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HPCToolkit Tutorial

This tutorial is a demo geared toward new HPCToolkit users and performance profiling novices.

The demo in this tutorial uses the Miniapp program: a toy distributed stencil computation using MPI and OpenMP (see the MiniApp readme for more details).

Table of contents:

External Resources


  • HPCToolkit Manual. This should be the go-to source for all questions related to using HPCToolkit software.

Presentations (ordered by most recent):



Full Build-Run-View

To fully build the MiniApp, run a benchmark, and view that benchmark's profiling output, simply run the quick-start script examples/quickstart/ You should be able to run this from anywhere.

I tried to make both basic_miniapp_run scripts fairly self explanatory. See examples/basic_miniapp_run/ for more details.

Quick View

To skip the build and run parts, you can view a previous run of the basic_miniapp_run example by simply running examples/quickstart/ You should be able to run this from anywhere.

MiniApp Fair/Unfair Profiles

Alternatively, you can run the analyses defined in the miniapp Makefile (make analyze) and view each database (all ending with the .hpcdatabase suffix) individually with hpcviewer <database directory path> or hpcviewer <database directory path>. (Note that the hpcviewer application does not list the database path, which makes viewing multiple profiles simultaneously difficult.)

make analyse runs the twice using all the same parameters but one: fairness. One run uses a fair work distribution, and the other runs with an unfair work distribution.

See the MiniApp readme for more details including how to change the MiniApp run configuration.

Getting Started

Installing HPCToolkit

I recommend using the spack. The HPCToolkit compilation and test execution software can be installed with spack install hpctoolkit The HPCToolkit visualization software can be installed with spack install hpcviewer It is not necessary to have both packages installed on a system if it is only doing performance tests xor visualizing runs.

Building the MiniApp

The miniapp should be easily built with make -C miniapp build (or just make build while inside the miniapp directory). This creates the miniapp executable, miniapp.exe The only dependencies are an MPI installation (I've successfully used OpenMPI 3.1.6 and 1.10.2) and a viable C compiler. This should work on any Unix-like system.

The MiniApp readme has a more detailed explanation of the app and build system.

Using HPCToolkit


Generally, there are 5+ stages involved in profiling an application with HPCToolkit.

  1. Compilation. Typically this requires nothing more than compililing the application, ideally with debug information enabled. For applications that are statically linked, there is some rigmarole involved with linking using hpclink, but I have not yet needed to do that (despite having tried this on an application which I'm pretty confident is statically linked with a library the same source defines).
  2. Static Binary Analysis. Using hpcstruct on the program's binary to create an binary analysis of the binary.
  3. Execution Profiling. Wrapping the execution of the program using hpcrun to perform the run-time measurement of the specified performance event(s) or timer event(s).
  4. Database Creation. hpcprof, using the output of the static binary analysis and dynamic performance analysis, along with the program source, creates a performance database

Analysis and Profiling

Compiling Applications With HPCToolkit

Compiling applications to be profiled with HPCToolkit does not require a special or separate build process. I think the only additions that I use (which I'm not even sure are 100% necessar) are the additions of the C/C++ compiler flags -gdwarf-2 -g3 which (at least for GNU compilers) enable more debugging information that is typically available.

The HPCToolkit manual discusses the use of hpclink for statically linked applications, but I haven't needed that, so I cant give much instruction there.

Binary Analaysis With HPCToolkit (hpcstruct)

Binary analysis is performed on an application with the hpcstruct command:

hpcstruct <application executable>

By default, this creates <application executable>.hpcstruct. The analysis output file can be changed with the flag -o <output file path>

Below is a complete example of performing the binary analysis on the miniapp and writing the output to miniapp.exe.hpcstruct (which happens to be the default name):

cd miniapp
hpcstruct miniapp.exe -o miniapp.exe.hpcstruct

Dynamic Performance Profiling Application With HPCToolkit (hpcrun)

The most basic way to profile an application using HPCToolkit is with the following command:

hpcrun [HPCToolkit arguments] <application> [application arguments]

(8.6.2020 @ian-bertolacci Note: This should work for any application, including those that use MPI, but I'm having trouble getting it to work with the miniapp. In any-case, I'm pretty confident that it use to work, and invoking with mpirun works, and is how MPI applications should be run anyways. So I'm ignoring the issue.)

