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192 lines (148 loc) · 15.3 KB

A collection of composable behaviors for your Stimulus Controllers

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Stimulus Use Example

  • New lifecycle behaviors: adds new standard behaviors to your Stimulus controllers.
  • Composable: compose at will different behaviors in a single controller with mixins.
  • Modular: built as ES6 modules, just import what you need and tree shaking will remove the rest.
  • Typescript: Types available, better autocompletion.
  • Tiny: 3k gzip + tree shaking 🌳🌳🌳

Getting Started

⚠️ Stimulus 3 has several breaking changes. If you want to use Stimulus-Use with Stimulus 3 you can use the current beta version of Stimulus-Use yarn add stimulus-use@beta. All contribution to Stimulus 3 features are now on the stimulus-3 branch


npm i stimulus-use


yarn add stimulus-use


We got you covered 👉



This set of mixins is built around the Observer APIs and custom events to enhance your controllers with new behaviors.

Mixin Description NEW Callbacks
useClickOutside Tracks the clicks outside of the element and adds a new lifecycle callback clickOutside. clickOutside
useHotkeys Registers hotkeys using the hotkeys-js library and binds them to handler methods
useHover Tracks the user's mouse movements over an element and adds mouseEnter and mouseLeave callbacks to your controller. mouseEnter mouseLeave
useIdle Tracks if the user is idle on your page and adds away and back callbacks to your controller. away
useIntersection Tracks the element's intersection and adds appear, disappear callbacks to your controller. appear
useMatchMedia Tracks if the window matches a media query string. is[Name], not[Name] and [name]Changed
useMutation Tracks mutations on an element, its attributes and/or subtree. Adds a mutate callback to your controller. mutate
useResize Tracks the element's size and adds a new lifecycle callback resize. resize
useTargetMutation Tracks when targets are added or removed from the controller's scope, or their contents changed. Adds [target]TargetAdded , [target]TargetRemoved and [target]TargetChanged callback to your controller for each specified target. [target]TargetAdded [target]TargetRemoved [target]TargetChanged
Tracks the page visibility and adds visible, invisible callbacks to your controller. visible
Tracks the window focus and adds focus, unfocs callbacks to your controller. focus
useWindowResize Tracks the size of the window object and adds a new lifecycle callback windowResize. windowResize


A set of mixin to optimize performances.

Mixin Description
useDebounce Adds the ability to specify an array "debounces" of functions to debounce.
useMemo Memoize expensive getters by mixing in useMemo and adding a static memos array.
useThrottle Adds the ability to specify an array "throttles" of functions to throttle.


A set of mixin and controllers to build animations.

Mixin Description
useTransition Mixin or controller to apply classes to various stages of an element's transition.


Mixin Description
useApplication, ApplicationController supercharged controller for your application.
useDispatch Adds a dispatch helper function to emit custom events. Useful to communicate between different controllers.
useMeta Adds getters to easily access meta values.

Extend or compose

Stimulus-use can be used in two ways: composing with mixins or extending built-in controllers

Composing with mixins

This is the prefered approach as it bring the most flexibility. Simply import a mixin and apply it in the connect or initialize to adds new behaviors to you controller. You can combine several mixins within the same controller.

import { Controller } from 'stimulus'
import { useIntersection, useResize } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {

  appear(entry) {
    // triggered when the element appears within the viewport

  resize({ height, width }) {
    // trigered when the element is resized

Extending built-in controllers

You can create your Stimulus controller from a pre-built Stimulus-use controller which offers the new behavior you're looking for. This method works perfectly when you only need a single behavior for your controller.

import { IntersectionController } from 'stimulus-use'

export default class extends IntersectionController {
  appear(entry) {
    // triggered when the element appears within the viewport

Contributors ✨

Made with ❤️ by @adrienpoly and all these wonderful contributors (emoji key):

Marco Roth

🚇 💻 👀 🐛

Philipp Daun


M. E. Patterson


Jonathan Sundqvist


Rui Freitas


Nicolas Filzi


Benjamin Darcet





🚇 🐛

Julian Rubisch

💻 👀

Takuya Fukuju


Justin Coyne


Asger Behncke Jacobsen


Dan Callaghan


Konnor Rogers

🐛 💻

Francisco Presencia


Takayuki Shimada


Dylan Clarke

💻 📖

Martin Tomov


Ryan Weaver

📖 🐛

Adrien S


Felix Albroscheit


Guillaume Briday


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Continuous integration and cross browser testing is generously provided Sauce Labs.

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