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MirBFT Library Architecture

MirBFT is a Total Order Broadcast (TOB) / State Machine Replication (SMR) library. This document describes the architecture and inner workings of the library and is intended for its developers rather than for its users.


The top-level component of the library is the Node. The user of the library instantiates a Node object which serves as the interface to the MirBFT library. Here we focus on the inner workings of a Node. A Node contains several modules that, inspired by the architecture of etcdraft, interact through Events, also borrowing concepts from the actor model.


Events are serializable objects (implemented using Protocol Buffers) that internally serve as messages (not to be confused with protocol messages) passed between the Node's modules. Events are created either by the Node itself when external events occur (the library user calling some of the Node's methods) or by the Node's modules. The Node's modules, independently of each other, take Events as input, process them, and produce new Events as output. In this sense, each event constitutes a "work item" that needs to be processed by some module. All created events are stored in the WorkItems buffer, from where they are dispatched (by the Node.process() method) to the appropriate module for processing. This processing creates new Events which are in turn added to the WorkItems, and so on.

For debugging purposes, all Events can be recorded using an event Interceptor (see below) and inspected or replayed in debug mode using the mircat utility.

Follow-up Events

In certain cases, it is necessary that certain Events are processed only after other Events have been processed. For example, before sending a protocol message and delivering a request batch to the application, the protocol state might need to be persisted in the WAL to prevent unwanted behavior in case of a crash and recovery. In such a case, the protocol module creates three Events: one for persisting the protocol state (to be processed by the WAL module), one for sending a protocol message (to be processed by the Net module), and one for delivering the protocol batch to the application (to be processed by the App module). Since the WAL, the Net, and the App modules work independently and in parallel, there is no guarantee about which of those modules will be the first to process Events.

An Event thus contains a Next field, pointing to a slice of follow-up Events that can only be processed after the Event itself has been processed by the appropriate module. In the example above, the Events for the Net and App module would be included (as a 2-element list) in the Next field of the "parent" WAL Event.

When a module (the WAL module in this case) processes an Event, it strips off all follow-up Events and only processes the parent Event. It then adds all follow-up Events to its output, as if they resulted from processing the parent Event. In the example case, the Events for the Net and App modules will be added to the WorkItems buffer at the same time, without any guarantee about the order of their processing. Follow-up Events can be arbitrarily nested to express more complex dependency trees.


Modules are components of the system, each responsible for a part of the library's implementation. Each module is defined in the modules package by the tasks it has to perform. The interface of each module is task-specific.

Multiple implementations of a module can exist. When instantiating a Node, the library user chooses which module implementations to use. This is done by means of the Modules object passed to the mirbft.NewNode() function. The user instantiates the desired modules, groups them in a Modules object and passes this object to mirbft.NewNode(). The library provides default module implementations (not yet - TODO) for the user to use out of the box, but the user is free to supply its own ones.

The following modules constitute the MirBFT implementation (not all of them are implemented yet - TODO).

  • Net sends messages produced by MirBFT through the network.
  • Hasher computes hashes of requests and other data.
  • Crypto performs cryptographic operations (except for computing hashes).
  • App implements the user application logic. The user is expected to provide this module.
  • WAL implements a persistent write-ahead log for the case of crashes and restarts.
  • ClientTracker keeps the state related to clients and validates submitted requests.
  • RequestStore provides persistent storage for request data.
  • Protocol implements the logic of the distributed protocol.
  • Interceptor intercepts and logs all internal Events for debugging purposes.


The Net module provides a simple interface for a node to exchange messages with other nodes. Currently, it only deals with numeric node IDs that it has to translate to network addresses based on some (static) initial configuration provided by the user at instantiation. The messages the Net module sends can either be received by user code on the other end of the line and manually injected to the Node using the Node.Step() function, or received by the corresponding remote Net module that in turn makes them available to the remote Node.


The Hasher module computes hashes of requests and other data. It accepts hash request Events and produces hash result Events. Whenever any module needs to compute a hash, instead of computing the hash directly inside the implementation of that module, the module produces a hash request Event. This Event will be inserted in the WorkItems buffer and routed to the Hasher module by the Node.process() method. When the Hasher computes the digest, a hash result event will be routed (usually) back to the requesting module using metadata (HashOrigin) attached to the Event. The interface of the Hasher corresponds to Go's built-in hashing interface, e.g. crypto.SHA256, so Go's built-in hashers can be used directly.