If the application runs with MPI, we further wrap this with a call to mpirun (or mpispawn, if you prefer):

mpirun [MPI arguments] hpcrun [HPCToolkit arguments] <application> [application arguments]

By default, this creates a directory hpctoolkit-<application>-measurements which contains the measurements data from the run. (Note: this is not interacted with directly. It is input into the analysis software.) The output directory can (and should) be changed with the flag -o <output directory path>.

By default, tracing is disabled. To run with tracing enabled (which is necessary to create the trace view, described later), use the flag -t. (8.6.2020 @ian-bertolacci Note: I'm not sure why tracing is not enabled by default. This makes me think that there could be a difference in the measurements created by hpcrun with/without tracing enabled. That's a concerning possibility, but in the worst case, you can just run the application twice with and without the tracing enabled. I do not do that, and simple run with tracing every time.)

By default, hpcrun measures using CPU time with the CPUTIME timer event. The event or timer event used can be changed with the flag -e <event name>. Multiple events can be used with multiple flag usages: -e <event 1 name> -e <event 2 name>. The interval or frequency the sampling occurs can be set by the @ operator in the flag after the event. The period between samples (number of events between a sample of the event) is set with the flag -e <event name>@<period>. The frequency (in samples/second) of sampling the event is set with the flag -e <event name>@f<frequency> (note the f before the frequency). The all available/supported events, and descriptions of them, can be listed with hpcrun -l. I think higher frequency is suppose to give more accurate results, but has higher overhead. I'm not sure how changing the period affects the measurements. Supposedly mixing certain events and timer events has undesirable side effects.

Note: There are usually permissions issues with most events. If there is an error which reads similar to "Failed to initialize the event.: Permission denied", it is likely that kernel.perf_event_paranoid is set too high. This can be set with sudo sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=<level> or sudo sh -c 'echo <level> > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid', but you do so at your own security risk. The minimum level is probably dependent on what events are being measured, but I think that a level of 2 works, at least for what I tried. For UArizona systems, kernel.perf_event_paranoid level is (as of 8.6.2020) 1 for Ocelote and 2 for Puma.

Note: I usually run without the frequency/period modifier on the event, largely because I have not been able make heads or tails of the results. Leaving it without the modifier seems to produce perfectly fine results.

Below is a complete example which runs the miniapp with 10000 elements and for 10000 iterations, using 2 processes and 2 threads, collecting metrics on the PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_MISSES event at a rate of 1000 samples/second, and putting the output in miniapp.exe.hpcmeasurements

cd miniapp
mpirun -np 2 hpcrun -t -e PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_MISSES@f1000 -o miniapp.exe.hpcmeasurements ./miniapp.exe -t 2 -n 10000 -i 10000

Building Profile Database (hpcprof)

After having performed the static binary analysis and the dynamic profiling, the profile database can now be created. This requires access to the source used to compile the application's binary.

The database is created with hpcprof:

hpcprof -S <static binary analysis (hpcstruct) output file> <dynamic profiling (hpcrun) output directory> -I <path to program source>+

By default this creates the database directory hpctoolkit-database. This can (and should) be changed with -o <output directory path>

The flag -I here has a similar meaning to hpcprof as it does to a compiler: the argument to the flag is the path to the application's source code directory. To greatly simplify things, the path to the source code directory can be suffixed with the + operator to indicate that the directory should be searched recursively. Note that this does require the full source, and not just the headers (which the compiler's -I interacts with).

Below is a complete example which creates the profile database directory miniapp.exe.hpcdatabase using the previously created analysis outputs:

cd miniapp
hpcprof -S miniapp.exe.hpcstruct miniapp.exe.hpcmeasurements -I ./+ -o miniapp.exe.hpcdatabase

Viewing Profile

There are two views of the profile.

  • The code-centric source view (using hpcviewer)
  • The time-centric trace view (using hpctraceviewer)

The source view attaches a value from our event to lines of code. The call tree can be explored in top-down/bottom-up/flat ways with calls sorted by the value of our events.

The trace view shows a timeline of function calls.

