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1634 lines (1428 loc) · 66.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1634 lines (1428 loc) · 66.9 KB

Humdrum Data

Welcome to the Humdrum Data meta-repository – your gateway to a rich collection of Humdrum files sourced from various GitHub repositories. This platform allows you to download and manage diverse datasets of musical scores on your local computer, providing a flexible structure for finding and doing computational research with pre-existing datasets. You can also contribute your own Humdrum datasets by posting them on GitHub and submitting a request for them to be added to this meta-repository.

Whether you're a seasoned Unix user or a newcomer, this repository simplifies the process of acquiring Humdrum files for your musical endeavors. This introduction guides you through essential information, instructions for installation, and tips on customizing your dataset downloads.

Currently this repository manages 26,490 files containing 18,428,832 sounding notes, with a total file size of 381MB.


For experienced unix users, here are instructions for downloading Humdrum files using this repository:

git clone
cd humdrum-data

To stay up-do-date, you can run make check-update (or make cu for short) to see if any online repositories have changed since you last downloaded them. Then, to update all repositories, run in the terminal:

make clean

This will delete all downloaded repository files (any files you have in any local directories will not be deleted) and then re-download the entire dataset again, restored to their original local directories. Any of your own files in the local directory structure will be preserved during this process.

If you have downloaded specific data subsets, such as the sonatas dataset of Classical-era piano sonatas, then you will have to re-download them after make clean as well:

make sonatas

Otherwise, see the following documentation more detailed instructions for downloading.


This repository uses the git and make commands, so they need to be installed on your computer before you can download the Humdrum files. The minimum version of git that can be used is 2.25 from 2020.


If you are using a Mac, these two programs can best be installed automatically by installing Homebrew, which is a unix package manager for MacOS. When you install Homebrew, git is installed automatically (along with the make command).


For linux computers, including Ubuntu in WSL2 on MS Windows, you may need to install the development tools if make is not installed. To check if make is installed, type:

which make

The computer should reply with the location of the make command, with a good response being something like:


If the which command does not return any location, then make is not installed.

How to install make will be slightly different in various Linux flavors, which includes these main possibilities:

Linux Flavor Installation Command
Ubuntu sudo apt-get install build-essential
Debian sudo apt-get install build-essential
Fedora sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
CentOS sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
RHEL sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
openSUSE sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_basis
Arch Linux sudo pacman -S base-devel

If the version of Linux you use is not in the list, either try one of the above commands or determine which package manager is used in your version of linux.

This also applies to git, which would be installed in a similar manner as make, such as sudo apt-get install git in Ubuntu.

git caveat

Note that git 2.25.0 (2020) is the minimum version of git that can be used with this repository. You can check your version of git with the command:

git --version

A good reply would be something like this:

git version 2.39.2 (Apple Git-143)

Upgrade your version of git if it is less than version 2.25 before trying to download files for this repository.

Downloading scores

First download this repository using git (although downloading from GitHub as a ZIP file also works), typing in the terminal:

git clone

This will create a subdirectory in the current working directory called humdrum-data. Next, move into the repository directory with this command:

cd humdrum-data

To download all available Humdrum digital scores, type this command in the base directory of this repository:


This will download all repositories found in the file .lists/LIST.txt. The .lists directory also contains other lists of data subsets that can be downloaded individually if you do want specific datasets only, or alternate arrangements of the complete dataset.

Make target Description
make Download all repository files
make 1520s-short The 1520s Project digital scores, ID only filenames
make 1520s The 1520s Project digital scores
make cantopop A corpus of Cantonese popular music, 2000–2020
make chant Chant-based scores
make chorales 370 J.S. Bach four-part harmonized chorales
make densmore Native American songs collected by Francis Densmore
make essen Essen Folksong Collection
make joplin Piano music by Scott Joplin
make jrp Josquin Research Project digital scores
make nifc Digital scores from The Fryderyk Chopin Institute (Chopin first editions (POPC1) and Polish Musical Heritage (1600-1900) (POPC2))
make polish-composers Composers represented in Polish archives
make popc2-short Polish Music Heritage digital scores, ID only filenames
make popc2 Polish Music in Open Access digital scores
make psalms Psalm settings
make seils SEILS dataset of Renaissance music
make sonatas Classical piano sonatas of Beethoven (complete), Mozart (complete), and Haydn (selections)
make starwars Star Wars themes
make tasso-composers Composers represented in Tasso in Music project dataset
make tasso-publication-year Tasso in Music Project data organized by publication date
make tasso Tasso in Music Project digital scores
make tonerows Tonerows used by Schoenberg, Berg and Webern

Updating this meta-repository

To update this meta-repository using git, type:

git pull

Otherwise, if you downloaded as a ZIP file, re-download a new ZIP file from the repository's homepage on GitHub.

If you have changed any files of the repository files (LIST in .lists or scripts in bin, then check to see what files you have changed:

git status

And to see the change in contets of the files:

git diff

If you have changes you do not want to keep, type:

git checkout

to remove any local changes (this will not change untracked files you may have add to the local directory).

Then you will be able to run:

git pull

to update the meta-repository. This could possibly include additions to .lists/LIST.txt or new LIST files for data subsets. Also, enhancements and bug fixes to the Makefile and scripts in the bin directory may be available through an update using git pull.

Checking if downloaded repositories need updating

To check if any of the downloaded repositories have been updated on GitHub since you last downloaded the repositories, use the command, type make check-update or make cu for short. This command will report any online repositories that are more recent than the copy you downloaded. Currently to update, you need to run:

make clean

Which will re-download all repositories, including ones that do not need updating. In the future, a system to only download repositories that have online updates may be implemented.

Adding local files

If you store your own files in an existing local directory or a directory that you created, they will not be deleted when make clean is run. This is accomplished by storing repository files as symbolic links, and only symbolic links will be deleted when changing the downloaded file structure. For example, if you have any of your own analysis files in beethoven/piano/sonata, they will remain after running make clean. Running make will restore any updates for any repository files in the same directory.

Any edits you make to the downloaded repsitories will be lost if you type make clean unless you copy the file first, such as in the Beethoven sonatas directory:

cp -L sonata01-1.krn my-sonata01-1.krn

The -L option will conver the symbolic link from the downloaded repository into a real file, and real files are not deleted by make clean.

Source information

Each local directory contains a file called .info that includes a hyperlink to the source GitHub repository for files in the directory. If there are files from multiple repositories merged into the same directory, there will be multiple .info files, such as .info2 for a second merged repository directory, .info3 for the third, and so on.

For example, if you run make sonatas, a directory called sonatas will be created in the base directory of this repository with three .info files (including .info2 and .info3), giving information about each source repository. Below is the contents of .info2 for the Mozart sonatas in the sonatas dataset:

!!!download-date:      2025-01-13 02:56:11 -0800
!!!last-commit-date:   2024-06-06 23:51:39 -0700
!! vim:                ts=39:nowrap
!! Directories downloaded from this repository are listed below.
!! Meaning of the spines:
!!    **sound   = Number of sounding notes in the copied files. If entry
!!                is a null token, then the Humdrum Extras notecount tool
!!                was not available when the repository was downloaded.
!!    **files   = Number of files in the copied directory.
!!    **bytes   = Size of files copied to local directory in bytes.
!!    **branch  = Repository branch from which files were copied.
!!    **from    = The subdirectory in the download repository listed in the
!!                "source" reference record above that files were copied from.
!!                A null token means the root of repository working directory.
!!    **to      = The subdirectory in the repository lised in the source
!!                reference record above that files were copied from.
!!                A null token means the root of target directory.
!!    **prefix  = Prefix string to add to copied filename (if any).
!!    **suffix  = Suffix string to add to copied filename (if any).
!!    **filter  = Copy only files with given PERL/JavaScript regex.
!!    **xfilter = Exclude files with the given PERL/JavaScript regex.
!!    **content = Include files with contents that match the given
!!                PERL/JavaScript regex.
!!    **sar     = sed-like search and replacement for filename (before
!!                prefix and suffix are added).  Multiple SAR entries
!!                can be given, separated by semicolons (;).
**sound	**files	**bytes	**branch	**from	**to	**prefix	**suffix	**filter	**xfilter	**content	**sar
96635	69	1027353	main	kern	mozart/piano/sonata	mozart-	.	.	.	.	.
*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-	*-

There are six reference records in info files:

Reference key Meaning
source URL for the source repository for the Humdrum files on GitHub.
download-date Date that the source repository was downloaded onto the local computer.
last-commit URL to the specific version of the repository that was downloaded.
last-commit-date Last commit date of the repository when it was downloaded.
repository-license URL to License information for the repository (if any).
repository-readme URL to Readme file for the repository (if any).

