node's children must be less than or equal to one.
- insert, search operations are O(log N)
- Algorithms
- insert
- insert item as in binary search tree
- starting with new node, go up to update heights
- if find a node that has become unbalanced
- do restructure to rebalance
- rebalance reduces height of subtree by 1, so no need to propagate up
- O(log n)
- remove
- start as with binary search tree
- ancestor of deleted node (not replaced node) may become unbalanced
- go up from deleted node to find first unbalanced
- do rotation - may reduce the height of the subtree
- propagate/check upward to root!
- O(log n)
- balance
- Check root
- If left-left imbalance, do right rotation
- If right-right imbalance, do left rotation
- If left-right imbalance, do left then right rotation
- If right-left imbalance, do right then left rotation
- Check root
- insert
- An AVL tree is a binary search tree which must maintain the Height Balance Property
- A data structure, similar to a queue which gets objects with maximum priority.
- Entry object: (key, value) pair, keys must be comparable
- main methods:
- Hash table: fast inserts depending on collisions
- Good if there are lots of different priorities
- Balanced binary search tree
- Operations are log(N)
- (circular) ordered array
- O(N) to insert
- O(1) for findMin and deleteMin
- Unordered array
- O(1) to insert
- O(N) for findMin, deleteMin
- Note that ordered/unordered arrays could be linked lists too
- Heap
- complete binary tree:
- N nodes, height log N
- full except for rightmost last level
- last node corresponds to level numbering
- order property:
- every node key (priority) <= it's childrens' keys (priorities)
- Implimentations
- Ranked Sequence array rep of complete binary tree
- level numbering:
- f(v) = 1 if root
- left child = 2f(parent(v))
- right child = 2f(parent(v)) + 1
- root, parent, leftChild, rightChild, isInternal, isExternal, isRoot
- iterator methods for elements, positions, children
- worst case array size = N
- level numbering:
- Ranked Sequence array rep of complete binary tree
- Algorithms
- Insert
- add next leaf node according to next open spot
- bubble value up based on priority.
- Time Complexity
- Add O(1)
- Bubble Up O(log(N))
- Time Complexity
- FindMin
- Algorithm
- get root value
- Time Complexity
- O(1)
- Algorithm
- DeleteMin
- Algorithm
- returns root
- moves last leaf value to root
- bubble root value down based on priority
- Time Complexity
- remove root O(1)
- find last
- Array O(1)
- Tree O(log(N))
- Bubble Down O(log(N))
- Algorithm
- Bubble Up (minimum heap)
- Algorithm
def bubbleUp(index): #based on array implimentation if (index <= 1): #at root return; val = heap.get(index) parent = heap.get(index / 2) #if value has lower priority than parent, swap if (val < parent): heap.set(index / 2, val) heap.set(index, parent) bubbleUp(index / 2) return;
- Time Complexity
- O(log(N))
- Bubble Down (minimum heap)
- Algorithm
def bubbleDown(index) #based on array implimentation if (2 * index > this.size): #at a leaf return val = this.heap.get(index) childIndex = this.maxChild(index) if (childIndex < 1) return child = this.heap.get(childIndex); #swap if value has higher priority than child, swap if (val > child): heap.set(index, child) heap.set(childIndex, val) bubbleDown(childIndex) return
- Time Complexity
- O(log(N))
- Bottom Up Build
- Algorithm
- Put all values in array
- Starting at height h - 1 check each value and bubble down if neccesary
- Go to next level and repeat until the root has been reached
- Time Complexity
- O(N)
- Algorithm
- Top Down Build (Standard Build)
- Algorithm
- Create empty heap
- Add values one by one, bubble up as needed
- Time Complexity
- O(Nlog(N))
- Algorithm
- Insert
- add next leaf node according to next open spot
- bubble value up based on priority.