The trace view is useful for getting an overall picture, with the source view being better for more specific investigation and analysis.

The HPCToolkit Manual has a comprehensive description of the UIs for the viewer applications.

Source View (hpcviewer)

Viewing a database using the source view is done with:

hpcviewer <path to profile database>

In the following description, it may be helpful to open hpcviewer with an existing run. For example hpcviewer examples/basic_miniapp_run/example_run/miniapp.exe.hpcdatabase.

There are two primary sub-panels in hpcviewer The top is a source code viewer (blank/empty initially ) The bottom is one-or-more sub-panels with tabs

Each tab is a different way of exploring the call-tree. Each tab has the same columns. Regardless of measured event, every tab will have a "scope" column. This lists the functions and their nesting (caller->callees in top-down view, callee->callers in bottom-up view, binary->file->function in flat view There is also a pair of columns for each measured event, with the event name and units. The column suffixed with "(I)" is the "inclusive" sum of the events (i.e. the the cost of the function body and all of its children's bodies, but only (I'm pretty sure) for times where the child function was actually called by the parent function). The column suffixed with "(E)" is the "exclusive" sum of the events (i.e. the cost of the body alone, with none of its children's bodies).

All columns can be sorted by their values or entry names (in the case of "Scope").

There are also :

  • <program root>: Denotes function called under the program entry point (i.e. main)
  • <thread root>: Denotes function called under some arbitrary thread spawn function (such as gomp_thread_start). In the top-down view, these are the roots of the caller->callees nesting. In the bottom-up view, these are the leaves of the callee->callers nesting. They are not present in the flat view.

Each entry in the scope lists the function name, and the line where it is called. If hpcprof had access to the source of the caller function (which it should for main application profiles), then the line number is a clickable link which will move your source view (the sub-panel above the tabs) to the function invocation. If hpcprof had access to the source of the callee function (which it should for functions in the main application for main application profiles), then the function name is a clickable link which will move your source view to the functional definition (I'm not sure where it goes if the declaration and definition are in different locations).

Alternatively, the entry may be a "loop", which is a loop at the line in the specified source. Similarly to function calls, if the profiler had access to the source with this loop, the name is a link to loop source.

Typically, I use the exclusive sum to find problematic sections of code, and the inclusive sum to determine the actual root cause.

To quickly find the hottest path (e.g. the hottest function), go to the Top-down tab, select a column whose value will be used (I suggest CPUTIME (I)), make sure it is descending sorted (down arrow next to the column name), click "" (or ""), then click the flame icon at the top of the sub-panel. This will quickly expand the tree to deepest function in the callpath with the highest cost (when column sorted descending; lowest when column sorted ascending) This also works in Bottom-up mode to find the root of a hot-path However, I am not sure how to find the next hottest path. This tool can also be used on subtrees, to find the hottest path of the selected entry as opposed to the hottest path of the whole program.

Trace View (hpctraceviewer)

Viewing a database using the source view is done with:

hpctraceviewer <path to profile database>

Note: the database must have been created with measurements taken with with tracing enabled for hpcrun (hpcrun -t)

The trace view show a multi-dimensional view programs call-stack over time across all processes and threads. This can shed light on sequences and phases of execution.

In the following description, it may be helpful to open hpctraceviewer with an existing run. For example hpctraceviewer examples/basic_miniapp_run/example_run/miniapp.exe.hpcdatabase.

There are 3 main sub-panels to focus on:

  • Trace view: 2.5D view (functions across all time and all process/threads) of whole execution. Time on horizontal axis, processes (outer grouping; in alternating light/dark blue) and threads (inner grouping; in alternating light/dark pink). Cursor (cross-hair) is the point in time and the process/thread used for all other views all other panels. Color indicates function (as labeled on Call-Path panel) at most as deep as the current depth (as indicated in call path depth and depth view cursor)

  • Call Path tap: Call stack at this point in time for the particular process/thread. Selected call changes the call depth for the trace and depth views. The "Max depth" button will set the depth to the deepst point for all threads/processes at any point in time

  • Depth view tab: 2D view (function stack across all time) of the execution of one thread in a process. Time on horizontal axis (matching trace view), call stack on vertical axis (call path matches this view at the current time position) Color indicates function (as labeled on Call-Path panel) at the particular depth (as indicated in call path depth and this view's curor). Cursor (tall cross-hair) is the time (vertical tall part of cursor) and depth (short horizontal part of cursor).