The Crypto module is responsible for producing and verifying cryptographic signatures. It internally stores information about which clients and nodes are associated with which public keys. This information can be updated by the Node through appropriate Events. (TODO: Not yet implemented. Say which Events once implemented.) The Crypto module also processes Events related to signature computation and verification, e.g. VerifyRequestSig, and produces corresponding result Events, e.g. RequestSigVerified.


The App module implements the user application logic and is expected to always be provided by the user. An ordered sequence of request batches is delivered to the App module by this library. The application needs to be able to serialize its state and restore it from a serialized representation. The library will periodically (at checkpoints) create a snapshot of the application state and may, if necessary, reset the application state using a snapshot (this happens when state transfer is necessary).

Write-Ahead Log (WAL)

The WAL module implements a persistent write-ahead log for the case of crashes and restarts. Whenever any module needs to append a persistent entry to the write-ahead log, it outputs an Event to be processed by the WAL module. The WAL module will simply persist (a serialized form of) this Event. On Node startup (e.g. after restarting), the write-ahead log might be non-empty. In such a case, before processing any external Events, the Node loads all Events stored in the WAL and adds them to the WorkItems buffer. It is then up to the individual modules to re-initialize their state based on the stored Events they receive as first input.

TODO: Implement and describe truncation of the WAL.


The ClientTracker module manages the state related to clients. It is the first module to handle incoming client requests. It makes sure that the payload of a request is persisted, the request is authenticated and fulfills protocol-specific criteria. Only then the client module passes on a reference to the request to the ordering protocol.

TODO: Give a brief explanation of client watermarks when implemented.


The RequestStore module is a persistent key-value store that stores request payload data and request authentication metadata. This way, the protocol need not care about the authenticity, validity and durability of client request data. It will probably be the ClientTracker module to interact most with the RequestStore, making sure that the received requests are persisted and authenticated before handing them over to the protocol.

TODO: Implement and document garbage collection of old requests included in a checkpointed state.


The Protocol module implements the logic of the distributed protocol executed by the library. It consumes and produces a large variety of Events.

The Protocol module (similarly to the expected implementation of the App module) implements a deterministic state machine. Processing of Events by the Protocol module is sequential and deterministic (watch out for iteration over maps!). Thus, the same sequence of input Events will always result in the same protocol state and the same sequence of output Events. This is important for debugging (TODO: Implement and document mircat)

For performance reasons, the processing of each event should be simple, fast, and non-blocking. All "expensive" operations should be delegated to the other modules, which exist also for this reason. For example, instead of computing a cryptographic hash inside the Protocol module, the module should rather output a hash request event, have it processed by the Hasher module, and wait for a hash result event (while sequentially processing other incoming events).


The Interceptor intercepts and logs all internal Events for debugging purposes, producing what we call the event log. When the Node.process() method dispatches a list of events from the WorkItems buffer to the appropriate module for processing, the Interceptor appends this list to its log. Thus, events are always intercepted in the exact order as they are dispatched to their corresponding modules, in order to be able to faithfully reproduce what happened during a run. The log can then later be inspected or replayed. The Interceptor module is not essential and would probably be disabled in a production environment, but it is priceless for debugging.

Difference between the WAL and the Interceptor

Note that both the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) and the Interceptor produce logs of Events in stable storage. Their purposes, however, are very different and largely orthogonal.

The WAL produces the write-ahead log and is crucial for protocol correctness during recovery after restarting a Node. It is explicitly used by other modules (mostly the Protocol module) that creates WALAppend events for persisting only certain events that are crucial for recovery. The implementation of these modules (e.g., the protocol logic) decides what to store there and the same logic must be capable to reinitialize itself when those stored events are played back to it on restart.

The Interceptor produces the event log. This is a list of all events that occurred and is meant only for debugging (not for recovery). The Node's modules have no influence on what is intercepted. The event log is intended to be processed by the mircat utility to gain more insight into what exactly is happening inside the Node.

TODO: Link mircat here when it's ready.