12th December:
- created Implemented.md doc
- Added several network layers:
- Reshape
- SpatialConvolutionMM
- SpatialMaxPooling
- Tanh
- ReLU
5th September:
- added DoubleTensor
- added ByteTensor
- moved test scripts and output out of readme, provide links instead
- test output linked from readme updated automatically
- added + - * / for tensor/scalar pairs, and + - for tensor pairs
4th September:
- added LongTensor
now returns a LongTensor, rather than a FloatTensor- under the covers:
- started to use Jinja2 as a templating language, means easy to support other types
3rd September:
- modified Lua wrapper approach, so directly uses dynamic Python to wrap the Lua classes
2nd September:
- monkey-patchable, so can start work on PyClTorch
29th August:
- first created :-)