This multi-module project contains archetypes to develop new Maven Java EE and OSGi projects with recommended configurations and dependencies targeting WebSphere Liberty.
Note: Usage of following archetypes is recommended with WAS Developer Tools (WDT) for Eclipse IDE.
##Project structure
archetypes/ - Parent POM to build all archetypes
ejb-jee5-liberty/ - EJB 3.0 archetype module
ejb-jee6-liberty/ - EJB 3.1 archetype module
ejb-jee7-liberty/ - EJB 3.2 archetype module
osgi-liberty/ - OSGI archetype module
osgi-web25-liberty/ - OSGi Web 2.5 archetype
osgi-web30-liberty/ - OSGi Web 3.0 archetype
osgi-web31-liberty/ - OSGi Web 3.1 archetype
webapp-jee5-liberty/ - Web 2.5 archetype
webapp-jee6-liberty/ - Web 3.0 archetype
webapp-jee7-liberty/ - Web 3.1 archetype
##Archetypes list
Following is the list of provided archetypes. The Archetypes groupId is
Archetype artifactId | Project type |
ejb-jee5-liberty | EJB 3.0 project |
ejb-jee6-liberty | EJB 3.1 project |
ejb-jee7-liberty | EJB 3.2 project |
webapp-jee5-liberty | Web 2.5 project |
webapp-jee6-liberty | Web 3.0 project |
webapp-jee7-liberty | Web 3.1 project |
Archetype artifactId | Project type |
osgi-liberty | OSGi project |
osgi-web25-liberty | OSGi Web 2.5 project |
osgi-web30-liberty | OSGi Web 3.0 project |
osgi-web31-liberty | OSGi Web 3.1 project |
##Usage information
You can use the provided archetypes by using WDT for Eclipse IDE and by CLI.
###Usage with WDT for Eclipse IDE
- Open the New Project Wizard by selecting File/New/Other... menu.
- In the Filter textbox type Maven Project and press Next button.
- Press again Next button and then ensure the All Catalogs option is selected in the Catalog combo box.
- In the Filter textbox type
- Select one of the provided archetypes and then follow the Wizard.
- Once completed, wait until all processes conclude and WDT for Eclipse IDE will install project facets and configure your Maven project in base of the archetype you chose at step 5.
###Usage by CLI
Open a Maven terminal and then execute following command to generate a new Maven project:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=<archetype_artifact_id>
After executing the command the interactive mode will be asked for some values like your artifactId, groupId and version for your project before finishing.
##How to build
Before building this project in your machine, ensure you have installed the target POMs project as archetypes use dependency.
To build the whole archetypes project locate in the archetypes/
folder and execute following command in a Maven terminal:
mvn install
: builds and install all archetypes in the local repository.
If you need to build one of the modules, just locate in the module folder you want and execute the previous command.