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File metadata and controls

426 lines (310 loc) · 21 KB



  • install query monitor and laps, but only in non-production envs or maybe installed everywhere, but only activated in non-prod? so can activate on prod when needed? would need config var to switch if code is activating/deactivaging?

support new wp environment types

support new wp fatal error handler? custom drop in to tweak behavior? custom error template?

phpcs on mu-plugins, also align hook callback registration in regolith-mail

commit fixes for Subscript to Comments bugs fatal errors when click on confirmation link warnings/notices throughout

now that not using deployer, install-deps script should delete plugins/themes that aren't in gitignore? otherwise, removing from gitignore would not remove the plugin/theme

log error monitoring cant have pro thing like nagios on shared hosting maybe just want something simple like this bin/ setup unix cron job to run continuously call every minute. if another process running, exit - maybe better way to run always besides cron? tails specified logs - php, wp, apache, mysql, others? if detect "fatal error" or other custom pattern, dumps that line to sep file along w/ timestamp, origin file every 5 min, send contents of that file to email addy. maybe truncate at 1mb or something try squash avoid duplicates into single, but add a note that there were multiple after sent, empty the file

but instead of reinventing wheel, look for existing solution

once have something working, test that regolith\mail\log_errors() are also treated as fatal errors
	might need to modify the message a bit to match the formatting/wording of real fatal errors

write a bash script to check the PHP error log for fatal errors if it detects one, it writes the current timestamp to a file in /tmp and sends an email w/ the error to alert you but if the previous timestamp was less than 1 hour ago, it won't send the email, so that you only get 1 email per hour then setup a unix cron job to run every minute maybe not. what scenarios does this protect against that uptimemonitor + REGOLITH_CONTENT_SENSOR_FLAG doesn't?

using wpcli for dependency management assumes that all dependencies are in the repos is there a way to integrate plugins hosted on github or premium themes maybe need a combination of composer (but not wppackagist)

don't want to track in repo b/c would have to maintain, and would clutter repo,
	always want latest like w/ other dependencies
git submodule, but then have to manually update
	and submodules are a pain in the ass
	actually, now you can can track latest with `git submodule add -b master {url}`
	works for publish-iandunn-2017. don't need to .gitignore it either :)
	still have to make commit to update hash in parent repo though, instead of it being automatic like svn externals. annoying as hell.
		maybe can solve that? need to read closer
	setup an example in regolith and add to docs, to make it easy to remember how to do it -- see

could install one of those generic github updater plugins, i think scribu or pippen wrote one you could trust

maybe reconsider using composer, but would need to fix obstacles so maintenance isn't a hassle

maybe make wp-rig installed as the default theme, instead of simone? would be a good chance to show an example of using git submodules need to make sure it's compiled as part of install-deps though?

now that not using deployer, install-deps script should delete plugins/themes that aren't in gitignore? otherwise, removing from gitignore would not remove the plugin/theme

maybe fork wp-hammer if it's not being maintained, but chat w/ 10up first to see if anyone else there is interested in maintaining it, or if i can help could at least temporarily do wp package install {your github fork url} would need to update sync-content script to detect your fork (or maybe the commands themselves) rather than the source repo and update todos to revert to main repo once PRs are merged

add multisite support to bin/sync-production-data add multisite support to wp-hammer local site_meta_safelist=" 'site_name', 'admin_email', 'admin_user_id', 'db_version', 'home', 'registration', 'upload_filetypes', 'blog_upload_space', 'fileupload_maxk', 'siteurl', 'site_admins', 'allowedthemes', 'illegal_names', 'wpmu_upgrade_site', 'welcome_email', 'first_post', 'add_new_users', 'upload_space_check_disabled', 'subdomain_install', 'global_terms_enabled', 'ms_files_rewriting', 'initial_db_version', 'active_sitewide_plugins', 'WPLANG', 'can_compress_scripts', 'welcome_user_email' " wp db query "DELETE FROM $(wp db prefix)sitemeta WHERE option_name NOT IN ( $site_meta_safelist ) " wp db query "TRUNCATE $(wp db prefix)registration_log " loop through all site options, comments, etc tables and run all these queries

performance http headers run Page Speed and other tests against to see what they recommend

setup google analyhtics array for multisite support, rather than constant for only 1 site

add phpcs.xml and phpmd.xml try to just pull external setup hooks run phpcs and phpmd over the regolith code