There are also these tabs/sub-panels which I am less familiar with:

  • Statistics tab: Percentage of the total time a function (or none at all) a function is running. Fully independent of time and process/thread.
  • Summary view tab: 2.5D view (functions across all time and all processes) which is basically the trace view, butstacked (that's the best I can explain this without just copying the manuag. Maybe this or this helps illustrate what I'm saying).

Below is a visual breakdown of the trace view Visual Breakdown of Trace View

The trace view can be somewhat complicated to understand. The functions displayed in that view are the functions which are at most at the depth selected. This is explained further, but the below animation demonstrates how, as the depth changes, the trace view changes. Animated Breakdown of Trace and Depth View

As an example, if a process/thread's call-stack at time t is [ foo, bar, baz ] (foo the the oldest call in this list) and the depth is depth 0, then foo will be displayed at that point in time for that process/thread, since the other calls are deeper than foo. If the depth is 1, then bar will be displayed.

Taking this further, if there are two threads with the following call stacks at time t:

  • thread 0: [ foo, bar, baz]
  • thread 1: [ buzz, fizz] And the depth is 0, then foo and buzz are displayed. If the depth is 1, then bar and fizz are displayed. However if the depth of 2, then bar and fizz are displayed, because thread 1 has no deeper functions. This is extended for the time axis, where the stack is changing in a thread over time.

One strange thing I've noticed is that there are always 2 extra threads being show, even when the program was explicitly run with one thread. I dunno why that happens, but it's something to be aware of.

Fair / Unfair Demo

The MiniApp can be configured to run with to work distributions:

  • Fair: Each rank owns (and works on) floor(N/processes) elements of the distributed array, with the primary rank taking on the remainder (for a total of floor(N/processes) + N % processes elements). This is a fair distribution.
    • miniapp -d fair <other args>
  • Unfair: Each process owns (and works on) an amount of work such sum( rank id in range(process), (rank id +1 )*work[rank]) == N. This is to say, that the work is divided into sum(processes) pieces, and each rank gets rank id + 1 of those. This is unfair, as ranks with lower rank ids get less work, and the higher rank ids get a lot more work.
    • miniapp -d unfair <other args>

The directory examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma has dozens of previous runs using the fair/unfair distribution across a range of sizes and iterations.

In this section, we will use the profile databases for run with 4 processes and 24 threads with 10^8 elements for 100 iterations in the fair and unfair distribution cases measuring CPUTIME ( examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_fair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase, and examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_unfair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase respectively)

Alternatively, you can use another pair of fair-unfair runs (so long as they have the same execution parameters otherwise) and follow along.

Source View Comparison

First, we will see what the difference is in the call-graphs between the two. Open the fair database with hpcviewer (hpcviewer examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_fair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase). Note the sub-panel with the tabs "Top-down view", "Bottom-up view", and "Flat view".

Add the unfair database with File->Open database, and opening the unfair database folder (examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_unfair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase).

This makes a second sub-panel with the same of tabs, but now all the tabs are prefixed with a number (and suffixed with the executable name which is the same for both sets). On the left are the tabs for the fair run, prefixed with "1" and on the right are the tabs for the unfair run prefixed with "2". Currently, hpcviewer does not list the database path anywhere, so you will have to keep these two straight in your mind.

To view the databases metrics side-by-side, we can merge the top-down view with File->Merge databases->Merge top down databases. Note: I'm pretty sure that this will not modify the database files. This creates a new sub-panel with a single tab: "Top-down view (miniap.exe & miniapp.exe)" It has the following columns:

  • "Scope",
  • "1-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (I)": the in-clusive CPUTIMES from the fair run
  • "1-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (E)": the ex-clusive CPUTIMES from the fair run
  • "2-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (I)": the in-clusive CPUTIMES from the un-fair run
  • "2-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (E)": the ex-clusive CPUTIMES from the un-fair run

While this is useful, we can also create a derived metric which will be the raw difference in total duration (inclusive) a function ran during the fair run vs the unfair run.