- complete binary tree:
- Terminology
- N vertices (nodes) connected by M edges (lines)
- Degree of vertex is number of incident edges
- Adjacent vertices u and v (edge (u, v) exists) are called neighbors
- directed
- edges that go in one direction (from u to v, but not v to u)
- undirected
- edges taht go in both directions (from u to v and v to u)
- directed
- Path from u to v is a sequence of edges starting at u that take you to v, with no repeated edges (path length = number of edges on it)
- Cycle in a graph: a path of length at least 1 whose first and last vertices are the same
- Connected graph G: there is a path in G from every vertex to every other vertex
- Acyclic graph
- A graph with no cycles
- Tree
- An acyclic connected graph
- Forest
- A disjoint set of trees
- Subgraph of G
- Subset of graph G’s edges (and associated vertices)
- Spanning tree of a connected graph G
- A subgraph that contains all of G’s vertices and is a single tree
- Implimentations of Graph
- Edge List
- List of ordered pair edges (u, v)
- Adjascency List
- A linked structure containing the vectors, linked to its neighbors Example
[A] -> E -> F [B] -> A -> N [C] -> M -> P ... [Z] -> B -> C
- Adjascency Matrix
- Two dimensional boolean or integer array of indicating when there's an edge between vectors u and v Example
A B C .. Z A B C ... Z
- Edge List
- Algorithms
- Traversals and Searhes
- Breadth-first
- Approximates level-order tree traversal
- Move one level further away from starting vertex during each round
- Depth-first
- Generalization of pre-order tree traversal
- Find longest path from start that you can without repeating vertices, then backtrack as needed to try di↵erent long paths until you reach all vertices
- Breadth-first
- Topological Sort
- Goal: order the vertices of a directed, acyclic graph in some sequence so that for each edge (u, v) in the graph, vertex u appears earlier in list than vertex v
- Note that a vertex's indegree is the number of edges leading to the vertex
- a vertex's outdegre is the number of edges leading away from the vertex Algorithm def topologicalSort(): Collection collection = new List() while (!graph.isEmpty): v = findVertexInDegreeZero() if (v == null): return #graph must have cycle, so abort collection.add(v) graph.remove(v)
- Goal: order the vertices of a directed, acyclic graph in some sequence so that for each edge (u, v) in the graph, vertex u appears earlier in list than vertex v
- Shortest Path Problems
- Single Source, Unweighted Graph (Breadth First Search)
def unweightedBestPath(start): for (v in graph): dist[v] = infinity prev[v] = null dist[start] = 0 prev[start] = -1 //Perform a breadth-first traversal to process nodes queue.enqueue(start) while queue is not empty x = queue.dequeue() For (each v in neighbors(x) && prev[v] == null): dist[v] = dist[x]+1 prev[v] = x queue.enqueue(v)
- Time Complexity
- O(V + E)
- Time Complexity
- Single Source, Weighted Graph (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
= ```Python
def weightedBestPath(start):
for each v in graph:
dist[v] 1
prev[v] null
found[v] false
dist[start] = 0
prev[start] = -1
for i in range (0, V):
x = getUnfoundVertexWithMinDistance()
found[x] = true
for each v in neighbors(x):
if (dist[x] + weight[(x, v)] < dist[v]):
dist[v] = dist[x] + weight[(x, v)]
prev[v] = x
- Time Complexity - O(N^2)
- All Sources Graph
- Run single source path algorithm V times
- Time Complexity
- O(N^3)
- Single Source, Unweighted Graph (Breadth First Search)
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Find the tree that connects all vertices in the graph with the least total cost.
- Prim's Algorithm
- Similar to Dijkstra's algorithm. Starts at a source vector and finds the minimum cost path to each other vector
def prim(start): Graph newGraph = new Graph() for each v in graph: dist[v] = infinity prev[v] = null found[v] = false dist[start] = 0 prev[start] = -1 for i in range (0, V): x = getUnfoundVertexWithMinDistance() found[x] = true newGraph.add(x) for each v in neighbors(x): if (weight[(x, v)] < dist[v]): dist[v] = weight[(x, v)] prev[v] = x
- Time Complexity
- O(N^2) or O(Mlog(N))
- M is the number of edges, N is the number of vertices
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Finds the smallest edge and adds to the tree if adding that edge doesn't create a cycle.
- Algorithm
def kruskal(): Graph newGraph = new Graph() Heap heap = new Heap() #minHeap for each edge in graph: heap.add(edge) while (!heap.isEmpty): e = heap.pull() if (!newGraph.willCreateCycle(e)): newGraph.add(e)
- Time Complexity
- O(Mlog(N))
- M is the number of edges, N is the number of vertices
- Prim's Algorithm
- Find the tree that connects all vertices in the graph with the least total cost.
