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CRAFT: A Benchmark for Causal Reasoning About Forces and inTeractions

This folder contains the scripts to generate videos and questions. While /framework contains scripts to generate a dataset and run simulations, /svqa contains question generation scripts. On the other hand, /gui contains a PyQt5 program to view a generated dataset.

Folder structure of a generated dataset is as follows:

- Dataset folder
  - /intermediates          (A folder for intermediate outputs, may be used for debugging purposes.)
    - /sid_1
      - 000000.json         (One simulation output including the variations.)
      - 000001.json
      - /debug              (A folder for command line outputs from simulations)
      - /controllers        (A folder for controller files for simulation inputs)
      - /perturbations      (Contains perturbation outputs for each simulation instance)
      - /variations         (Contains variation outputs for each simulation instance)
      - /questions          (Contains both original questions generated from a simulation and its variations, and questions that are sieved with perturbations)
    - /sid_2
  - /videos
    - /sid_1
      - 000000.mpg
      - 000001.mpg
  - dataset_minimal.json    (Flat JSON array of questions in the dataset without properties like "program" for each question.)
  - dataset.json            (This JSON file is organized per-simulation, and also includes "program" property for each question.)



  • Cube
  • Triangle
  • Circle


  • Small
  • Large


  • Gray
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Purple
  • Cyan
  • Yellow
  • Black (Only static objects are black, and they cannot be covered by any other color.)

Static Scene Elements

  • Ramp
  • Platform
  • Button
  • Basket
  • Left Wall
  • Right Wall
  • Ground


  • Start Event (SE)
  • End Event (EE)
  • Collision Event (CE)
  • Start Touching Event (STE)
  • End Touching Event (ETE)
  • Basket En Up Event (BEUE)

Input and Output Data Types of Functional Modules

  • Object: A dictionary holding static and dynamic properties of an object at a time step
  • ObjectSet: A list of unique objects
  • ObjectSetList: A list of ObjectSet
  • Event: A dictionary holding information of a specific event: id, type, time step, participating objects
  • EventSet: A list of unique events
  • EventSetList: A list of EventSet
  • Color: A tag indicating the color of an object
  • Shape: A tag indicating the shape of an object
  • Integer: An integer type
  • Bool: A boolean type
  • BoolList: A list of Bool

Side Inputs

Object Side Inputs

  • Z: Size
  • C: Color
  • S: Shape


Noun and Adjective Synonyms

"thing": "thing", "object"
"sphere": "sphere", "ball"
"cube": "cube", "block"
"large": "large", "big"
"small": "small", "tiny"
"ground": "ground", "floor"
"basket": "basket", "container", "bucket"

Verb Synonyms

"prevent": "prevent", "keep", "hold", "block", "hinder"
"prevents": "prevents", "keeps", "holds", "blocks", "hinders"
"prevented": "prevented", "kept", "held", "blocked"
"enable": "enable", "help", "allow"
"enables": "enables", "helps", "allows"
"cause": "cause", "stimulate", "trigger"
"causes": "causes", "stimulates", "triggers"
"enter": "enter", "go into", "get into", "end up in", "fall into"
"entering": "entering", "going into", "getting into", "ending up in", "falling into"
"enters": "enters", "goes into", "gets into", "ends up in", "falls into"
"fall to": "fall to", "hit"
"falling to": "falling to", "hitting"
"falls to": "falls to", "hits"