Humdrum data describing the number of notes, number of copied files, and the sizes of the file, will be added in the data section of the info files below these reference records, as well as input parameters for normalizing filenames and including/excluding files within the copied directory files. In the above example there is a single directory of files, so there is only one line of data in the .info file. Other repositories may have multiple directories of data that are copied into different local directories, and each line of data in the info files will record information about each repository subdirectory that was copied.

Note that the info file sonatas/.info2 is the same as in the entire default dataset download for mozart/piano/sonatas/.info. In the main downloadable dataset, the three source repositories for make sonatas are stored in separate directories (beethoven/piano/sonata, mozart/piano/sonata and haydn/piano/sonata). The make sonatas target demonstrates how to merge multiple repositories, as well as making the filenames unique by prefixing the source composer name to each filename (since filenames between these three repositories are not unique). See the LIST-sonatas.txt for an example of how to do this using the **prefix parameter.

On the GitHub webpage for the source repository webpage of files listed in the info files, there should be a README file describing the data set as well as any licensing information (Humdrum files should also contain reference records for this information, in particularly YEC (copyright notice) and YEM (license)). If one or both of these files are found, then their URLs will appear in the repository-license and repository-readme reference records of an info file.

Adding more repositories/data subsets

Here is a table of repositories that are currently available within the main download list:

Notes Files Size Repository owner Repository name
431,084 448 4.3MB benory 1520s-project-scores
440,222 8,379 5.4MB ccarh essen-folksong-collection
145,096 939 12.9MB Computational-Cognitive-Musicology-Lab CoCoPops
0 124 1.8MB MCFlow
1,932 65 64.4KB Star-Wars-Thematic-Corpus
1,482 1 15.7KB craigsapp Musikalisches-Wuerfelspiel
30,482 20 299.3KB art-of-the-fugue
84,624 370 1004.5KB bach-370-chorales
10,850 6 112.7KB bach-musical-offering
259,692 103 2.5MB beethoven-piano-sonatas
234,252 71 3.2MB beethoven-string-quartets
54,917 52 529.2KB chopin-mazurkas
18,705 24 162.4KB chopin-preludes
8,552 152 150.9KB creighton-nova-scotia
16,091 245 329.3KB densmore-teton-sioux
62,741 232 538.1KB erk-liederschatz
35,349 25 377.1KB haydn-piano-sonatas
3,320 24 53.4KB hummel-preludes
68,545 47 558KB joplin
96,635 69 1003.3KB mozart-piano-sonatas
68,489 65 739.7KB scarlatti-keyboard-sonatas
43,274 201 231KB DDMAL Flexible_harmonic_chorale_annotations
3,419 22 33.3KB hleveillegauvin KernScores
92,207 96 825.9KB humdrum-tools bach-wtc
14,113 33 100.5KB barbershop
1,824 38 25.2KB child-ballads
4,599 38 30.6KB foster-songs
7,543 29 51.6KB gershwin-songs
17,577 30 152.8KB inventions
9,145 60 76.7KB liber-usualis
338,788 1,995 8.5MB liber-usualis-ddmal
4,842 35 59.9KB schubert-songs
1,032 86 43.7KB tonerow
39,729 105 805.6KB jasonleeubc Cantopop-corpus
19,851 10 190.3KB josquin-research-project Agr
47,922 86 742.9KB Ano
275 1 7KB Bin
22,999 6 533.9KB Bru
33,458 68 363.9KB Bus
10,941 27 101KB Com
7,608 5 164.1KB Das
34,742 37 685KB Duf
1,150 2 16.3KB Fry
5,895 5 111.3KB Fva
102,339 110 1.9MB Gas
10,297 5 105.3KB Isa
9,835 22 93.6KB Jap
499,273 475 6.1MB Jos
95,605 122 877.9KB Mar
23,603 15 233.1KB Obr
87,879 98 1.1MB Oke
52,863 44 681.8KB Ort
5,620 5 125.7KB Pip
6,012 4 108.4KB Reg
200,915 172 2MB Rue
19,128 19 186.4KB Tin
103,866 21 1MB musedata humdrum-bach-brandenburg
43,971 185 650.1KB humdrum-bach-chorales-185
146,369 250 1.3MB humdrum-corelli
338,549 210 2.8MB humdrum-haydn-quartets
157,809 24 2.2MB humdrum-haydn-symphonies
151,828 82 1.3MB humdrum-mozart-quartets
23,143 46 438.4KB vivaldi
1,115,811 512 14.6MB pl-wnifc humdrum-chopin-first-editions
11,986,676 7,969 285MB humdrum-polish-scores
17,163 84 734.4KB polyrhythm-project rds-scores
0 30 379.3KB SEILSdataset SEILSdataset
65,796 915 987.8KB shanahdt densmore
312,859 495 6.1MB TassoInMusicProject tasso-scores
13,018 50 268.7KB WolfgangDrescher lassus-geistliche-psalmen
2,612 50 78.7KB ulenberg-psalmen-davids

You can create your own list of repositories to download by creating a file in the .lists directory, such as .lists/LIST-mylist.txt. Then run make mylist to download your own curation of Humdrum files downloaded from GitHub repositories. Alternatively, edit .lists/LIST.txt to arrange the downloaded repositories in a directory organization of your choice (see the **to parameter below).

Configuration parameters for downloading GitHub repositories to the local computer that the LIST files recognize:

Required parameters:

Spine Meaning
**ghname The name of the owner account where the repository to download resides.
**ghrepo The name of the repository to download from.
**from The name of the subdirectory in the GitHub repository to copy from (this can be a null token if files are located in the root directory of the GitHub repository, but see also the **filter parameter to exclude non-Humdrum files.
**to The name of the local directory into which the Humdrum files should be copied (not allowed to be the base directory of this repository).

Optional parameters:

Spine Meaning
**prefix A string that should be prefixed to each copied filename. This is useful when merging multiple files into a single local directory where filenames within the multiple sources repositories that are do not have unique filename.
**suffix Similar to the prefix parameter, but added to the end of the copied file. This is useful when the repository files do not have a file extension, and you want to append ".krn" to the end of each filename.
**filter Allow only files matching the given regular expression to be copied into the local directory from the downloaded repository.
**xfilter Exclude files matching the given regular expression from being copied into the local directory (such as \.pdf$ to exclude PDF files).
**sar A search-and-replace string to do more complicated renaming of copied files. The form of the string should be like the sed command-line tool, such as s/match/replace/g. Multiple entries can be separated by a semi-colon (;).

Parameters spines can be placed in any order and optional ones may be omitted. See example uses of these parameters in the sample LIST files found in the .lists directory.