- Traversals and Searhes
- series of ordered levels, each a doubly linked list with sentinels
- L0 has all the elements
- Li has on average 2^(log n - i) elements = n/2^i
- Lh (top level) has sentinels
- each entry has collection of links to go across and down
- good choice in practice for sets, maps, dictionaries
- search & update methods are O(log n) expected time (probabilistic analysis)
- uses randomization
- Operations
- find K
- start at top leftmost position (-inf)
- while pos != null
- skip forward to largest key <= K
- move down 1 position
- insert K
- do (skip)search to find position in L0
- insert K in L0
- flip coin to decide if insert K in next level
- keep flipping and inserting up until no
- remove K
- do search (find) to find position in L0
- remove from each level as you search downward
- find K
Lh: s e
L3: s 17 42 e
L2: s 17 31 42 55 e
L1: s 12 17 31 38 42 44 55 e
L0: s 12 17 20 31 38 39 42 44 50 55 e
- Each key is given a random priority and inserted as in a binary search tree (not balanced. The nodes are rotated so that the priorities form a (max)heap
- The idea is to use random priorities to roughly rebalance tree
- Operations
- find K
- do standard binary tree search ignoring priorities
- insert K
- generate random priority for key K
- binary search where the new leaf for K belongs (BST on keys)
- while new node has higher priority than parent, rotate nodes
- delete K
- if K is at leaf node, just remove
- if K has one child, replace with child
- if K has two children, do like BST remove and then fix heap property:
- swap K node with key order successor, rotate to restore heap
- alternative: find K, change priority to -1, rotate down to leaf then remove
- find K
- These are an alternative Binary Search Tree implementation of a map, dictionary or set where elements are moved up to the root each time they are accessed so that their next access is faster. This is still a binary search tree, but not necessarily balanced.
- Splaying
- rotations after every operation (including find) to move accessed node to root:
- zig (if accessed node is child of root)
- zig-zag (like double AVL rotation (LR or RL))
- zig-zig (2 single rotations: parent-grandparent first, then child-parent)
- continue splaying upwards until the splayed node is the root
- which node to splay:
- find: found node or leaf where search ends (if not found)
- insert: inserted node
- remove: parent of actual leaf node that gets removed
- complexity
- O(d) to splay node at depth d
- worst case O(h) for any operation (splay leaf)
- M operations cost O(M log N) time
- amortized cost of each operation is O(log n), some better, some worse
- rotations after every operation (including find) to move accessed node to root:
- m-ary search tree (m=2 gives us a binary search tree)
- tree is always balanced!
- each node holds up to m-1 values
- for each internal node: ceil(m/2) <= # children <= m
- the values in the nodes are ordered and direct search to a child
- height is O(log N) with base m (constant of m within log base 2)
- as values are inserted, nodes are split as necessary in a process that recurses up to the root if necessary
- this is how balance is maintained
- useful for disk accesses instead of putting all data in memory:
- for large m, each node is stored on a block of memory
- do binary search to find a value in a node, or direct to child
- each block access (as you go to the next level) is a disk access
- there are at most O(log N) disc accesses
- Counting the number of basic operations
- Not neccesarily exact
- Big-O notation isused to describe the upper bound of time complexity
- Gives an idea of how quickly/efficiently a method will run.
- Measuring run times
- single assignments, operations, input/output constant
- statemtnts in sequence
- sum of statement times
- decision statemeents
- max of its parts + conditions (test boolean) execution time
- loop
- maximum number of iterations multiplied by the sum of body statements + condition execution time
- nested lops can be very complicated
- method call
- sum of all statements in method body
- Big O, Big Omega, and Big Theta
Let T(N) represent the worst case running time of an algorithm with input size N.
- by default we measure the worst case scenario
Big O: T(N) ~ O(f(N)) if there exists a 'c' and an 'n' such that T(N) <= cf(N) for all N >= n.
- Upper bound function of worst case runtime. Note: We use '~' to represent "is an element of".
- There are a large number of functions that can bound any given method. We then use the smallest possible function which satisfies the Big O conditions
Big Omega: T(N) ~ Omega(g(N) if there exists c, n such that T(N) >= cg(N) for all N >= n.
