Contributers: Nur Hamdan and Kirill Krasnoshchokov
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Funding: EU and the state of NRW in Germany. Project 3D Competence Center // 3D-Kompetenzzentrum Niederrhein
The main purpose of this application is to create smart textiles from a sketch on fabric. The application allows users to snap/upload a colored sketch. It then separates the sketch into a number of files, each containing the lines of a single color. It can smooth the lines using an outline or centerline options. The application allows the user to determine which colors should be stitched with conductive yarn, and which should be stitched with regular yarn. An accompanying software communicates with embroidery machine software to convert each colored file into an embroidery pattern. Users may use Circuitry Stickers, custom stickers that can be added to a sketch to represent physical electrical components and custom stitch patterns, such as wire crossings and 2D matrix sensors.
This application was part of a research project published at ACM CHI 2018.
ACM Reference Format: Nur Al-huda Hamdan, Simon Voelker, Jan Borchers. 2018. Sketch&Stitch: Interactive Embroidery for E-Textiles. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2018), April 21–26, 2018, Montreal QC, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.
For access to the paper and videos see:
How To Run The Application
From the 'master' branch, download '190711 S&S Suite'.
macOS App
From the Terminal
sudo gem install cocoapods
cd /<path to SketchAndStitch3>
pod install
From Xcode
Compile 190711 S&S Suite ▸ Source Code macOS ▸ SketchAndStitch3 ▸ Sketch _ Stitch 3.xcworkspace
iOS App
From the Terminal
sudo gem install cocoapods
cd /<path to SketchAndStitchCompanion>
pod install
From Xcode
Compile 190711 S&S Suite ▸ Source Code iOS ▸ SketchAndStitchCompanion ▸ SketchAndStitchCompanion.xcworkspace
Embroidery automator Appl (Win)
Read 190711 S&S Suite ▸ Bernina Software Automation ▸ HOWTO.txt and BerninaSoftwareSetup.PNG
Run 190711 S&S Suite ▸ Bernina Software Automation ▸ Bernina Automation.exe on a Windows VM
Tested in the follwoing enviroment:
macOS Mojave Version 10.14.5 (18F132)
Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001) and Swift 5
iPhone X
gem Version