If you want a GitHub Humdrum digital score repository to be included in the default list that is installed with the make command, submit a request on the issues page of this repository, giving the necessary parameters described above. The final copy to the local directory structure should only contain valid Humdrum files containing only the characters [A-Za-z0-9._-], i.e. POSIX compliant names (use the prefix, suffix, filter, xfilter and sar to adjust if necessary). More complicated filtering and renaming can be found in the densmore LIST file.

Making your repositories more visible on GitHub

As a side note, it is useful to add the topic tags humdrum and digital-scores to your repository. To add topics to your repository, click on the gear icon next to the About section on the repository home page (near the top left, but below the "Settings" gear icon):

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 10 18 57

In the above example, humdrum and digital-scores have been added to the Topics field.

To search GitHub repositories by topic, do the following search (by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top of a repository page):

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 10 22 06

In other words, type topic:humdrum topic:digital-scores to search by these two topics. Here is the search results page for these two topics:

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 10 27 22

Here is a direct link to the search page for the humdrum + digital-scores topics:

48 GitHub repositories are currently labeled with these topics.

If you do this, your repository may be encountered and added to the main repository without prompting. 😉

Updating downloaded files

To update local files from current versions of the Github repositories, the current method is to first remove the existing downloaded files and then reinstall them:

make clean

Or run the make command selecting a particular data subsets in the .lists directory LIST files that your previously downloaded, such as:

make clean
make sonatas

Note that running make clean will remove the data subsets as well as the full set, but any of your local files that may be intermingled with the repository files will be preserved by the updating process. Running make or any subset LIST such as make sonatas will restore updated versions of the files from GitHub.

Archiving a current version of data

If you want to keep the current version of files in a local directory (such as the same copy of the files used to generate results in a paper), you can copy the directory before running make clean:

make joplin
cp -RL joplin joplin-20240229

The joplin-20240229 directory will have resolved symbolic links to the source files and will not be deleted when make clean is run.

The cp -RL method is also useful if you want to copy of the Humdrum files outside of the humdrum-data directory. All downloaded files are stored as relative links to the repository directories in .source, so otherwise moving the local directories outside of the humdrum-data directory using cp -r of mv, or even usually moving them within the humdrum-data directory (unless they are at the same directory depth as the copied source) will break these links. Moving them within the repository should best be done by editing the LIST files used to download data, to create a rearrangement of the local file structure to your liking (after running make clean to clean up the old local directory structure).

Data errors

When there are data errors in downloaded files, contact the repository owner to get them to fix the problem. This is typically done by going to the issues page for the source repository. Some repositories also include scans of the source editions, such as the mozart-piano-sonatas repository, which can be used to verify the digital score transcriptions.

Files should not produce errors (and preferably not warnings) when checked with the humdrum tools, that is also up to the maintainers of the source repositories. The basic Humdrum structure should be correct for the full data set (any invalid files are exclude with *xfilter). Commented out repository directories in .lists/LIST*.txt files typically indicates that there are problems in the Humdrum structure if one or more file in the source directory, so that directory or specific files are excluded from the downloads.

Note counts

The command make nc or make note-counts will produce a list of note, file, and file size counts for downloaded repositories, both the complete list and any subsets that have been downloaded. Duplicate files will not be double counted in the totals at the end of the results.

