Set the current accessory configuration.
- accessory Accessory configuration to set.
Possibility to modify the accessory configuration.
- enabled 1 if the modification of the accessory Config is enabled, 0 otherwise
Make a flip
- direction Direction for the flip
Start a paramaterless animation.
- anim Animation to start.
Stop a running animation.
- anim Animation to stop.
Stop all running animations.
List of animations state.
- anim Animation type.
- state State of the animation
- error Error to explain the state
Electric frequency of the country determined by the position of the controller
- frequency Type of the electric frequency
Set the anti flickering mode
- mode Mode of the anti flickering functionnality
Controller libARCommands version
- version version of libARCommands (""format)
SkyController libARCommands version
- version version of libARCommands (""format)
Device libARCommands version
- version version of libARCommands (""format)
Tell the firmware whether the controller is ready to start audio streaming.
- ready Bit field for TX and RX ready. bit 0 is 1 if controller is ready and wants to receive sound (Drone TX) bit 1 is 1 if controller is ready and wants to send sound (Drone RX)
Notify the controller whether the audio streaming is running.
- running Bit field for TX and RX running bit 0 is 1 if Drone TX is running bit 1 is 1 if Drone RX is running
Sent when a calibration of the magnetometer is asked or is aborted
- calibrate 1 if the calibration should be started, 0 if it should be aborted
Status of the calibration requirement
- required 1 if calibration is required, 0 if current calibration is still valid
Ask the drone to move camera.
- tilt Tilt camera consign for the drone (in degree) The value is saturated by the drone. Saturation value is sent by thre drone through CameraSettingsChanged command.
- pan Pan camera consign for the drone (in degree) The value is saturated by the drone. Saturation value is sent by thre drone through CameraSettingsChanged command.
Camera orientation
- tilt Tilt camera consign for the drone [-100;100]
- pan Pan camera consign for the drone [-100;100]
Orientation of the camera center. This is the value to send when we want to center the camera.
- tilt Tilt value (in degree)
- pan Pan value (in degree)
@deprecated Set the maximum charge rate allowed to charge a battery.
- rate The new maximum charge rate.
Information of the charge.
- phase The current charging phase.
- rate The charge rate. If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge.
- intensity The charging intensity, in dA. (12dA = 1,2A) ; If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge. Equals to 0 if not known.
- fullChargingTime The full charging time estimated, in minute. If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge. Equals to 0 if not known.
Get all product states.
Set current date of controller
- date Date with ISO-8601 format
Set current time of controller
- time Time with ISO-8601 format
Command to ask reboot to product
Inform of the product model. This is used to customize the UI depending on the connected product.
- model The Model of the product.
List of the countries known by the device
- listFlags List entry attribute Bitfield. 0x01: First: indicate it's the first element of the list. 0x02: Last: indicate it's the last element of the list. 0x04: Empty: indicate the list is empty (implies First/Last). All other arguments should be ignored.
- countryCodes Following of country code with ISO 3166 format, separated by ";". Be careful of the command size allowed by the network used. If necessary, split the list in several commands.
Event of flight plan start error
Bridle speed of the drone
Set the controller position for a run. This command is used by all non gps products. Watch out, this command cannot be used with BLE products
- latitude Controller latitude in decimal degrees
- longitude Controller longitude in decimal degrees
Set home location
- latitude Home latitude in decimal degrees
- longitude Home longitude in decimal degrees
- altitude Home altitude in meters
Reset home location and let the drone make its own home
send controller GPS location
- latitude GPS latitude in decimal degrees
- longitude GPS longitude in decimal degrees
- altitude GPS altitude in meters
- horizontalAccuracy Horizontal Accuracy in meter ; equal -1 if no horizontal Accuracy
- verticalAccuracy Vertical Accuracy in meter ; equal -1 if no vertical Accuracy
Set user preference for the type of the home position. Note that this is only a preference
- type The type of the home position
Set the delay after which the drone will automatically try to return home
- delay Delay in second
Set instensity of lighting LEDs.
- left Set the left LED intensity value (0 through 255).
- right Set the right LED intensity value (0 through 255).
Start the flight plan
- filepath flight plan file path from the mavlink ftp root
- type type of the played mavlink file
Pause the flightplan (can be restarted with a start)
Stop the flightplan
@deprecated Take picture
- mass_storage_id Mass storage id to take picture
@deprecated Video record
- record Command to record video
- mass_storage_id Mass storage id to record
Take picture
Video record
- record Command to record video
Enable/disable video streaming.
- enable 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
Launches wifi network scan
- band The band(s) : 2.4 Ghz, 5 Ghz, or both
Controller inquire the list of authorized wifi channels.
