You can select 1 of the 3 animals to display an ASCII art (cat, dog, mouse).
First test, we sent dog+aaaaaaaaaa...(many times) until a memory dump.
After analysing these bytes, we can understand that they correpond to a table
with different addresses (+ some parameters) used to display the picture.
We can change the current selection by modifying the 2 bytes just after the
Whatever, we can see & verify the following addresses associations:
cat = 0x015e
dog = 0x0158
mouse = 0x0152
??? = 0x014c (yeah)
Replaced the last address is not enough, we need to set a kind of offset
defined by the next 2 bytes..
After few tries, we got the following payload with python:
from rhme_serial import *
s = rhme_serial()
print s.xfer("dogaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\x4c\x01\x6b\x03\r\n")
and got the flag of course !