  • Click on the 'f(x)' icon in the "3-Top-down view". This will open a "Creating a derived metric" window.
  • In "Name" (the column name), enter "Diff CPUTIME(sec) (I) (Unfair - Fair)". To enter our formula, we'll use the Assistance sub-panel.
  • From the "Metrics" dropdown, select "2-CPUTIME (sec):Sum (I)" (the unfair run's inclusive CPUTIME column).
  • Then click "Point-wise". This will insert a point-wise column variable into the Formula (probably something like $210).
  • Then enter "-" (for minus) after the variable inserted by what we just did.
  • Then from the "Metrics" dropdown, select "1-CPUTIME (sec):Sum (I)" (the fair run's inclusive CPUTIME column).
  • Then click "Point-wise" to insert the point-wise column variable into the Formula.
  • I end up with the equation $210 - $208.
  • Finally, click "OK" at the bottom of the "Creating a derived metric" window.

This will add the "Diff CPUTIME(sec) (I) (Unfair - Fair)" column to the "3-Top-down view" tab (it will be the last column; you may have to scroll to find it).

Now we can see how much more (or less) time the unfair run took in comparison to the fair run. First, looking at Sigma Experiment Aggregate Metrics (sum of whole column) entry in the "Diff CPUTIME(sec) (I) (Unfair - Fair)" colum, it should show a difference in total time of 139 (1.39e+2, which about matches (with limited precision) a simple subtraction of the "1-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (I)" from "2-CPUTIME(sec):Sum (I)" (3.9310^3 - 3.7910^3 = 1.410^2).

Using the "hotpath" tool and our derived column, we can find the call path that adds the most time to the unfair runtime. Select "Diff CPUTIME(sec) (I) (Unfair - Fair)" in descending mode (click the column name; if the arrow is an up arrow (ascending), click name again to make it go down (descending)), click "", and then click the flame icon.

This should expand the following path

  • <program root>
    • main
      • loop at miniapp.c:945
        • 950: sum_distributed_array
          • 895: MPI_Gather []
            • ompi_coll_base_gather_intra_basic_linear []
              • mca_pml_ob1_recv []
                • __sched_yield []
                  • <unknown file> []

Now, this is capturing information about internal MPI calls, which we have no control over and thus don't care about, so lets focus on this path with times Fair inclusive CPUTIME (%), Unfair inclusive CPUTIME (%), Unfair - Fair inclusive CPUTIME

  • main: 1.72e+02s (4.6%), 1.81e+02s (4.6%), 8.77e+00s
    • loop at miniapp.c:945: 1.50e+02s (4.0%), 1.60e+02s (4.1%), 1.01e+01s
      • 950: sum_distributed_array: 4.69e+01s (1.2%), 5.29e+01s (1.3%), 6.00e+00s
        • 895: MPI_Gather []: 2.76e-01s (0.0%), 2.97e+01s (0.8%), 2.95e+01s

This tells us that we are spending 29.5 (2.95e+1) more seconds performing the Gather section of the distributed array summation in the unfair case than the fair case. Now, HPCToolkit can't tell us why that's happening, but it is a good place to start.

The 29.5 seconds does not account for the 139 additional seconds of time, so lets look around for some more time. We're currently under sum_distributed_array, with MPI_Gather at +29.5 seconds but sum_local_array at -23.5 seconds, so the additional time comes from somewhere not under the sum_distributed_array call-tree.

Going to its sibling call, in_place_stencilize_distributed_array, we can select it and use the hotpath tool again, giving this path:

  • main : 1.72e+02s (4.6%), 1.81e+02s (4.6%), 8.77e+00s
    • loop at miniapp.c:945 : 1.50e+02s (4.0%), 1.60e+02s (4.1%), 1.01e+01s
      • 950: sum_distributed_array : 4.69e+01s (1.2%), 5.29e+01s (1.3%), 6.00e+00s
        • 947: in_place_stencilize_distributed_array : 1.03e+02s (2.7%), 1.07e+02 (2.7%), 4.08e+00s
          • 822: MPI_Wait []: 2.71e+00s (0.1%), 1.62e+01s (0.4%), 1.35e+01s

This tells us that the we are spending 13.5 (1.35e+01) more seconds performing the Wait call at line 822 of the distributed array stencil operation in in the unfair case than the fair case.