Functional Modules

Name Description Input Types Output Types
SceneAtStart Returns all object properties at the start of the simulation None ObjectSet
SceneAtEnd Returns all object properties at the end of the simulation None ObjectSet
StartSceneStep Returns 0 None Integer
EndSceneStep Returns -1 None Integer
Intersect Intersects two sets of objects ObjectSet, ObjectSet ObjectSet
IntersectList Intersects an object set with all object sets in a list of ObjectSet ObjectSetList, ObjectSet ObjectSetList
Events Returns all events between video start and end None EventSet
FilterColor Returns objects from input list which has the color of input color ObjectSet, Color ObjectSet
FilterShape Returns objects from input list which has the shape of input shape ObjectSet, Shape ObjectSet
FilterCollision Returns collision events from the input list EventSet EventSet
FilterCollisionWithDynamics Returns collision events including only dynamic objects from the input list EventSet EventSet
FilterCollideGround Returns collision events including the ground from the input list EventSet EventSet
FilterCollideGroundList Returns list of collision event sets including the ground from a list of event sets EventSetList EventSetList
FilterCollideBasket Returns collision events including the basket from the input list EventSet EventSet
FilterCollideBasketList Returns list collision event sets including the basket from a list of event sets EventSetList EventSetList
FilterEnterContainer Returns container end up events from the input list EventSet EventSet
FilterEnterContainerList Returns list of container end up event sets from a list of event sets EventSetList EventSetList
FilterBefore Returns events from the input list that happened before input event EventSet, Event EventSet
FilterAfter Returns events from the input list that happened after input event EventSet, Event EventSet
IsBefore Returns whether the first event happened before the second event Event, Event Bool
IsAfter Returns whether the first event happened after the second event Event, Event Bool
FilterMoving Returns objects if they are moving at step specified by an Integer ObjectSet, Integer ObjectSet
FilterStationary Returns objects if they are stationary at step specified by an Integer ObjectSet, Integer ObjectSet
FilterFirst Returns the first event from the input list EventSet Event
FilterLast Returns the last event from the input list EventSet Event
FilterUnique Returns unique object from input list with possible side inputs Size, Color, Shape Objects, ObjectSideInputs Object
Unique Returns the single object from the input list, if list has more than one elements returns INVALID Objects Object
EventPartner (CE, STE, ETE) Returns object from the object list of the input event which is not input object Event, Object Object
QueryColor Returns the color of the input object Object Color
QueryShape Returns the shape of the input object Object Shape
Count Returns size of the input list ObjectSet, EventSet Integer
Exist Returns true if the input list is not empty ObjectSet, EventSet Bool
ExistList Applies Exist to each item in input list returning a list of Bool ObjectSetList BoolList
AnyFalse Returns true if there is at least one false in a bool list BoolList Bool
AnyTrue Returns true if there is at least one true in a bool list BoolList Bool
FilterObjectsFromEvents Returns objects from events EventSet ObjectSet
FilterObjectsFromEventsList Returns list object sets from a list of event sets EventSetList ObjectSetList
GetCounterfactEvents Returns event list if a specific object is removed from the scene Object EventSet
GetCounterfactEventsList Returns event list for all objects in an object set ObjectSet EventSetList
FilterDynamic Returns dynamic objects from an object set ObjectSet ObjectSet
AsList Returns single elemen object set created with a specific object Object ObjectSet


Structures Provided to Question Generation Engine

  • Scene information at start (SceneAtStart): Holds objects' static and dynamic information at start of the video, color, position, shape, velocity etc.
  • Scene information at end (SceneAtEnd): Holds objects' static and dynamic information at end of the video, color, position, shape, velocity etc.
  • Causal graph (CausalGraph): Graph constructed by events of objects as nodes. All events causing a specific event are the ancestors of that event.