rotate files in {root}/logs

maybe integrate gravityscan

consider removing cloudflare plugin, since it's bloated with hundreds of thousands of lines of vendor code, is throwing notices in PHP7, and doesn't do that much if do remove, might wanna seutp something simple to do a purge when saving the customizer and a few other things maybe also when publishing post, b/c you have

disable automatic upadte emails then disable thunderbird filters since they'll no longer be needed

theme updates not installing automatically maybe only on, but probably all of regolith probably delete wordpress/wp-content/themes anyway. if want one of those themes, can add it to the normal content dir, so that they're all in one place. simpler that way

maybe remove the mail inteceptor and just assume that mailhog/mailcatcher available? good b/c removes unused code bad b/c could lead to other people running into problems maybe just document that you assume dev environments have mailcatcher/hog installed? that's unrealistic expectation for audience? probably remove it, but maybe keep some kind of failsafe, or at least document expectations

add support for multiple plugin directories plugins-custom plugins-external - gitignore dependencies go here plugins-local - gitignore the whole folder. this might take care of the add dev environment dependenies task. wouldn't be tracked, but no big deal?

maybe look at implementing the non-ui parts of
	that'd be simpler than maintaining symlinks

if use approach
	add a link to the final symlink script to the wpstackexchange answer

add to readme
	"better folder structure, including support for [multiple plugin directories](
	need docs on how to setup multiple plugin dirs? no b/c the symlink script'll have to be run automatically during install and deploys?
		well, still need something telling them to run it manually when adding new custom plugins?
	want something in design decisions about multiple plugin dirs?
		can focus on custom plugins without being cluttered/distracted by externals

maybe setup better plugins folder layout
	it'd be nice to do symlink script as wp-cli command
		probably fine as long as wp-cli commands registered in mu-plugins
	how would this interact w/ the `shared` folder symlinks on production?
		probably need to update deployment recipe to handle it

composer automatically get latest stable, instead of having to specify version just links to trunk, not to the latest stable published stable zip always has version number in it is there a that redirects to latest, jsut like there is for core? if not, maybe add one use wporg repo directly, instead of packagist

htaccess redirect http->https doesn't work on /wordpress/wp-cron.php other places its not working?

multisite how to support domain name aliases? just need a function in sunrise? er, actually, just setup redirects in htaccess? no reason to add complexity to wp layer

docs - still true that siteurl needs to end in /wordpress?
    doesn't seem to be necessary on iandunn.localhost

reconsider including decide whether want it to not

if want it, how to manage dependency?
see todo below for items outside
there's a copy in repo, but not official so don't trust to be unmodified and to kept updated
	could watch commits / support to keep an eye on it, submit patches to update when its out of date
	still an attack vector if can't trust author to keep their account protected w/ strong password, etc

probably not worth it, unless you solve composer problems for other tasks

setup rewrite rules so can still access from /wp-admin ? at least seutp redirects roots/bedrock#58 (and links within)

possibly related:

at the very least, can redirecty wp-admin(.*) to wordpress/wp-admin{$1}

after 2016-07-20, verify that backup is running on weekly cron job

set cache headers for browsers and cloudflare 6 hours for homepage and other archives 8 days for individual posts/pages ? 8 days for content/* make sure to not override nocache headers

send these headers? X-Xss-Protection X-Content-Type-Options Content-Security-Policy also ones recommended by and

setup pre-commit hook for codesniffer, pre-release for phpmd? needs to be setup server-side for proper enforcement? maybe just ship the scripts in /bin/git, and give instructions to ln -s to them to echo sh /bin/git/ >> .git/hooks/pre-commit probably better: add to readme

setup pre-deploy hook to run any automated tests that are available?

themes still messed up on production maybe deploy problem? there's some internal caching that makes it hard to test i htink it'd be fixed if i installed a theme, then deployed, but something about having no extra themes makes it fail not mvp, because your sites have custom themes. just add simone as part of install and fix later when this is fixed, probably best to remove simone b/c don't actually use it symlink for simone not being created properly on production fixed now? see what happens when try to setup new site probably just remove wp's theme folder and use the custom one entirely, see notes in other todos