Click to view note counts for the full repository installation.
**notes	**files	**size	**directory
30482	20	299.3KB	bach/art-of-the-fugue
103866	21	1MB	bach/brandenburg
43971	185	650.1KB	bach/chorales-185
84624	370	1004.5KB	bach/chorales-370
17577	30	152.8KB	bach/inventions
10850	6	112.7KB	bach/musical-offering
92207	96	825.9KB	bach/wtc
259692	103	2.5MB	beethoven/piano/sonata
234252	71	3.2MB	beethoven/quartet
39597	8	487KB	chopin/ballade
82354	42	1MB	chopin/etude
1115811	512	14.6MB	chopin/first-editions
54917	52	529.2KB	chopin/mazurkas
105488	23	1.2MB	chopin/polonaise
18705	24	162.4KB	chopin/preludes
44541	8	604.8KB	chopin/scherzo
55263	27	598.9KB	chopin/waltz
146369	250	1.3MB	corelli
2254	2	41.9KB	early-music/agostini
19851	10	190.3KB	early-music/agricola
193	1	5KB	early-music/albano
493	1	9.8KB	early-music/alberti
47922	86	742.9KB	early-music/anonymous
21960	29	241.1KB	early-music/anonymous-1520s
2659	4	25.5KB	early-music/arcadelt
567	1	11.1KB	early-music/asola
1007	1	17.2KB	early-music/bacchini
3613	9	77.2KB	early-music/baccusi
15732	17	281.2KB	early-music/balsamino
391	1	7.9KB	early-music/barbarino
1859	2	16.6KB	early-music/barra
13166	10	126.5KB	early-music/bauldeweyn
446	1	8.8KB	early-music/bellanda
2329	5	45.2KB	early-music/bellasio
735	1	13.5KB	early-music/bellaver
2105	3	41KB	early-music/belli
386	2	13.1KB	early-music/benedetti
646	2	15.5KB	early-music/billi
275	1	7KB	early-music/binchois
1004	1	8.4KB	early-music/bisegueria
168	1	6.1KB	early-music/bonelli
1294	2	27.8KB	early-music/bonini
474	1	9.6KB	early-music/borelli
43	1	3.9KB	early-music/borsaro
3280	5	61.8KB	early-music/boschetti
2459	8	56.8KB	early-music/bozi
22999	6	533.9KB	early-music/brumel
33458	68	363.9KB	early-music/busnoys
610	1	11.9KB	early-music/camarella
855	1	14.8KB	early-music/cancineo
1165	1	18.3KB	early-music/cantino
1537	1	24.4KB	early-music/capilupi
220	1	7.2KB	early-music/caprioli
538	1	11.3KB	early-music/castro
901	1	16.5KB	early-music/cavatoni
135	1	5.9KB	early-music/cerbello
1126	1	20.8KB	early-music/champion
14794	24	303.5KB	early-music/cifra
1884	2	34.3KB	early-music/cirullo
457	2	11.6KB	early-music/civita
484	1	10.4KB	early-music/clemsee
551	1	10.6KB	early-music/coma
10941	27	101KB	early-music/compere
4481	4	38.4KB	early-music/conseil
1200	1	23KB	early-music/corfini
2269	4	45.5KB	early-music/cortellini
618	1	10.8KB	early-music/dallacasa
1224	1	19.6KB	early-music/dallagostena
7608	5	164.1KB	early-music/daser
349	1	7.5KB	early-music/dellarota
4209	7	86.3KB	early-music/dentice
312	1	7.4KB	early-music/dering
285	3	12.2KB	early-music/dicostanzo
8147	17	179.8KB	early-music/dindia
1057	1	19.1KB	early-music/dragoni
991	1	19.5KB	early-music/duc
9192	12	162.9KB	early-music/dueto
34742	37	685KB	early-music/dufay
1107	1	20KB	early-music/effrem
547	1	5.3KB	early-music/erasmus
15726	19	334.6KB	early-music/eredi
692	1	12.5KB	early-music/eremita
3104	3	26.9KB	early-music/fage
2081	2	37.6KB	early-music/feliciani
6400	8	120.9KB	early-music/felis
880	2	18KB	early-music/felix
885	1	15.5KB	early-music/ferrabosco
666	1	14.9KB	early-music/ferro
25926	23	266.6KB	early-music/festa-costanzo
8206	13	62.4KB	early-music/festa-sebastiano
6571	6	117.7KB	early-music/fevin-antoine
261	1	5.6KB	early-music/fonghetti
639	1	14.1KB	early-music/fontanelli
204	1	4.9KB	early-music/fornaci
1150	2	16.3KB	early-music/frye
2772	4	54.7KB	early-music/gabella
1394	1	25.7KB	early-music/gallo
289	1	6.9KB	early-music/garzi
9894	8	105.2KB	early-music/gascongne
102339	110	1.9MB	early-music/gaspar
3601	4	64.7KB	early-music/gastoldi
667	1	12.3KB	early-music/genvino
7167	9	132.4KB	early-music/gesualdo
1334	2	24.1KB	early-music/gherardini
3645	5	81.1KB	early-music/ghizzolo
4932	6	90.5KB	early-music/giovannelli
991	1	18.6KB	early-music/giramo
15531	9	139.3KB	early-music/gombert
1646	4	34.3KB	early-music/guami
261	1	5.9KB	early-music/guelfi
4426	3	72.4KB	early-music/hassler
886	1	15.7KB	early-music/hodemont
9903	21	216.2KB	early-music/ilverso
754	2	16.8KB	early-music/ingegneri
10297	5	105.3KB	early-music/isaac
2019	2	38.1KB	early-music/isnardi
17296	16	160.6KB	early-music/jachetofmantua
3930	7	30.8KB	early-music/jacotin
13364	10	112.7KB	early-music/janmaistre
9835	22	93.6KB	early-music/japart
499273	475	6.1MB	early-music/josquin
834	7	41.2KB	early-music/lambardi
377	1	7.4KB	early-music/landi
200915	172	2MB	early-music/larue
1582	1	13.6KB	early-music/lasantier
25710	20	215.8KB	early-music/lheritier
6038	5	52.2KB	early-music/lupi
7909	8	67.2KB	early-music/lupus
3459	5	71.7KB	early-music/luzzaschi
1946	4	38.3KB	early-music/macigni
1593	5	37.2KB	early-music/macque
1027	2	18.7KB	early-music/malpigli
694	1	16KB	early-music/malvezzi
833	1	14.7KB	early-music/mancini
130107	188	3.3MB	early-music/marenzio
164	1	5.6KB	early-music/marini
8230	19	189KB	early-music/marotta
95605	122	877.9KB	early-music/martini
537	1	10.6KB	early-music/masnelli
4418	7	95.2KB	early-music/massaino
7597	19	167.1KB	early-music/mazza
966	2	25KB	early-music/mazzocchi
806	1	14.8KB	early-music/mel
3840	4	78.5KB	early-music/meldert
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1755	3	38.1KB	early-music/merulo
599	1	11.7KB	early-music/milleville
1674	4	38.2KB	early-music/molinaro
14278	26	315.5KB	early-music/monte
1580	3	33.7KB	early-music/montella
4019	6	82.4KB	early-music/monteverdi
864	1	16.4KB	early-music/montverdi
9617	9	84.3KB	early-music/moulu
20710	23	197.3KB	early-music/mouton
1002	1	17.5KB	early-music/naldi
682	4	19.9KB	early-music/nanino
232	1	5.7KB	early-music/nanterni
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1889	3	36KB	early-music/nenna
830	1	13.7KB	early-music/nielsen
23603	15	233.1KB	early-music/obrecht
87879	98	1.1MB	early-music/okeghem
52863	44	681.8KB	early-music/orto
5430	6	100.1KB	early-music/pallavicino
626	1	12.6KB	early-music/persone
1137	1	20.6KB	early-music/philips
5620	5	125.7KB	early-music/pipelare
1061	2	21.4KB	early-music/pordenon
2186	2	41.5KB	early-music/porta
630	1	10.1KB	early-music/porto
1486	2	28.3KB	early-music/pozzo
43274	201	231KB	early-music/praetorius
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1091	1	17.8KB	early-music/recalchi
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905	1	17.3KB	early-music/scozzese
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107	1	6.5KB	early-music/serafico
16766	18	160.9KB	early-music/sermisy
11365	11	102.1KB	early-music/silva
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120	1	6KB	early-music/stefani
1534	3	29.3KB	early-music/stivori
254	1	6.9KB	early-music/striggio
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19128	19	186.4KB	early-music/tinctoris
80	1	3.8KB	early-music/torelli
441	1	9.6KB	early-music/torscianello
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1401	1	23.9KB	early-music/veggio