- Lower bound function of worst case runtime
- All functions have a g(N) of c (constant time)
Big Theta: T(N) ~ Theta(h(N)) if and only iff T(N) ~ O(h(N)) and T(N) ~ Omega(N)). Sandwhich theorem: cf(N) and cg(N) are of the same type, but c and n can differ. Upper bounded by cf(N) and lower bounded by cg(N). THerefore we can use Theta(N) to describe a range of worst case runtimes.
Example Linear Search algorithm
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++){ if (a[i] == value) { return i; } } return -1
- Analysis
Theninitializing i = 1 operation Worst case N iterations inside loop body = 1 operation array access = 1 operation iterate i = 2 operations (because i = i+1) check condition i<N = 1 operation Last condition (i<N) check = 1 operation return = 1 operation
$T(N) = 5N + 3$ and for all$N >= n$ $T(N) <= cN$ for$c = 4$ and$n = 3$ Therefore$T(N) ~ O(N)$ $T(N) >= cN$ for$c = 3$ and$n = 1$ Therefore$T(N) ~ Omega(N)$ Therefore$T(N) ~ Theta(N)$ -
- Standard T(N) Functions (in order of efficiency)
- c
- constant time
- log log log ... log(N)
- multi log time
- log(N)
- logarithmic time
- (log(N))^2
- log squared time
- (log(N))^k
- log k time
- N
- linear time
- Nlog(N)
- linearithmic time (or just Nlog(N) time)
- N^2
- qadratic time
- N^3
- cubic time
- c^N
- exponential time
- c
- Insertion Sort
- for each value, move left as far as it needs to go
- repeat for each position i from 2 to N
- Time Complexity
- O(N^2)
6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 5 6 3 1 8 7 2 4 3 5 6 1 8 7 2 4 1 3 5 6 8 7 2 4 1 3 5 6 7 8 2 4 1 2 3 5 6 8 7 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Bubble Sort
- from left to right, compare adjacent values, swap if out of order
- repeat N-1 times or until no changes
- largest values bubble to the end
- Time Complexity
- O(N^2)
6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 5 3 1 6 7 2 4 8 3 1 5 6 2 4 7 8 1 3 5 2 4 6 7 8 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Selection Sort
- mimimum based: find smallest value and swap into position
- repeat for each position i from 1 to N-1
- smallest values are placed into the correct positions
- Time Complexity
- O(N^2)
6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 1 6 5 3 8 7 2 4 1 2 6 5 3 8 7 4 1 2 3 6 5 8 7 4 1 2 3 4 6 5 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Merge Sort
- Split array recursively by half until each array has length of 1
- Merge and sort the arrays
- Time Complexity
- O(Nlog(N))
6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 5 6 1 3 7 8 2 4 1 3 5 6 2 4 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Quick Sort
- Pick pivot element
- Median of three: median of first, middle, last
- Swap pivot to last position
- Work from both ends to make swaps
- Iterate from both sides
- If left[i] > pivot and right[j] < pivot, swap them
- Every element left is <, every element right is >=
- When ends join, put pivot element at union spot, then recurse
- Time Complexity:
- worst case O(N^2) if subsection only shrinks by 1 each time
- best case O(N log N) (divide problem in half each time)
- randomized version - get expected O(N log N) time
- in practice: faster than mergesort, better space
20 13 7 71 31 10 5 50 17 median of: 20, 31, 17 -> 20 pivot 17 13 7 71 31 10 5 50 |20 17 13 7 5 31 10 71 50 |20 17 13 7 5 10 31 71 50 |20 17 13 7 5 10 |20| 71 50 31 first pass done, recurse on each partition 17 13 7 5 10 20 71 50 31 left median of 3: 17, 7, 10 => 10 right median of 3: 71, 31, 50 => 50 5 13 7 17 |10 |20| 71 31 |50 5 7 13 17 |10 |20| 31 71 |50 5 7 |10| 17 13 |20| 31 |50| 71 Left, left median of 3: 5, 7 left, right median of 3: 17, 13 5 7 10 13 17 20 31 50 71
- Pick pivot element
- Bucket Sort
- Add all values to an HashTable with M buckets
- Then remove in order
- Time Complexity
- O(N + M)
6 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 [1] -> 1 [2] -> 2 [3] -> 3 [4] -> 4 [5] -> 5 [6] -> 6 [7] -> 7 [8] -> 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Heap Sort
- Build a heap (bottom up or top down)
- Remove items from heap one by one
- Time Complexity
- O(N log N)
- Radix Sort
- Used to sort items using multiple paramaters
- For example string containing letters and numbers (ie 3A33B5) can be sorted in order by comparing each value.
