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AntiCaptcha ReCaptcha v2 without a browser (with a proxy)



The link to the service AntiCaptcha ReCaptcha v2 without a browser (with a proxy)

The description of the service

The AntiCaptcha service, formerly known as whiter Antigate.

100% of captchas can be recognized by our employees from around the world. That is why using our service you help thousands of people around the world to provide themselves and their families.

The money our employees earn are considered a good salary in countries such as India, Pakistan or Vietnam. With your help, they now have the choice between working on the dirty production and computer work.


The cost Recaptcha: 2 USD per 1000 solutions.

Description recognition

You don't need to emulate a browser and run the Java-scripts.

You send us the value "sitekey". We give you "g-recaptcha-response" and you just make a submit form with this option.

The object contains information about a task on the solution of the recaptcha of Google in the browser on the computer of the employee. To ensure the universality of solutions of this type of captcha, we need to use all the data you use automation to fill out a form on the trust website, including a proxy, the user-agent of browser and cookies. This will avoid any problems if you change the Google code to your captcha.

Our system solutions are designed in such a way that the browser of the employee does not receive information about your proxy servers, cookies, and other data. All this data is stored on our server and are erased after the job. Machine employee does not have access to this data and communicates only with our servers.

Before performing the task, the system checks the performance of your proxy server, and only then passes the task to the worker. Proxies must be sure to handle the probe request within 5 seconds, otherwise the problem of litter bug ERROR_PROXY_TIMEOUT and will be canceled.

Captcha can be solved for a long time compared with the usual CAPTCHA, but this is offset by the fact that the resulting g-captcha-response effect another 120 seconds after an employee has decided captcha.


The preferred way to install this extension via composer.

Or you can run

composer require --prefer-dist jumper423/decaptcha "*"

or add

"jumper423/decaptcha": "*"

in file composer.json.


Initialization Specify the key mandatory and optional parameters. Try the best to fill this promotes more rapid recognition of captcha.

use jumper423\decaptcha\services\AnticaptchaReCaptcha;

$captcha = new AnticaptchaReCaptcha([
    AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_KEY => '94f39af4bb295c40546fba5c932e0d32',
    AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_PROXYTYPE => 'http',
    AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_RECAPTCHA => '',
    AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_PROXYPORT => '8080',
    AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36',

Recognition In the first parameter, pass the link or path to the picture file in the second parameters of the recognition if necessary, override those which were transferred during the initialization.

if ($captcha->recognize([
       AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_GOOGLEKEY => '54as5c6a5s4ca4s56a4sc56a',
       AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_PAGEURL => '',
    ])) {
    $code = $captcha->getCode();
} else {
    $error = $captcha->getError();


$balance = $captcha->getBalance();

Intercept errors If you wish, You can catch the error, but you need to call setCauseAnError


try {
       AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_GOOGLEKEY => '54as5c6a5s4ca4s56a4sc56a',
       AnticaptchaReCaptcha::ACTION_FIELD_PAGEURL => '',
    $code = $captcha->getCode();
} catch (\jumper423\decaptcha\core\DeCaptchaErrors $e) {

A description of the fields

Name Code Type Req. By def. Possible values Description
Language ACTION_FIELD_LANGUAGE STRING - en en - English turn; rn - a group of countries Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan Determines the language of the queue to which you want to get captcha.
Link ACTION_FIELD_PAGEURL STRING + The address of the page where the captcha is solved.
Google key ACTION_FIELD_GOOGLEKEY STRING + Key-the identifier of the recaptcha on the landing page.
Google token ACTION_FIELD_GOOGLETOKEN STRING - The secret token for the previous version of recaptcha. In most cases, sites use the new version and this token is not required. The secret token is generated on a Google server and inserted into the page in the attribute data-stoken. It looks like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="...." data-type="normal" data-ray="..." async data-sitekey="..." data-stoken="THIS"></script> the Token is valid a few minutes after generation, then you need to go back to the page and get it.
The proxy type ACTION_FIELD_PROXYTYPE STRING + The proxy type (http, socks4, ...)
The proxy address ACTION_FIELD_RECAPTCHA STRING + IP address of the proxy ipv4/ipv6.
Login proxy ACTION_FIELD_PROXYLOGIN STRING - Login from proxy server.
Password proxy ACTION_FIELD_PROXYPASS STRING - The password for the proxy server.
User-Agent browser ACTION_FIELD_USERAGENT STRING + User-Agent browser used in emulation. You must use the signature modern browser, otherwise Google will return an error requiring you to upgrade your browser.
Cookies ACTION_FIELD_COOKIES STRING - Additional cookies which we should use during the interaction with the target page.