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2133	1	34.8KB	early-music/verdonck
516	1	9.2KB	early-music/verso
2065	2	36.2KB	early-music/vignali
452	1	9.1KB	early-music/villani
603	1	12KB	early-music/vinci
9142	5	82.2KB	early-music/vinders
6109	7	112.4KB	early-music/virchi
749	1	14.8KB	early-music/vittori
7851	8	142.5KB	early-music/wert
52866	61	526.7KB	early-music/willaert
2776	3	55.2KB	early-music/zanotti
3128	7	58KB	early-music/zenaro
35349	25	377.1KB	haydn/piano
338549	210	2.8MB	haydn/quartet
157809	24	2.2MB	haydn/symphony
3320	24	53.4KB	hummel/preludes
68545	47	558KB	joplin
1482	1	15.7KB	mozart/dice
96635	69	1003.3KB	mozart/piano/sonata
151828	82	1.3MB	mozart/quartet
711	2	9.6KB	polish/a-s
1692	2	65.6KB	polish/abersbach-jan-jiri
1911	2	21.6KB	polish/andrychowicz-j
7669	6	426KB	polish/anerio-giovanni-francesco
1241819	2144	28.8MB	polish/anonim
12769	23	550.9KB	polish/asola-giovanni-matteo
1671	1	27.9KB	polish/astorga-emanuele-d
12297	6	191.9KB	polish/bach-johann-christian
8469	7	128.6KB	polish/badarzewska-tekla
2666	6	37.7KB	polish/barcicki-jan
18882	7	333.9KB	polish/bauer
1494	1	15.1KB	polish/bauer-joseph-anton
7191	5	70.7KB	polish/bauerfeind-wladyslaw
1730	8	68.7KB	polish/bazylik-cyprian
2475	1	23.3KB	polish/beethoven-ludwig-van
3706	4	134KB	polish/bellinzani-paolo-benedetto
1712	1	31.4KB	polish/bencini
2273	1	29.7KB	polish/beyer-ferdinand
1139	2	40.4KB	polish/biandra-giovanni-pietro
9215	6	190.7KB	polish/binder-christlieb-siegmund
6290	6	79KB	polish/boczkowski-jerzy
7182	3	170.5KB	polish/boczkowski-kazimierz
13599	5	357.4KB	polish/bogoimski-tadeusz
39007	7	900.9KB	polish/bogunski-baltazar
6520	4	138.6KB	polish/bohdanowicz-bazyli
356	1	4.3KB	polish/boieldieu-adrien
60933	21	1.7MB	polish/bolehovsky-josef
7226	9	232.9KB	polish/borek-krzysztof
968	1	39.8KB	polish/borimius-jan
249	1	7.9KB	polish/bortnjanskij-dmitrij-stepanovic
4939	1	61.5KB	polish/braun-jan
13154	10	263.8KB	polish/brentner-johann-joseph-ignaz
3284	4	61.5KB	polish/brioschi-antonio
20346	5	470.2KB	polish/brixi-frantisek-xaver
9611	2	235.9KB	polish/brixi-viktorin
37384	26	682.7KB	polish/brykner-jerzy
1681	3	27.6KB	polish/brzezinska-filipina
2228	5	28.2KB	polish/brzowska-jadwiga
43126	24	792.9KB	polish/buchner-philipp-friedrich
180	1	4.3KB	polish/buhler-franz
15384	13	355.9KB	polish/bulakowski-stefan
7558	10	240.3KB	polish/cadeac-pierre
272	1	5.7KB	polish/caderski-piotr
1095	1	19.2KB	polish/caldara-antonio
101	1	3.3KB	polish/cardilli-jacopo-antonio
16079	17	334.6KB	polish/casali-giovanni-battista
17570	18	498KB	polish/certon-pierre
27177	4	1012.9KB	polish/cherubini-luigi
1217	2	22.6KB	polish/chodkiewicz-zofia
92659	7	5.9MB	polish/chopin-fryderyk
2462	6	35.5KB	polish/chwalibog-izydor-konstanty
7731	9	247.9KB	polish/constanzi
4346	2	76.1KB	polish/conti
10842	18	302.1KB	polish/costanzi-giovanni-battista
3273	1	36.9KB	polish/cramer-johann-baptist
410	4	17.9KB	polish/croce-giovanni
5132	11	83.9KB	polish/cwiklicz-boleslaw-jan
6605	10	162.4KB	polish/cybulski-izydor-jozef
1873	1	45.2KB	polish/czajkowski-konstanty
557	1	13.5KB	polish/czerny-carl
63220	12	1.9MB	polish/damse-jozef
2415	2	28.2KB	polish/danielski-florian
18580	9	365.5KB	polish/danik-jan-ignac
20210	9	505KB	polish/danka
418111	149	11.3MB	polish/dankowski-adalbert
7032	2	128.1KB	polish/daubeck-jozef
2630	1	37.9KB	polish/de-majo-gian-francesco
181	1	2.4KB	polish/dembowska-konstancja
3461	2	28.2KB	polish/dietrich-moritz
7902	4	138.9KB	polish/dittersdorf-carl-ditters-von
218292	56	5MB	polish/dobrzynski-ignacy-feliks
549379	142	16.9MB	polish/elsner-jozef
78173	29	2MB	polish/engel-jan
129	1	5.9KB	polish/ett-caspar
18728	4	422.1KB	polish/fertner-karol
305	2	25.2KB	polish/fierszewicz-daniel
2221	1	42.4KB	polish/figulenti
144	1	2.5KB	polish/filipowicz-p
3987	4	75.8KB	polish/fils-anton
1690	1	20.7KB	polish/fischietti-giovanni
7368	14	168.1KB	polish/fitelberg-grzegorz
82	1	3.7KB	polish/flasza-tomasz
36561	9	803.2KB	polish/fleming-jan
496	4	18.5KB	polish/flori-georg
133544	44	4.4MB	polish/forster-kaspar
281	1	9.2KB	polish/fuchs
1743	6	56.9KB	polish/fuhrer-robert
856	1	13.9KB	polish/g-b-b
619	4	18.8KB	polish/gabrieli-andrea
237	2	6.9KB	polish/gabussi-giulio-cesare
6723	10	100.2KB	polish/gall-jan-karol
418	1	16.3KB	polish/gallus-iacobus
532	1	15.2KB	polish/gawara-walentyn
108	1	4.1KB	polish/geiger-konstanze
700	1	9.5KB	polish/geistlener-barbara
2803	3	58.9KB	polish/gimeshoffer
2174	3	33.2KB	polish/gizycka-zamoyska-ludmila
77421	15	2MB	polish/goetz-gieczynski-cyryl
9547	6	173.1KB	polish/golabek-jakub
8618	10	108.8KB	polish/gold-artur
27681	151	713.7KB	polish/gomolka-mikolaj
41199	65	1.6MB	polish/gorczycki-grzegorz-gerwazy
1795	2	35.3KB	polish/gostowski
65213	33	1.3MB	polish/gotschalk-filip
6891	8	204.1KB	polish/goudimel-claude
5424	1	87.6KB	polish/grabowski-stanislaw
22608	9	376.9KB	polish/graun-carl-heinrich
2373	1	25KB	polish/grem-tomasz
3870	15	66.3KB	polish/grim-jozef
1090	1	15.2KB	polish/grose-michael-ehregott
1793	2	18.3KB	polish/grossmann-ludwik
1096	1	19.9KB	polish/gruberski-eugenjusz
605	4	21.9KB	polish/guami-gioseffo
5677	3	88.7KB	polish/guglielmi-pietro-alessandro
4236	3	88KB	polish/habermann-jan-piotr
298	1	7.9KB	polish/handel-georg-friedrich
1718	6	26.6KB	polish/hanel
8198	20	201.8KB	polish/haser-august-ferdinand
5935	8	159KB	polish/haslinger
45605	15	786KB	polish/hasse-johann-adolf
20481	23	392.8KB	polish/haydn-joseph
3203	10	40.4KB	polish/hepner
2756	3	85.2KB	polish/herissant-jehan
7222	3	123KB	polish/hermanowski-a
98712	71	1.7MB	polish/hertz-michal
576	2	28.6KB	polish/hey-stawicki-michal
294	2	10.2KB	polish/hlonowski-j
755	2	8.5KB	polish/hoffmeister-franz-anton
27478	9	719.3KB	polish/hofmann-leopold
23406	40	382.4KB	polish/holland-jan-dawid
4773	2	132.4KB	polish/holzbauer-ignaz
192	1	5.7KB	polish/ingegneri-marc-antonio
530	1	12KB	polish/isaac-heinrich
355	1	6.2KB	polish/isouard-nicolas
5718	5	201.3KB	polish/jachet-de-mantua
3400	2	75KB	polish/jacotin
3333	4	41.8KB	polish/janicki-mikolaj
36084	17	693.6KB	polish/janiewicz-feliks
3154	1	30.2KB	polish/janisch
5008	1	198.2KB	polish/jansa-leopold
1664	2	19KB	polish/jarecki-henryk
5769	8	66.5KB	polish/jarecki-jozef
37873	28	722.2KB	polish/jarzebski-adam
2971	5	65.5KB	polish/jeric
30669	26	417.1KB	polish/joteyko-tadeusz
35689	15	959.7KB	polish/just-franciszek-kasper
9036	11	105.4KB	polish/kagan-jakub
34167	8	965.9KB	polish/kalous-vaclav
2921	5	29.6KB	polish/kamienski-antoni
4934	2	109KB	polish/kaminski-f
3161	1	32.5KB	polish/kaminski-p
6083	4	59.1KB	polish/karasinski-adam-jozef
70665	15	2.6MB	polish/karlowicz-mieczyslaw
4476	6	111.6KB	polish/kaspar
7981	12	226.5KB	polish/kasprzykowski-ignacy
16723	5	195.2KB	polish/katski-antoni
77050	20	1021.8KB	polish/katski-apolinary
1630	1	25.9KB	polish/kazynski-wiktor
204	1	3.2KB	polish/kedzierski-x-a
2292	1	35.6KB	polish/kellerer-christophorus