Signals the remote that the host will disconnect and close its libARNetwork instance (and all threads that use libARNetwork)
Signals the remote that the host will disconnect and close its libARNetwork instance (and all threads that use libARNetwork)
- cause Cause of the disconnection of the product
Auto-select channel of choosen band
- type The type of wifi selection (auto, manual)
- band The allowed band(s) : 2.4 Ghz, 5 Ghz, or all
- channel The channel (not used in auto mode)
@deprecated Switch off the drone when a overheat appeared
@deprecated Ventilate the drone when a overheat appeared
The format of the photo
- type The type of photo format
AutoWhiteBalance mode
- type The type auto white balance
The exposition of the image
- value Exposition value (bounds given by ExpositionChanged arg min and max, by default [-3:3])
The saturation of the image
- value Saturation value (bounds given by SaturationChanged arg min and max, by default [-100:100])
Picture taken periodically
- enabled 1 if timelapse is enabled, 0 otherwise
- interval interval in seconds for taking pictures
Video autorecord
- enabled 1 if video autorecord is enabled, 0 otherwise
- mass_storage_id Mass storage id to take video
Video stabilization mode
- mode enum for mode
Do a flat trim
Ask the drone to take off
Ask the drone to move around.
- flag Boolean flag to activate roll/pitch movement
- roll Roll consign for the drone [-100;100]
- pitch Pitch consign for the drone [-100;100]
- yaw Yaw consign for the drone [-100;100]
- gaz Gaz consign for the drone [-100;100]
- timestampAndSeqNum Not sure on this, please check Parrot docs
Ask the drone to land
Put drone in emergency user state
Ask the drone to fly to home
- start 1 to start the navigate home, 0 to stop it
[NOT USED] Set Drone3 in automatic take off mode
- state State of automatic take off mode (1 for autotake off enabled)
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Move the drone to a relative position and rotate heading by a given angle The frame is horizontal and relative to the current drone orientation: - X is front - Y is right - Z is down The movement settings of the device are those set for the autonomous flight.
- dX Wanted displacement along the front axis [m]
- dY Wanted displacement along the right axis [m]
- dZ Wanted displacement along the down axis [m]
- dPsi Wanted rotation of heading [rad]
Not sure, check Parrot docs
- state State of user takeoff
Start circling, must apply to fixed wing drones?
- direction 0 for CW, 1, for CCW
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware End of relative displacement of the drone The frame is horizontal and relative to the current drone orientation: - X is front - Y is right - Z is down
- dX Distance traveled along the front axis [m]
- dY Distance traveled along the right axis [m]
- dZ Distance traveled along the down axis [m]
- dPsi Applied angle on heading [rad]
- error Error to explain the event
Set Max Altitude
- current Current altitude max in m
Set Max Tilt
- current Current tilt max in degree
[NOT USED] Enable/Disable absolut control
- on 1 to enable, 0 to disable
Set the distance max of the drone
- value Current max distance in meter
Indication about how the product handle flying over the max distance limitation
- shouldNotFlyOver 1 if the drone can't fly further than max distance, 0 if no limitation on the drone should be done
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Set the maximum horizontal speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum horizontal speed [m/s]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Set the maximum vertical speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum vertical speed [m/s]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Set the maximum horizontal acceleration used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum horizontal acceleration [m/s2]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Set the maximum vertical acceleration used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum vertical acceleration [m/s2]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Set the maximum yaw rotation speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum yaw rotation speed [rad/s]
Set Min Altitude
- current Current altitude min in m
Direction to circle in
- value direction
Set radius for circling
- value radius in m
Set altitude for circling
- value Current altitude min in m
Set pitch mode
- value mode
Set landing mode
- value mode
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Maximum horizontal speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum horizontal speed [m/s]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Maximum vertical speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum vertical speed [m/s]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Maximum horizontal acceleration used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum horizontal acceleration [m/s2]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Maximum vertical acceleration used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum vertical acceleration [m/s2]
Draft: this command is not implemented yet by the firmware Maximum yaw rotation speed used by the autonomous flight
- value maximum yaw rotation speed [rad/s]
Enable/disable banked turn
- value enable/disable
Features enabled
- features Bitfield representing enabled features. Currently supported bits are: - 0 : 720p streaming - 1 : No interface on SkyController HDMI
Get all product settings, the product must send all settings
Reset all settings
Set Product name
- name Product name
Set current Country of controller
- code Country code with ISO 3166 format
Set Auto Country Settings
- automatic Boolean : 0 : Manual / 1 : Auto
Product P7ID
- serialID Product P7ID
Set Max Vertical speed
- current Current max vertical speed in m/s
Set Max Rotation speed
- current Current max rotation speed in degree/s
Presence of hull protection
- present 1 if present, 0 if not present
Outdoor property
- outdoor 1 if outdoor flight, 0 if indoor flight
Send to product if it should use its outdoor wifi config, or indoor
- outdoor 1 if it should use outdoor wifi settings, 0 otherwise