Again, HPCToolkit can't tell us why that's happening. However, this behavior is indicative of (among about 10,000 other things) the kind of distributed load balance issue, the likes of which we've created artificially with our unfair work distribution scheme.

Trace View

Lets look at the fair and unfair runs. We can do this simultaneously with hpctraceviewer since it lists the database path:

hpctraceviewer examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_fair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase &
hpctraceviewer examples/miniapp_UArizona_Puma/miniapp.exe_unfair_procs-4_threads-24_n-elts-100000000_n-iters-100_trace-yes_CPUTIME_metric-db-no.hpcdatabase

(Note that the below examples probably have different colors. This can happen naturally, but I also re-colored to make some things stand out. PS: HPCToolkit folks, maybe have a different color selection algorithm)

Trace of fair run (with annotations) at depth 2: Fair trace (with annotations)

Trace of unfair run (with annotations) at depth 2: Unfair trace (with annotations)

First, each rank/process's 0th thread is the main thread for that process. We can see that this is the case, as moving our cursor onto any rank's 0th thread should show <program root> at the of the call path. All the other threads have <thread root> as their call path root.

Second, in theory, rank 0 should be the primary rank. However, it looks like rank 1 is, since rank all the other ranks' (including rank 0) thread 0 starts later than it. I dunno why that happens, but (like the extra threads in the trace view) it does.

If you change the depth to anything deeper than 1 (2, for instance), you should immediately notice a few "regions" or phases jump out at you. The MiniApp can be summarized with the following psudeo-code structure:

  array = new_array( N );
  initialize_array( array )
  for i in 1..T{
    do_stencilize( array ){
      do_local_stencilize( array.local_section )
      send/recieve( ends )
    total_sum += do_sum( array ){
      local_sum = do_local_sum( array.local_section )
      gather( local_sums )
      return sum( local_sums )

So we should expect to see some of these phases:

  1. creating and initializing the distributed array
  2. Multiple iterations (in this case 100) of the following sub-phases: 2.a. do_stencilize () 2.a.i: local_stencilize 2.a.ii: communication 2.b do_sum 2.b.i: local_sum 2.a.ii: communication 2.a.iii: sum-of-sums

We can see a few of these phases (annotated image below.)

First, we can see at the very beginning a block of time executing one function. This is the creation and initialization phase. If you click on any of the trace in that phase you should see that it's either init_distributed_array (for the main execution threads) or init_distributed_array_omp_fn.2 (for the OpenMP threads executing the loop inside init_distributed_array).

Next, there is a large ocean of one function interspersed with a few other function. The ocean is in_place_stencilize_distributed_array, in_place_stencilize_local_array (which in_place_stencilize_distributed_array calls), or in_place_stencilize_local_array._omp_fn_3 (which executes the OpenMP loop inside in_place_stencilize_local_array) Interspersed is primarily sum_distributed_array, sum_local_array (which sum_distributed_array calls), or sum_local_array._omp_fn_4 (which executes the OpenMP loop inside sum_local_array). Occasionally there are calls to gomp_team_barrier_wait_end which is what an OpenMP thread calls to join with the others at the end of a loop.

From a cursory view, it would appear that in_place_stencilize_local_arrayis the main source of execution time in the application. However, if you count the number of calls to in_place_stencilize_distributed_array or sum_distributed_array, you'll see that there are fewer that 100. There is no parallelism over the iterations, so there should each thread is calling both of those functions 100 times. The reason they do not all appear is because of the sampling rate during the tracing process. Calls may happen, but they begin and end between the samples, so they don't appear in the trace. This makes it difficult to just visually see where the performance issues, since the sampling rate may hide or amplify executions of functions.

This is unlikely but not completely unreasonable. It is likely that in_place_stencilize_distributed_array does actually take up as much relative execution time as this visualization suggests.

Visually comparing the fair and unfair, you can see that the interspersing of sum_*_array is more consistent, both in a single rank, and between ranks, in the fair case than it is in the unfair case, which is inconsistent primarily between ranks. This would be indicative of (among other things) a potential load imbalance.