550	1	12.4KB	polish/kietlinski-albert
22063	9	569KB	polish/klakowski
4490	3	55.5KB	polish/klemczynski-julian
19735	14	420.9KB	polish/kobierkowicz-jozef
217	1	4.8KB	polish/komorowski-ignacy-marceli
10519	7	187.8KB	polish/konigsperger-marianus
78852	24	2.3MB	polish/koperski-maksymilian
2706	4	31.3KB	polish/kosciuszko-tadeusz
14258	6	266.1KB	polish/kotowicz
15469	18	362.6KB	polish/kottritsch-franciszek
83796	25	3MB	polish/kozlowski-jozef
1032	1	9.1KB	polish/kranowski-igo
1940	1	29.2KB	polish/krassowski
1251	1	11.4KB	polish/kraszewski-jozef-ignacy
1951	1	38.6KB	polish/kraus-jozef
11327	8	288.7KB	polish/kraus-lambert
2010	4	39.8KB	polish/kreith
771	2	31.2KB	polish/krener-jan
508	1	13.9KB	polish/kreutzer
63949	41	1.4MB	polish/krogulski-jozef-wladyslaw
1421	1	14KB	polish/krogulski-wladyslaw
1181	3	14.3KB	polish/krolikiewicz-napoleon
4326	9	68.8KB	polish/krupinski-wiktor
1217	1	10.4KB	polish/krysta-jozef
5083	1	91.8KB	polish/krzewdzienski-pawel
1960	1	33KB	polish/krzykowski-f
53445	21	1.2MB	polish/kuci-mateusz
72628	39	1.4MB	polish/kurpinski-karol-kazimierz
2388	1	32.6KB	polish/kuttricz-lania
2218	3	44.3KB	polish/lachner-ignaz
2371	2	42KB	polish/lada-kazimierz
1644	1	30.5KB	polish/lampugnani-giovanni-battista
230	2	11.2KB	polish/lasso-ferdinand-di
6598	33	217.5KB	polish/lasso-orlando-di
606	4	20.2KB	polish/lasso-rudolph-di
1643	1	25.1KB	polish/laube-antonin
2046	2	27.1KB	polish/lawina-swietochowski-jerzy
126868	51	2.7MB	polish/lechleitner-ferdinand-simon
43120	21	1.3MB	polish/lessel-franciszek
6103	7	158.3KB	polish/leszczynski-wladyslaw
1663	3	20.2KB	polish/lewandowski-leopold-leon
1127	1	23.1KB	polish/lheritier-jean
786	1	8.6KB	polish/lidauer-wladyslaw
24075	36	684.2KB	polish/lilius-franciszek
626	1	6.7KB	polish/linowski-jozef
4194	3	83.2KB	polish/lipski-stanislaw
1058	4	25.2KB	polish/lobmann-j
9092	50	178KB	polish/lodwigowski-edward-stefan
2389	1	56.2KB	polish/loos-karel
180	1	7.7KB	polish/lubelczyk-jakub
614	1	17.5KB	polish/lubomirska-ludwika
6043	4	72.7KB	polish/lubomirski-kazimierz
6493	1	69.4KB	polish/lubowski-jozef
4773	3	97.4KB	polish/lukaszewicz-maciej
251382	92	5.1MB	polish/luna-georgius
4215	8	169.5KB	polish/luython-carl
2324	4	53.9KB	polish/m-m
115604	46	2.8MB	polish/maader-ludwik
286	3	24.3KB	polish/maintzer-franz
203	1	2.5KB	polish/majewska-j
6823	3	134.3KB	polish/maldere-pierre-van
4883	4	98.9KB	polish/malik-jan
111249	170	3MB	polish/marenzio-luca
14363	6	274.6KB	polish/marescalchi-luigi
651	5	25.6KB	polish/massaino-tiburzio
3747	4	57.6KB	polish/maszynski-piotr
708	1	12.8KB	polish/mathieu
6439	3	113.5KB	polish/matuszkiewicz-franciszek
6004	7	148.7KB	polish/maxylewicz-wincenty
235	1	3.5KB	polish/mehul-etienne-nicolas
405	3	11.9KB	polish/mel-rinaldo-del
645	1	8.4KB	polish/merlini
15366	4	461.6KB	polish/mielczewski-marcin
24058	16	423.5KB	polish/mikuli-karol
2315	1	35.4KB	polish/mine-jacques-claude-adolphe
204	1	18.3KB	polish/miskiewicz-maciej-arnulf
28399	11	394.5KB	polish/mlynarski-emil
5788	1	67.8KB	polish/modzelewski-michal
1917	1	32.3KB	polish/monczynski-roman
581	1	7.4KB	polish/monfreulle-roza-eleonora
807976	413	17.4MB	polish/moniuszko-stanislaw
501	4	20.3KB	polish/monte-philippe-de
6189	5	222.2KB	polish/morales-cristobal-de
3226	2	87.9KB	polish/morawski-jozef-bernard
5061	5	153.5KB	polish/moulu-pierre
2030	1	49KB	polish/mouton-jean
14225	12	238.4KB	polish/mrozowski-tadeusz
799	1	10.5KB	polish/mucman-boleslaw
463	1	14.3KB	polish/musialowski-jan
2347	3	36.9KB	polish/myslivecek-josef
16535	5	323.3KB	polish/namieyski-jan
4753	6	57.2KB	polish/namyslowski-karol
8580	4	173KB	polish/naumann-johann-gottlieb
7839	4	165.4KB	polish/neumann
19956	11	448.2KB	polish/neumann-wawrzyniec
557	1	5.3KB	polish/nidecki-tomasz
860	1	13.4KB	polish/niewiadomski-stanislaw
205875	108	4.4MB	polish/noskowski-zygmunt
61075	26	1.9MB	polish/nowakiewicz-kazimierz
15855	19	218.6KB	polish/nowakowski-jozef
4750	2	62.4KB	polish/nowicki-ludwik
11367	16	151.1KB	polish/oginski-michal-kleofas
3407	2	31.2KB	polish/orda-napoleon
833	1	29.4KB	polish/orgas-annibale
1037	1	11.3KB	polish/orlowski-antoni
30828	16	615.1KB	polish/orlowski-michal
4070	4	56KB	polish/osmanski-wojciech
1928	3	20.5KB	polish/ostrowski-jan
9924	9	283.8KB	polish/pacelli-asprilio
424	1	7.1KB	polish/pachulski-henryk
317511	139	12.5MB	polish/paderewski-ignacy-jan
20672	46	603.3KB	polish/palestrina-giovanni-pierluigi-da
1030	3	32.6KB	polish/paszkiewicz-andrzej
11805	7	249.9KB	polish/pausch-eugen
57849	56	1.9MB	polish/pekiel-bartlomiej
15264	12	307.8KB	polish/pergolesi-giovanni-battista
3476	1	38KB	polish/pichl-vaclav
4575	5	93.6KB	polish/pichler-johann-melchior
4741	4	58.5KB	polish/piotrowski-aleksander
2657	1	51.8KB	polish/piotrowski-franciszek
1212	2	29.5KB	polish/pitoni-giuseppe-ottavio
23929	14	413.9KB	polish/pleyel-ignace
2500	1	44.8KB	polish/pokorny-franz-xaver
150	2	5.5KB	polish/porta-costanzo
2006	1	23.9KB	polish/potocka-emilia
449	3	16.7KB	polish/pottier-matthias
181	1	2.5KB	polish/puchalski
10730	15	172.4KB	polish/pugnani-gaetano
42029	18	1.1MB	polish/pych-leopold
1263	3	19.2KB	polish/radziwill-antoni-henryk
434028	142	12.7MB	polish/raszek-waclaw
12742	6	239.1KB	polish/rathgeber-johann-valentin
230	1	10.5KB	polish/ratti-lorenzo
6479	7	115.2KB	polish/renner-josef
3792	1	72.2KB	polish/rhein-carolo-de
3220	3	57.4KB	polish/riccieri-giovanni-antonio
4959	17	112.7KB	polish/richling
38402	8	1.1MB	polish/righini-vincenzo
153265	57	3.1MB	polish/rodowski-aleksander
1458	2	16.5KB	polish/rossini-gioachino
1053	1	13.4KB	polish/rossochalski
195	1	6.7KB	polish/rothe
10506	12	344.2KB	polish/rozycki-jacek
45273	26	683.1KB	polish/rozycki-ludomir
234	1	6.2KB	polish/rudkowski-mateusz
6744	5	224.4KB	polish/ruffo-vincenzo
1925	1	65.6KB	polish/ruggiero
12998	5	211.2KB	polish/ruth-christian-joseph
1964	12	42.1KB	polish/rychling-wincenty-waclaw
51961	35	1MB	polish/rygall-ignacy
23681	12	442.3KB	polish/rzepko-adolf
2889	5	74.4KB	polish/sabino-ippolito
7719	3	129KB	polish/sacchini-antonio
145	1	4.3KB	polish/salepico-josquino
5351	2	177.1KB	polish/salieri-antonio
2754	4	85.2KB	polish/samin-vulfran
28706	11	607.8KB	polish/scacchi-marco
533	1	7KB	polish/schall-claus-nielsen
1425	1	16.2KB	polish/schiedermayr-johann-baptist
1103	1	22.5KB	polish/scholenberger
1073	2	26.9KB	polish/schopf
145	1	4.5KB	polish/schwertzer-j
160298	51	4.3MB	polish/scigalski-franciszek
2849	5	103.4KB	polish/sebastian-z-felsztyna
666	1	17.9KB	polish/senfl-ludwig
3817	1	86.6KB	polish/sieprawski-pawel
750	1	7.5KB	polish/sieroslawski-jozef
2332	13	72.4KB	polish/singenberger-johann-baptist
24596	24	648.3KB	polish/siwinski-andrzej
29871	11	1002.3KB	polish/sloczynski-wojciech
113	1	5.8KB	polish/smacierzynski
248165	74	2.5MB	polish/smietanski-emil-wladyslaw
604	2	6.6KB	polish/sokol-andrzej
1428	1	12.8KB	polish/sonnenfeld-adolf-gustaw
