##Temperature logging Logger for sensor data from 1-wire and tellstick to mysql Note: There's also a REST API available (See web\data\README.md for information)
###Tellstic Duo Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://download.telldus.com/debian/ stable main
Download and add Telldus public key for apt-secure
wget http://download.telldus.se/debian/telldus-public.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Update the repository
sudo apt-get update
To install telldus-core, do
sudo apt-get install telldus-core
Download Switch King Server
wget http://www.switchking.se/sv/downloads?download=91%3Aserver-setup-linux-v3.2.1 -O SwitchKing.Server.Linux.
unzip SwitchKing.Server.Linux. -d ./switchking_server
Install mono
sudo apt-get install monodevelop
###Common setup
Make sure to have python 2.7 installed
apt-get install python
apt-get install python-pip
Make sure the correct python libraries are installed
pip install mysql-connector-python
pip install configobj
###Using Tellstick Uses tdsens.py
Make sure the correct python libraries are installed
pip install oauth
Change the variables PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY in the file tdsens.py
I think that tdsens.py will attempt to create the settings files automatgically when running the following the first time:
python tdsens.py --info
I've modified the tdsens script a bit in order be less chatty and to return data as python data objects in order to collaborate better with LogTellstickToDatabase.py, but normally you shall be able to run the following commands without any errors:
```python tdsens.py --info`` `
# This command lists all of the sensors in the tellstick account. For example: (Note that it does not print anything to output due to the reasons mentioned above)
984901 Paviljongen
984910 Utanför sovrummet
984693 Ute
984703 Växthuset
python tdsens.py --list
# This command lists all of the devices in the tellstick account.
For example:
Number of devices: 6
320497 1_Utebelysning ON
320498 2_pump OFF
315338 3_Pannrum OFF
321475 4_x OFF
321476 5_x OFF
321477 6_x OFF
If the configuration files is not properly created automagically, please try the following.
Make sure to create the settings file:
mkdir ~/.config/Telldus
touch ~/config/Telldus/tdtool.conf
This is the content of the file: (Without the prepending tabs)
requestToken = None
requestTokenSecret = None
token = <value_of_token>
tokenSecret = <value_of_token_secret>
###Using 1-wire Uses owsens.py
Make sure the owpython library is installed (http://owfs.sourceforge.net/owpython.html) For raspberry pi installation follow instructions found here http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=27379&p=505250
###Logging LogToDatabase.py
Rename logoToDatabase-sample.conf to logoToDatabase.conf and review the mysql host settings.
Most important is to change the type of logger_type!
And also database: host, user, password, database
Run the script (Prerequisites: The database table schema (v4) need to be in place before running the script. The script also need to be runneble with: chmod +x LogToDatabase.py)
If everyting works properly, I recommend to create a CRON-job to run the collection of the sensor values periodically in order to store them to yor database. I'm fetching values every 5th minute (The script does not update the database unless the read datetime from tellstick have changed. The API only updates the value every 10 minute currently):
0-59/5 * * * * xenon /home/xenon/data_logger/LogToDatabase.py
If running the CRON-job in for instance Ubuntu you might need to define the absolute path on line 21 in LogToDatabase.py eg: "config = ConfigObj('/home/user/data_logger/logToDatabase.conf')", also the CRON could be defined without a user:
*/5 * * * * /home/user/data_logger/LogToDatabase.py >/dev/null 2>&1