- Start with rightmost dimension and create HashTable based on possible values
- for integer 0 - 9
- for character unicode range
- Add values to HashTable (hashOne) based on current dimension values
- Create new HashTable (hashTwo) based on new dimensions
- Remove values from hashOne and add to hashTwo
- Repeat until all dimensions have been checked
- Time Complexity
- O(d(M + N))
- Used to sort items using multiple paramaters
- Strings are usually encoded as arrays of characters, each represented by a certain number of bits
- Then we must decide the bit combinations to store each character
- Fixed Length
- Fixed length encoding scheme give each character a fixed number of bits
- For an alphabet of 26 characters and 1 space we would need at least 27 possible combinations. This can be achieved using characters with a fixed bit length of 5 because 2^4 < 27 < 2^5 Example A = 00000 B = 00001 C = 00010 ...
- Unicode - 8 bits/character
- This type of scheme may result in a creating more bits than neccesary
- Fixed length encoding scheme give each character a fixed number of bits
- Variable-length encoding scheme:
- Use character frequencies to make specialized encoding,
- more frequent characters have shorter codes.
- issue is knowing when one character stops and the next starts in a bit stream
- "prefix code": no encoding is a prefix of any other encoding
- Huffman Encoding Scheme
- use variable length encodings for characters in text based on frequency
- shorter codes for more frequent characters
- no code can be a prefix of another (for decoding purpose)
- called "prefix code"
- binary tree to represent the code
- left is 0, right is 1
- characters stored at leaves => prefix code guarantee
- frequences stored in nodes
- path from root to leaf gives encoding for that character
- create by repeatedly merging min frequency trees into larger one
- O(N) to read file (compute frequencies) and then encode
- construct optimal code in O(C log C) time w/heap PQ
- need to put encoding table in result file for decoding
- Example
24 / \ 10 14 / \ / \ 4 6 6 8 / \ / \ / \ / \ 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 a r e t / \ sp / \ / \ 1 2 2 2 2 2 ! u /\ /\ /\ /\ W l o v D S c s a 000 r 001 e 010 t 011 ! 1000 u 1001 sp 101 W 11000 l 11001 o 11010 v 11011 D 11100 S 11101 c 11110 s 11111
- use variable length encodings for characters in text based on frequency
- Tries - more generalized approach
- trees for storing strings (the actual text to be searched)
- used for pattern matching & prefix matching
- especially good for actual word matching
Example - consider this passage: She sells seashells by the seashore and he makes mounds of mud in the mountains. a b h i m o s t | | | | / | \ | / \ | n y e n a o u f e h h | | | | / \ | | d k u d a l e e | | | | e n s l | / \ / | s d t h s | | / \ s a e o ins lls re (compressed for brevity)
- General approach:
- let S be set of strings from alphabet A s.t. none is prefix of another
- trie nodes labelled with characters from A (except root)
- path from root to external node forms a string in text
- order children according to alphabet
- properties for S strings in C size alphabet with M chars total in text
- internal node has <= C children
- has S external nodes
- height = length of longest string
- #nodes is O(M)
- construction takes O(CM)
- search for pattern size N takes O(CN)
- compressed trie (Patricia trie)
- combine nodes with single children that form chain
- store substring indices of where each chain occurs in the original passage instead of all the characters at nodes (so only need to store 2 integers instead of multiple characters)
- nodes is O(S)
- let S be set of strings from alphabet A s.t. none is prefix of another
- Tags
- Tags a method that will run before each test
- Tags a method that runs once at the beginning of the test class
- Tags a test
- Tags a method that will run after each test
- Tags a method that runs once at the end of the test class
- Import Statements
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test;
- Compile and Run
javac -cp <junit file name>.jar;. <class>.java java -cp <junit file name>.jar; <hamcrest jar file>.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <class>
- Replace ; with : for OSX and Linux