269736	97	6.4MB	polish/sowinski-wojciech
47459	63	1.1MB	polish/stabile-annibale
1141	1	26.9KB	polish/stachowicz-damian
35201	8	675KB	polish/staromiejski-j
6249	1	163.3KB	polish/statkowski-tadeusz
5894	5	99.5KB	polish/stefani-jan
863126	459	17.4MB	polish/stefani-jozef
858	2	11.6KB	polish/stefani-p
64698	33	1.1MB	polish/stojowski-zygmunt
4876	4	97.2KB	polish/stolle
842	1	12.5KB	polish/stolpe-alojzy
3295	7	96.9KB	polish/studzinski-karol
593	1	12.7KB	polish/studzinski-kazimierz
21436	20	465.8KB	polish/studzinski-piotr
10576	8	226.6KB	polish/studzinski-wincenty
10137	9	309.9KB	polish/szadek-tomasz
2363	1	58.3KB	polish/szarzynski-stanislaw-sylwester
43261	22	888.2KB	polish/szczurowski-jacek
10467	19	256.5KB	polish/szlagorski-walenty
52132	40	714.6KB	polish/szymanowska-maria
41220	30	704.5KB	polish/szymanowski-karol
1282	4	22.2KB	polish/tarnowski-adam
1244	1	16.7KB	polish/teichmann-antoni
2558	2	63.1KB	polish/terzago-bernardino
16187	6	323.5KB	polish/toeschi-carl-joseph
122	1	4.8KB	polish/troschel
44557	34	658.2KB	polish/troschel-wilhelm
1329	1	121.4KB	polish/turczynski-paschalis
219	1	3.9KB	polish/turowicz-ksawery
3244	6	33.6KB	polish/tymolski-fabian
926	1	9.1KB	polish/unicki
560	2	7.7KB	polish/vanhal-johann-baptist
1756	1	27.3KB	polish/vinci-leonardo
914	1	27.5KB	polish/virchi-paolo
135674	21	3.4MB	polish/vogel
439365	126	12.5MB	polish/volckmer-augustin
1042	2	25.2KB	polish/waclaw-z-szamotul
19060	106	371.5KB	polish/walczynski-franciszek
17197	11	377.4KB	polish/wanski-jan
3657	4	72.3KB	polish/went-johann-nepomuk
108615	38	2.2MB	polish/wieniawski-henryk
22628	7	406.4KB	polish/wieniawski-jozef
1793	5	52.9KB	polish/wiltberger-august
757	2	9.2KB	polish/winter-peter-von
635	2	19.4KB	polish/witt-franz-xaver
2491	1	25.7KB	polish/wolff-edward
5167	1	85.6KB	polish/woloszko-andrzej
1668	5	22.2KB	polish/worobecki-jozef
4431	1	143.2KB	polish/wronowicz-maciej-h
9205	4	73.6KB	polish/wronski-adam
13713	6	355.5KB	polish/wygrzywalski-jozef
31540	30	318.3KB	polish/wysocki-kasper-napoleon
7306	4	183.1KB	polish/zajaczkowski-roman
346	1	34KB	polish/zandtfelder-nicolaus-joseph-ignatius
3035	6	61.1KB	polish/zangl-johann-baptist
67884	19	1.1MB	polish/zarebski-juliusz
2013	1	25.6KB	polish/zarzycki-aleksander
151022	71	3.4MB	polish/zebrowski-marcin-jozef
100999	32	3.1MB	polish/zeidler-jozef
305170	155	5.6MB	polish/zelenski-wladyslaw
4896	3	64.2KB	polish/ziegler
5912	10	139.8KB	polish/zieleniewicz-mathias
71795	108	842.2KB	polish/zielenski-mikolaj
4154	12	74.8KB	polish/zientarski-romuald-teodor
500	1	13.8KB	polish/zlotaszewski-jozef
17163	84	734.4KB	polyrhythm/rds
68489	65	739.7KB	scarlatti/sonata
338788	1995	8.5MB	songs/chant/liber-usualis-ddmal
9145	60	76.7KB	songs/chant/liber-usualis-selections
1824	38	25.2KB	songs/child-ballads
10784	82	100.5KB	songs/densmore/acoma
3665	53	40.6KB	songs/densmore/maidu
3873	73	100.7KB	songs/densmore/mandan
7470	140	93.1KB	songs/densmore/menomiee
6184	110	85KB	songs/densmore/northute
4844	86	228.2KB	songs/densmore/pawnee
13727	243	167.7KB	songs/densmore/seminole
16091	245	329.3KB	songs/densmore/sioux
15249	128	171.9KB	songs/densmore/yuman
136	1	1.2KB	songs/folksongs/essen/africa
266	4	2.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/america/mexico
51	2	1.3KB	songs/folksongs/essen/america/misc
333	7	5KB	songs/folksongs/essen/america/usa
90225	1223	969.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/asia/china/han
14074	206	202KB	songs/folksongs/essen/asia/china/natmin
37878	802	487KB	songs/folksongs/essen/asia/china/shanxi
1183	10	11.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/asia/china/xinhua
760	5	5.5KB	songs/folksongs/essen/asia/misc
1346	43	33.1KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/czech
376	9	6.3KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/danmark
5915	110	78.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/allerkbd
15136	309	198.8KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/altdeu1
15370	316	201.1KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/altdeu2
27664	687	467.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/ballad
40451	704	443.2KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/boehme
6074	106	77.6KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/dva
78764	1700	1001.8KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/erk
33085	566	359.8KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/fink
8393	213	117.1KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/kinder
533	12	6.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/test
901	26	14.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/variant
31802	616	380KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/deutschl/zuccal
4496	91	56KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/elsass
235	4	3KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/england
626	14	10KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/france
330	8	4.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/italia
2607	115	66.2KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/jugoslav
2956	71	45.2KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/lothring
378	8	5.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/luxembrg
1590	45	28.7KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/magyar
1877	30	20.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/misc
3756	85	59.4KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/nederlan
5306	104	65.3KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/oesterrh
917	25	15.7KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/polska
1038	28	18.5KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/romania
1310	37	23.1KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/rossiya
4586	93	60KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/schweiz
480	11	7.5KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/sverige
1149	14	10.5KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/tirol
566	13	8.9KB	songs/folksongs/essen/europa/ukraina
4599	38	30.6KB	songs/foster
7543	29	51.6KB	songs/gershwin
14113	33	100.5KB	songs/harmonized/barbershop
62741	232	538.1KB	songs/harmonized/liederschatz
2446	9	16.7KB	songs/jazz/trumpet
8552	152	150.9KB	songs/nova-scotia
85489	739	9.4MB	songs/pop/billboard
39729	105	805.6KB	songs/pop/cantonese
59607	200	3.5MB	songs/pop/rollingstone
27681	151	713.7KB	songs/psalms/gomolka
13018	50	268.7KB	songs/psalms/lasso
2612	50	78.7KB	songs/psalms/ulenberg
4842	35	59.9KB	songs/schubert
1932	65	64.4KB	songs/starwars
973	13	16.6KB	songs/trumpet/artofphrasing
2446	9	16.7KB	songs/trumpet/jazz
276	23	11.3KB	tonerow/berg
504	42	21.5KB	tonerow/schoenberg
252	21	10.9KB	tonerow/webern
23143	46	438.4KB	vivaldi/op01
*-	*-	*-	*-
!!!total-notes: 18428832
!!!total-files: 26490
!!!total-size: 388.6MB