All Tasks

Task Category
1. "What color is the object the Z C S first collides with?", "What color is the first object that collided with the Z C S?", "What is the color of the object the Z C S first collides with?", "What is the color of the first object that collided with the Z C S?" Descriptive
2. "What shape is the object the Z C S first collides with?", "What shape is the first object that collided with the Z C S?", "What is the shape of the object the Z C S first collides with?", "What is the shape of the first object that collided with the Z C S?" Descriptive
3. "What color is the object the Z C S last collides with?", "What color is the last object that collided with the Z C S?", "What is the color of the object the Z C S last collides with?", "What is the color of the last object that collided with the Z C S?" Descriptive
4. "What shape is the object the Z C S last collides with?", "What shape is the last object that collided with the Z C S?", "What is the shape of the object the Z C S last collides with?", "What is the shape of the last object that collided with the Z C S?" Descriptive
5. "How many Ss are moving when the video ends?", "How many Ss are in motion at the end of the video?" Descriptive
6. "How many C objects are moving when the video ends?", "How many C objects are in motion at the end of the video?" Descriptive
7. "How many Z objects are moving when the video ends?", "How many Z objects are in motion at the end of the video?" Descriptive
8. "How many objects are moving when the video ends?", "How many objects are in motion at the end of the video?" Descriptive
9. "How many Ss enter the basket?" Descriptive
10. "How many C objects enter the basket?" Descriptive
11. "How many Z objects enter the basket?" Descriptive
12. "How many objects enter the basket?" Descriptive
13. "How many Ss fall to the ground?" Descriptive
14. "How many C objects fall to the ground?" Descriptive
15. "How many Z objects fall to the ground?" Descriptive
16. "How many objects fall to the ground?" Descriptive
17. "How many objects enter the basket after the Z C S enters the basket?" Descriptive
18. "How many objects enter the basket before the Z C S enters the basket?" Descriptive
19. "How many objects fall to the ground after the Z C S falls to the ground?" Descriptive
20. "How many objects fall to the ground before the Z C S falls to the ground?" Descriptive
21. "After entering the basket, does the Z C S collide with other objects?" Descriptive
22. "Before entering the basket, does the Z C S collide with other objects?" Descriptive
23. "After falling to the ground, does the Z C S collide with other objects?" Descriptive
24. "Before falling to the ground, does the Z C S collide with other objects?" Descriptive
25. "Are there any collisions between objects after the Z C S enters the basket?" Descriptive
26. "Are there any collisions between objects before the Z C S enters the basket?" Descriptive
27. "Are there any collisions between objects after the Z C S falls to the ground?" Descriptive
28. "Are there any collisions between objects before the Z C S falls to the ground?" Descriptive
29. "Does the Z C S enter the basket before the Z2 C2 S2 does?" Descriptive
30. "Does the Z C S fall to the ground before the Z2 C2 S2 does?" Descriptive
31. "Will the Z2 C2 S2 enter the basket if the Z C S is removed?", "If the Z C S is removed, will the Z2 C2 S2 enter the basket?" Counterfactual
32. "Will the Z2 C2 S2 fall to the ground if the Z C S is removed?", "If the Z C S is removed, will the Z2 C2 S2 fall to the ground?" Counterfactual
33. "How many objects enter the basket if the Z C S is removed?", "If the Z C S is removed, how many objects enter the basket?" Counterfactual
34. "How many objects fall to the ground if the Z C S is removed?", "If the Z C S is removed, how many objects fall to the ground?" Counterfactual
35. "Will the Z C S enter the basket if any of the other objects are removed?", "If any of the other objects are removed, will the Z C S enter the basket?" Counterfactual
36. "Will the Z C S fall to the ground if any of the other objects are removed?", "If any of other the objects are removed, will the Z C S fall to the ground?" Counterfactual
37. "Does the Z C S enable the Z2 C2 S2 to fall to the ground?", "Does the Z C S enable the collision between the Z2 C2 S2 and the ground?", "There is a Z C S, does it enable Z2 C2 S2 to fall to the ground?" Enable
38. "Does the Z C S enable the Z2 C2 S2 to enter the basket?", "There is a Z C S, does it enable the Z2 C2 S2 to enter the basket?" Enable
39. "How many objects does the Z C S enable to fall to the ground?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S enables to fall to the ground?" Enable
40. "How many objects does the Z C S enable to enter the basket?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S enables to enter the basket?" Enable
41. "Does the Z C S cause the Z2 C2 S2 to fall to the ground?", "Does the Z C S cause the collision between the Z2 C2 S2 and the ground?", "There is a Z C S, does it cause the Z2 C2 S2 to fall to the ground?", "Does the Z C S lead to the collision between the Z2 C2 S2 and the ground?", "Does the Z C S lead to the Z2 C2 S2 falling to the ground?" Cause
42. "Does the Z C S cause the Z2 C2 S2 to enter the basket?", "There is a Z C S, does it cause the Z2 C2 S2 to enter the basket?", "Does the Z C S lead to the Z2 C2 S2 entering the basket?" Cause
43. "How many objects does the Z C S cause to fall to the ground?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S causes to fall to the ground?" Cause
44. "How many objects does the Z C S cause to enter the basket?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S causes to enter the basket?" Cause
45. "Does the Z C S prevent the Z2 C2 S2 from falling to the ground?", "There is a Z C S, does it prevent the Z2 C2 S2 from falling to the ground?", "Is the Z2 C2 S2 is prevented by the Z C S from falling to the ground?" Prevent
46. "Does the Z C S prevent the Z2 C2 S2 from entering the basket?", "There is a Z C S, does it prevent the Z2 C2 S2 from entering the basket?", "Is the Z2 C2 S2 is prevented by the Z C S from entering the basket?" Prevent
47. "How many objects does the Z C S prevent from falling to the ground?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S prevents from falling to the ground?", "How many objects are prevented by the Z C S from falling to the ground?", "What is the number of objects that are prevented by the Z C S from falling to the ground?" Prevent
48. "How many objects does the Z C S prevent from entering the basket?", "What is the number of objects that the Z C S prevents from entering the basket?", "How many objects are prevented by the Z C S from entering the basket?", "What is the number of objects that are prevented by the Z C S from entering the basket?" Prevent

Relationships between Enable, Cause and Prevent Tasks

In order to have better understanding about the differences between the Enable, Cause, and Prevent tasks, one should understand the notion of "intention" in our environments. We identify the intention in a simulation by looking at the initial linear velocity of the corresponding object. If the magnitude of the velocity is greater than zero, then the object is intended to do the task specified in the question text, such as entering the basket or colliding with the ground. If the magnitude of the velocity is zero, then the object is not intended to do the task, even if there is an external force, such as gravity, upon it at the start of the simulation. Therefore, an affector object or event can only enable a patient object to do the task if the patient object is intended to do it but fails without the affector. Similarly, an affector object or event can only cause a patient object to do the task if the patient object is not intended to do it. Furthermore, an affector object or event can only prevent a patient object not to do the task if the patient object is intended to do it and succeeds without the affector.

Here are some examples to make these more clear:

"Does the small purple triangle cause the tiny green triangle to get into the bucket?"

The answer to this question is true since the green tiny triangle is not intended to enter the bucket (its initial x and y velocties are 0) and without the purple object, it does not enter the bucket.

Does the large cyan triangle enable the tiny purple triangle to hit the bottom?

The answer to this question is true since tiny purple triangle is intended to hit the bottom (its initial x and/or y velocities are not 0s) and without the large cyan triangle, the blue box would not collide with the purple triangle leading it to hit the bottom.

If we switch cause and enable keywords in these questions, then the answers become false because of the patient object intentions.


Does the big cyan triangle hold the big blue block from going into the basket?

The answer to this question is true since big blue block is intended to enter the basket, and without the cyan triangle, it succeeds to do so.