A reactivity system. It gives ability to:
- Make any state observable using only 1.5KB lib. $hyoo_crowd as example.
- Automatic dynamic track runtime value dependencies and optimize task execution order.
- Memoize calculations with automatic revalidation. Yes, it completely solves the first of hard problem in computer science.
- Convert sync API to async and vice versa. Yes, it's a black magic of idempotence.
- Manage resources automatically with predictable deconstruction moment. Yes, we don't rely on garbage collector.
- Dramatically reduce source code size and increase reliability by implementing reactive architecture.
- $mol_wire_solo - reactive memoizing solo property decorator
- $mol_wire_plex - reactive memoizing multiplexed property decorator
- $mol_wire_field - reactive memoizing field decorator
- $mol_wire_method - method decorator which run inside fiber
- $mol_wire_sync - converts async API to sync
- $mol_wire_async - converts sync API to async
- $mol_wire_easing - transition atom value
- $mol_wire_probe - run code without state changes
- $mol_wire_solid - make current fiber immortal
- $mol_wire_set - reactive Set
- $mol_wire_dict - reactive Dictionary
- $mol_wire_dom - reactive DOM
- $mol_wire_log - state changes logger
- $mol_wire_pub - tiny publisher
- $mol_wire_sub - generic subscriber interface
- $mol_wire_pub_sub - subscriber with retranslation support
- current tracking subscriber
- $mol_wire_fiber - abstract pausable task with (a)sync API
- $mol_wire_task - one-shot fiber
- $mol_wire_atom - repeatable fiber
- $mol_wire_cursor - subscription statuses
Lib with all production ready $mol_wire modules.
npm install mol_wire_lib
import {
$mol_wire_solo as solo,
$mol_wire_plex as plex,
$mol_wire_method as task,
} from 'mol_wire_lib'
class User {
@solo age( next = 0 ) { return next }
@plex finger_exists( id: string, next = true ) { return next }
@task finger_cut( id: string ) { this.finger_exists( id, false ) }
const $ = require( 'mol_wire_lib' )
class User {
age( next = 0 ) { return next }
finger_exists( id: string, next = true ) { return next }
finger_cut( id: string ) { this.finger_exists( id, false ) }
$.$mol_wire_solo( User.prototype, 'age' )
$.$mol_wire_plex( User.prototype, 'finger_exists' )
$.$mol_wire_task( User.prototype, 'finger_cut' )
Tiny lib to making any state observabe for other $mol_wire based libs.
npm install mol_wire_pub
import { $mol_wire_pub as Publisher } from 'mol_wire_pub'
let counter = 0
const pub = new Publisher
export function state() {
return counter
export function increase() {
++ counter
export function decrease() {
-- counter
Lib to make real DOM reactive.
npm install mol_wire_domm
import { $mol_wire_dom as reactivate } from 'mol_wire_dom'
reactivate( document.body )
In $mol_wire
we build reactive systems using classes that have reactive properties. We represent a reactive property using a class method with an appropriate decorator.
We define properties in accordance to the pattern of channels. A channel behaves like a getter when called without arguments and as a getter-setter otherwise. This approach proves to be more flexible than others.
Here's an example of a simple channel:
let _title = ''
const title = ( text = _title )=> _title = text
title() // getter, returns ''
title( 'Buy some milk' ) // getter-setter, sets and returns 'Buy some milk'
title() // getter, returns 'Buy some milk'
You can notice that this is similar to some JQuery methods.
Instead of a plain function and a variable $mol_wire
uses class methods with an appropriate decorator:
import { $mol_wire_solo as solo } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class Store {
@solo title( text = '' ) { return text }
const store = new Store()
store.title() // getter, returns ''
store.title( 'Buy some milk' ) // getter-setter, sets and returns 'Buy some milk'
store.title() // getter, returns 'Buy some milk'
The decorator memoizes what's been returned from the method so when someone uses it as a getter the method itself is not called and instead the memoized value is returned.
Properties either:
- store values
- or compute new values based on other properties.
The computed properties will only recompute when one of their dependencies change.
import { $mol_wire_solo as solo } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class User {
// stores a value
@solo name_first( next = 'Thomas' ) {
return next
// stores a value
@solo name_last( next = 'Anderson' ) {
return next
// computes a value based on other channels
@solo name() {
console.log('compute name')
return `${this.name_first()} ${this.name_last()}`
const user = new User()
console.log(user.name()) // logs: 'compute name', 'Thomas Anderson'
console.log(user.name()) // logs: 'Thomas Anderson'
// setter, marks 'name' as a subject to recomputation,
// but doesn't recompute immediately
console.log(user.name()) // logs: 'compute name', 'Thomas William'
console.log(user.name()) // logs: 'Thomas William'
Channels marked with a @solo
or @plex
decorator are memoized until a new value is set to them or one of their dependencies change.
