Instructions in this document assume the environment variable
points to the PDO source directory. Information about
other environment variables that control build and
installation is described below.
- Setup the basic development environment
- Install SGX SDK and untrusted platform libraries/services
- Install LVI-aware binutils
- Install SGX SSL
- Install required build dependencies
- Set up environment variables to configure the build
- Build and install the ledger
- Build the PDO package
On a minimal Ubuntu system, the following packages are required. Other distributions will require similar packages.
sudo apt install -y cmake curl git pkg-config unzip xxd libssl-dev build-essential
sudo apt install -y swig python3 python3-dev python3-venv virtualenv
sudo apt install -y liblmdb-dev libsecp256k1-dev libncurses5-dev
You also need the SGX Platform Services (PSW) so an enclave can properly be launched and can receive quotes for remote attestation. Following commands will download and install PSW:
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python #dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y sgx-aesm-service libsgx-urts libsgx-uae-service
if you want to debug, also install following packages
sudo apt-get install -y libsgx-enclave-common-dbgsym sgx-aesm-service-dbgsym libsgx-urts-dbgsym libsgx-uae-service-dbgsym
Note: If you are behind a proxy, you will have to configure the proxy settings
in /etc/aesmd.confg
and restart aesmd with `systemctl restart aesmd.
Private Data Objects has been tested with version 2.21 of the SGX SDK. You can download prebuilt binaries for the SDK and kernel drivers from
The following commands will download and install version 2.21 of the SGX
SDK. When asked for the installation directory, we suggest that you install
the SDK into the directory /opt/intel
wget ${DRIVER_REPO}/${SDK_FILE} -P /tmp
chmod a+x /tmp/${SDK_FILE}
echo -e "no\n/opt/intel" | sudo /tmp/${SDK_FILE}
The installer includes a file that sets environment variables to
configure the SGX SDK installation. For example, if you installed the
SDK into the directory /opt/intel
, then the following will set the
necessary SGX environment variables:
source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment
You can also build and install the SGX SDK from source. Instructions for building from source are available Intel SGX SDK git repository.
Ubuntu 20.04 does not ship a version of binutils
includes mitigations for LVI attacks. However, recent
releases of SGX SSL expect these mitigations to be in place.
Intel provides binary distributions of binutils
(version 2.32)
that contain the necessary LVI mitigations. The following
commands will download and install these binaries:
wget "" -P /tmp
sudo mkdir /opt/intel/sgxsdk.extras
sudo tar -xzf /tmp/as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz -C /opt/intel/sgxsdk.extras
export PATH=/opt/intel/sgxsdk.extras/external/toolset/ubuntu20.04:${PATH}
SGX OpenSSL is a compilation of OpenSSL specifically for use within SGX
enclaves. We have tested PDO with SGX SSL version 3.0-rc2
Detailed instructions for building and installing SGX SSL is available from the Intel SGX SSL github repository.
Follow these steps to compile and install version 3.0-rc2
- Ensure you have the SGX SDK environment variables activated:
source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment
- Clone the SGX SSL source:
git clone ''
- Check out the recommended version (
cd intel-sgx-ssl
git checkout 3.0-rc2
- Download the OpenSSL source package that will form the base of this SGX SSL install:
cd openssl_source
wget ''
cd ..
Set the environment variable for hardware or simulation mode. For simulation mode use
. For hardware mode useexport SGX_MODE=HW
. Note that to build in hardware and run the tests in hardware mode you must have installed the SGX kernel driver. -
Compile and install the SGX SSL project.
cd Linux
make SGX_MODE=${SGX_MODE} NO_THREADS=1 DESTDIR=/opt/intel/sgxssl all
sudo make install
- Export the
environment variable to enable the build utilities to find and link this library. Consider adding this to your login shell script (~/.bashrc
or similar)
export SGX_SSL=/opt/intel/sgxssl
Assuming you have installed and configured the pre-requisites in the
default location lcations, the following commands will build and install
PDO into a Python virtual environment in the directory
export SGX_SSL=/opt/intel/sgxssl
source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment
source ${PDO_SOURCE_ROOT}/build/
cd ${PDO_SOURCE_ROOT}/build
Hyperledger Private Data Objects supports two types of ledgers to store data object instances and state, and to guarantee update atomicity.
Application logic is implemented through the use of Transaction Processors; transaction processors enable the distributed ledger to handle application requests. This repository contains the code required to build Transaction Processors that handle PDO requests.
Currently, PDO supports one type of ledger: Microsoft CCF.
We recommend running a ledger instance locally in the provided Docker image:
make -C docker test-env-setup # for CCF ledger use make -C docker test-env-setup-ccf-only
cp docker/ccf_keys/*.pem $PDO_LEDGER_KEY_ROOT # only for CCF ledger
For details on how to configure PDO for a given ledger, see
It is also possible to run the ledger natively on the host.
See HERE to learn more about the ccf based transaction processor. Currently PDO supports CCF ledger under the SIMULATE mode for PDO enclaves, and virtual mode for CCF enclaves.
When using CCF based ledger, every pdo client must install CCF base using tarball from CCF release page. This enables use of CCF client modules from the CCF base package. Please see instructions in (../ledgers/ccf/ for host installation details.
Once you have a ledger instance running, you can run the PDO unit tests:
make test