Releases: hydephp/hyde
v0.8.0-alpha - Update the navigation menu, clean up code, add GitHub documents
What's Changed
- Update the navigation menu frontend by @caendesilva in #58
- Clean up test code and fix mismatched test namespace by @caendesilva in #59
- Apply fixes from StyleCI by @hydephp in #60
Full Changelog: v0.7.3-alpha...v0.8.0-alpha
v0.7.3-alpha - Fix outdated welcome page links
Full Changelog: v0.7.2-alpha...v0.7.3-alpha
v0.7.2-alpha - Add new command to scaffold pages
What's Changed
Create new command to scaffold pages by @caendesilva in hydephp/framework#55
Full Changelog: v0.7.1-alpha...v0.7.2-alpha
What's Changed
- Add SASS as a dev dependency by @caendesilva in #55
Full Changelog: v0.7.0-alpha...v0.7.1-alpha
v0.7.0-alpha - Remove _authors and _drafts directories
What's Changed
- Apply fixes from StyleCI by @hydephp in #54
- Remove _authors and _drafts directories #48 by @caendesilva in #53 (see for upgrade guide)
Full Changelog: v0.6.0-alpha...v0.7.0-alpha
v0.6.0-alpha - New rebuild command and asset streamlining
What's Changed
- Apply fixes from StyleCI by @hydephp in #48
- Update command class names by @caendesilva in #49
- Move scripts into app.js by @caendesilva in #51
- Apply fixes from StyleCI by @hydephp in #52
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.0-alpha...v0.6.0-alpha
This release updates the framework version to 0.5.2. Most notably this update serves to sync the minor version with the framework.
Full Changelog: v0.4.1-alpha...v0.5.0-alpha
v0.4.1-alpha - Security patch for frontend dependency
This patch updates the framework to 0.5.1 and fixes a security vulnerability in a NPM package dependency. If you are on v0.4.0 you should update right away.
What's Changed
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 by @dependabot in #47
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #47
Full Changelog:
v0.4.0-alpha - Test & Installer Update
This release ties into the Framework v0.5 release and improves the codebase stability by introducing a number of new tests. It also adds a new guided installer command to configure the site quickly.
What's Changed
- 0.4.0 Update which adds several new tests tying into framework v0.5.0 by @caendesilva in #46
Full Changelog: v0.3.3-alpha...v0.4.0-alpha
v0.3.3-alpha - Patches error in v0.3.2-alpha
The previous release, v0.3.2-alpha, is using an out of date framework version which is fixed in this release.