We can use memoization to guarantee that a reference to an object will stay the same:
import { $mol_wire_solo as solo } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class Task {
@solo timestamp( value = 0 ) {
return value
// won't create new instances until `timestamp` is changed
@solo moment() {
return new Moment(this.timestamp())
Or with memoization we can cache expensive computations:
import { $mol_wire_solo as solo } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class Task {
@solo title( title = '' ) {
return title
// won't recompute
@solo segmenter() {
return new Intl.Segmenter()
// won't recompute until `title` is changed
@solo mirrored_title() {
const segmenter = this.segmenter()
const segments = [ ... segmenter.segment( this.title() ) ]
return segments.map( s => s.segment ).reverse().join('')
With $mol_wire_plex
(as in multiplexing) we can store multiple values:
import { $mol_wire_plex as plex } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class Project {
@plex task( id: number ) {
return new Task( id )
const project = new Project()
const task1 = project.task(1)
const task2 = project.task(2)
Another piece of flexibility that channels give is what's called hacking. It allows us to impose custom rules on how channels are read or set:
import {
$mol_wire_solo as solo,
$mol_wire_plex as plex,
} from 'mol_wire_lib'
class Task {
// task has a duration
@solo duration( dur?: number ) {
return dur
class Project_limited {
// project has many tasks
@plex task( id: number ) {
const task = new Task()
// the "hacking" technique:
// when someone tries to get or set the duration for a task
// we proxy this through our own method imposing a limitation for maximum duration
task.duration = ( duration ) => this.task_duration( id, duration )
return task
@plex task_duration( id: number, duration = 1 ) {
// clamp the duration to the maximum value
return Math.min( duration, this.duration_max() )
duration_max() {
return 10
const project_limited = new Project_limited()
const task_limited = project_limited.task(1)
task_limited.duration(20) // try to set 20 for the duration
console.log(task_limited.duration()) // logs: 10
We can take the use of memoization even further by leveraging destructors.
will call a special method named destructor
on an object that is no longer needed:
import { $mol_wire_solo as solo } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class ExampleAPI {
socket: WebSocket
constructor (
public api_key : string ,
) {
this.socket = new WebSocket(`wss://example.com?api_key=${api_key}`)
// the special method
destructor() {
class App {
@solo api_key( value = '' ) {
return value
@solo api() {
return new ExampleAPI( this.api_key() )
const app = new App()
// set an api key
// create an instance of WebSocket, establish a connection
// change the api key
// this will trigger creation of a new web socket
// and the old one will get destructured
Unlike many other reactivity systems, $mol_wire
allows you to have computeds that depend on asynchronous values.
makes it possible by using an implementaion of Suspense API where an asynchronous task throws an exception to pause the computation until the task resolves. You can read more about it here.
import {
$mol_wire_solo as solo,
} from 'mol_wire_lib'
// produce a value with 1 second delay
function value_async(): Promise<number> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const value = 25
setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 1000)
class App {
@solo value() {
// convert asynchronous function to a synchronous one
// NOTE closures won't work here,
// NOTE only use references to pre-defined functions or object methods
const value_sync = $mol_wire_sync(value_async)
// treat the value as it is already there
return value_sync() * 2
run() {
const app = new App()
// run the application in a Suspense environment
// logs: 50
In $mol_wire
we treat values that are computed asynchronously as they're already there. This is thanks to Suspense API: when an asynchronous task starts in a method it throws an exception and when it finishes the method is called again. A more detailed description is here.
Because of that we have to be a little careful about how we make side effects inside our methods.
The @$mol_wire_method
decorator (which is usually aliased to @action
) prevents methods from being called multiple times:
import {
$mol_wire_method as action,
} from 'mol_wire_lib'
class App {
// Auto wrap method to task
@action main() {
// Convert async api to sync
const syncFetch = $mol_wire_sync( fetch )
this.log( 'Request' ) // 3 calls, 1 log
const response = syncFetch( 'https://example.org' ) // Sync but non-blocking
const syncResponse = $mol_wire_sync( response )
this.log( 'Parse' ) // 2 calls, 1 log
const response = syncResponse.json() // Sync but non-blocking
this.log( 'Done' ) // 1 call, 1 log
// Auto wrap method to sub-task
@action log( ... args: any[] ) {
console.log( ... args )
// No restarts within a portion of a task
We can cancel asynchronous tasks when we no longer need them by using destructors again.
Here's an example of a cancelable fetch
import { $mol_wire_sync } from 'mol_wire_lib'
const fetchJSON = $mol_wire_sync( function fetch_abortable(
input: RequestInfo,
init: RequestInit = {}
) {
const controller = new AbortController
init.signal ||= controller.signal
const promise = fetch( input, init )
.then( response => response.json() )
// assign a destructor to cancel the request
const destructor = ()=> controller.abort()
return Object.assign( promise, { destructor } )
} )
Then, we can use it in our computeds:
import { $mol_wire_plex as plex } from 'mol_wire_lib'
class GitHub {
@plex static issue( id: number ) {
return fetchJSON( `https://api.github.com/repos/nin-jin/HabHub/issues/${id}` )
or a more interesting use case could look like this:
import { $mol_wire_async } from 'mol_wire_lib'
button.onclick = $mol_wire_async( function() {
const { profile } = fetchJSON( 'https://example.org/input' )
console.log( profile )
} )
In the above example clicking the button will trigger an HTTP request. If it doesn't resolve until the user clicks again, a new request will be sent and the previous one will get cancelled.
And this is how easy it is to add debounce to this function:
button.onclick = $mol_wire_async( function() {
+ // schedule a timer
+ // the execution won't go past this point until it resolves
+ // if onclick is called again the timer gets rescheduled
+ $mol_wait_timeout( 1000 )
const { profile } = fetchJSON( 'https://example.org/input' )
console.log( profile )
} )