The complete repository-download set contains 26,490 files with a total of 18,428,832 sounding notes and total size of 381MB.

Implementation notes

Downloaded repositories are stored in the .source directory, first by owner and then by repository name. The repositories are cloned from GitHub with this command:

git clone --depth=1 --filter=blob:none --no-checkout <repository-url> <local-repository-name>

where <repository-url> is the URL to a GitHub-hosted repository, and <local-repository-name> is the location on the local computer to store the repository (downloaded repositories are stored in the .source subdirectory). Here are the meanings of the options that download only a minimal footprint for a repository:

Option Meaning
--depth=1 This option specifies that only the latest commit and its parent commits (up to the specified depth, in this case, 1) will be cloned. It creates a shallow clone, which means you won't have the full history of the repository, but you'll save time and bandwidth by not downloading unnecessary historical data.
--filter=blob:none This option, introduced in Git 2.19, sets a partial clone filter, specifying that no file content (blobs) will be cloned initially. Instead, only the commit and tree objects are fetched. This helps further reduce the amount of data transferred during the cloning process.
--no-checkout This option prevents git from checking out the working directory after the clone is complete. Typically, git automatically checks out the latest commit after cloning, but with --no-checkout, you can defer this step. This can be useful when you want to save time and only fetch the repository metadata without checking out the actual files.

Next, go inside of the downloaded repository and type this command:

git fetch origin <id>

where <id> is the index hash for the repository directory to download (see the getId() function in bin/getRepositoryDirectory for how to identify the index hash of a particular subdirectory in the repository).

Then download the specific directories from the online repository:

git sparse-checkout add <source-directory>
git read-tree -mu FETCH_HEAD
git checkout-index -a --prefix=<source-directory>/

You can also set $verboseQ = 1; in the bin/getRepositoryDirectory script to see the download and installation commands for each downloaded repository.

These commands are used to enable the sparse-checkout mode in git and configure which directories are made visible in the repository's working directory. Sparse-checkout is a feature that allows you to have a partial working directory by checking out only specific directories from the repository rather than all of them.

This method is a bit complicated, but ensures that only the desired directories are downloaded from the repository, and can avoid downloading the entire repository which may contain large files such as PDF files in other directories.


Once the repositories are downloaded, a local directory structure will be generated for the selected LIST file (in .lists) according to the **to parameter in the LIST file that is used. Files from the downloaded repository will be symbolically linked to the local file structure, so the humdrum-data directory will maintain a minimal size, and the symbolic links are used to distinguish between local and repository files when running make clean to preserve any local files. You will have to manually delete any local files if you want to start from a fully clean state again.

Note that files from multiple online repository directories can be merged into a single local directory (in which case there will be multiple .info files, one for each source repository with a number affixed to each additional .info file. And it is also possible to copy repository directory files to multiple local directories if they can be separated by regular expressions using the **filter, **xfilter, and **sar parameters in LIST files.

Viewing music notation

If downloaded files contain **kern data (as most of the full dataset file do), then you can copy the file and paste in Verovio Humdrum Viewer (VHV) ( to view the corresponding music notation for the file's contents.

On Macs, copy a file's contents like this:

cat file.krn | pbcopy

Then paste into the text editor on VHV.

On linux, it is more complicated to copy the contents of a file to the pasteboard/clipboard to paste into VHV, but typically in one of these ways:

xclip -sel clip < file.krn
xsel --clipboard < file.krn

You may need to install these commands if they are not available, something like:

sudo apt-get install xclip
sudo apt-get install xsel

You can also drag-and-drop Humdrum files into VHV from the Finder or File Manager.

Alternate methods of downloading scores

In addition to using this repository to download Humdrum files, other methods of downloading files from the command-line are described below.


KernScores includes most of the repositories available with this interface, but there are smaller collections that are only available on kernScores (and not or not yet on Github).

There is also a "shortcuts" page which allows easier download on the command line. For example here is downloading of the first Bach chorale:

humcat humdrum://chorales/chor001.krn > chor001.krn
humcat hum://chorales/chor001.krn > chor001.krn
humcat h://chorales/chor001.krn > chor001.krn

The prefixes humdrum://, hum:// and h:// are all alias meaning a humdrum URI, which is converted into a kernScores URL internal to the humcat tool.

Here is an example use of humcat to download a file without saving it, using the key Humdrum tool:

humcat h://chorales/chor001.krn | key

An entire directory of files on kernScores can be downloaded to a single Humdrum file:

humcat -s h://chorales > chorales.krns

In this case the -s option is used to preserve segments (separate sections of data that start with an exclusive interpretation and end with a spine terminator). Without the -s the humcat tool will merge a files into a single long (set) of spines (or there will be an error if the spine counts are not the same). I add the s to .krns to indicate the the multiple works are stored in the file. Here is an example of using the multi-file download method without saving the data:

humcat -s h://chorales | census -k



Number of data tokens:     143712
Number of null tokens:     34219
Number of multiple-stops:  0
Number of data records:    35928
Number of comments:        7191
Number of interpretations: 4800
Number of records:         47919


Number of note-heads:      86066
Number of notes:           84624
Longest note:              0
Shortest note:             32
Highest note:              aa
Lowest note:               CC
Number of rests:           783
Maximum number of voices:  4
Number of single barlines: 5291
Number of double barlines: 370

You can also use humcat to download all works in a kernScores directory into separate files:

mkdir chorales
cd chorales
humcat -s h://chorales | humsplit

Where the Humdrum Extras tool humsplit takes multi-file Humdrum data and splits them back into individual files.

Renaissance and Polish scores

Digital scores from the Josquin Research Project, Tasso in Music Project, The 1520s Project, and the Polish Music in Open Access project can be downloaded from on the command line by file ID. Currently files from these alternate repository structures cannot be downloaded with humcat, but can be downloaded with curl (on MacOS) and wget (linux).

Using example IDs from these repositories (MacOS):

curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl > popc2-19xx_1.krn

The colon cannot/should not be used on MacOS (without difficulty) so an alternate method is shown for downloading the Polish score, where 19xx:1 means the first score from the 20th century dataset (these numbers are mostly consecutive, but there are some gaps in the accession numbers). The Polish ID wtm--a-40-710-94 means that the (paper) source score for the digital score is from the Warsaw Music Society and a-40-710-94 is (based on) the call number for the score in their library.

Same examples using wget (in linux):

wget -o popc2-19xx_1.krn

If you want to use wget instead of curl in MacOS, install wget with Homebrew:

brew install wget

The downloaded data can be piped directly to Humdrum tools as the file is being downloaded, such as with the census tool::

curl | census -k
curl | census -k
curl | census -k
curl | census -k
curl | census -k

wget examples:

wget | census -k
wget | census -k
wget | census -k
wget | census -k
wget | census -k