setup file backups config/custom code/etc is in version control, which is good enough dependencies are managed by wpcli, so don't need to worry about those uploads and maybe a few other things aren't currently covered, though best way to do that? they don't belong in version-control rsync to pull down into dev environments? could do that after deploy, or maybe it'd be a separate task would rather run it by cron so don't rely on remembering to run it manually, but dev vm won't always be available or have requests hitting wp-cron also want to backup the sql backup files keeping on production not completely safe hosts don't always have backups, so if something happens to production then might not be able to get restore them host could screw something up, developer might accidentally delete home dir, etc need to encrypt them or something, though, because don't want user password hashes getting copied to insecure location maybe rely on backup solution for that, or maybe build into wp regolith backup-database maybe this is better suited for something outside of regolith if do this, then don't really need to have script to direct content 404s to production

maybe assign $regolith_smtp inside a switch() {} so that aliases etc can easily reuse creds

deploy task to chmod -w config/plugins/wp-super-cache.php so WPSC doesn't overwrite it w/ bad values. add comment to top of file explaning why its' unwritable on prod, and to chmod +w to made mods, commit changes, then chmod -w to lock them in place again keep in mind migrating away from delpoyer, so wait until that's done, then add this to whatever script wraps around git pull

remove google-authentictator-per-user-prompt from gitignore, config/plugins, etc, b/c parent plugin has that feature now


migrate from google-authenticator to two-factor?

maybe symlink user.ini to config folder, similar to wp-super-cache config or maybe get rid of it, because it's host-specific, and just leave in install instructions? seems like it may be fairly common across major hosts though

maybe delete web/wordpress/wp-content during bin/, even if core is already installed, in case an update re-installs the folder. shouldn't happen but best be safe

maybe add install instructions to set file system permissions could do in install-dependencies maybe also set for wp mods: define( 'FS_CHMOD_DIR', ( 0755 & ~ umask() ) ); define( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE', ( 0644 & ~ umask() ) ); also see w.ogr hosting best practices github article on permissions - taylor levett's github i think

ship default config for more plugins subscribe to comments vaultpress - although merging into jetpack? cloudflare - move some of it from environment.php to config/plugins/cloudflare.php? probably. er, no b/c those are sensitive values? wordfence it turns out wordfence is... special stores in custom database table, uses over-engineered set of classes to access/set no custom filters to modify defaults or actual values could send a PR, but they don't have a github repo or anything. could ask on forums wp doesn't have a filter in wp_cache_get('alloptions', 'wordfence'); could do a cron job to overwrite values in the database? that's fraking awful, but may be the best way

rename environment.php to something like secrets.php or private.php to make it more obvious that it's for sensitive things non-sensitive things taht are environment specific are already in config/wordpress/development.php or production.php

watch wptv video for see if want to integrate any ideas and best practices

add config constant for google analytics ID, then add your mu plugin function port from SM

also look at other common mu-plugins from mt cluster sites functinoality and add those

get wpsc working in mod_rewrite for homepage etc, rather than just php mode

regolith\backup_database\rotate_files includes deployment backups that can create problem is deploying frequently e.g., instead of having 50 weeks of scheduled backups, would have 1 week of scheduled and 49 deploy backups from the past few days maybe update the logic to only delete a file if it's past the number_to_keep AND it's older than REGOLITH_MIN_BACKUP_AGE in that case, might be better to rewrite command to use glob() to get files and use php to determine which ones to keep

add an open-source license to readme gpl? MIT? unlicense?

probably need to split up into different scenarios setting up new dev environment for new site setting up new dev environment from existing regolith production site setting up new production environment from existing regolith dev environment

reconsider environmental variables for environment config could use apache SetEnv WP_ENV production in the dir above the folder where regolith is cloned how to get that to work automatically with wpcli?

setup a /monitor (or whatever) rewrite endpoint that sends nocache_headers, and update monitors to hit that neceessary b/c uptimerobot doesn't support cachebusters, so it's just hitting cloudflare for front-end checks

wp super cache after deploys wp super-cache flush says worked, but didn't maybe just don't share cache directory? that'd automatically purge it, and it'd preload w/in 4 hours

	wp super-cache preload
		says not installed, but it is

	`wp package install wp-cli/wp-super-cache-cli` during install
		allow_url_fopen on shared hosting

add dev environment dependenies e.g., debug-bar, debug-bar-cron, etc already knows which environment it is, so not hard to add extra variable for dev plugins and install those if dev environment how to handle in .gitignore, though? how to distinguish from regular? any problems having then ignored by git? attacker could add to production and wouldn't notice, but if they can do that you're already screwed would be another reason to consider using composer, if can get over the obstacles to it

setup sso for multisite?

add cron job to run wp db optimize once a week backup db first, maybe increase default # of stored backups since this'll add a lot more er, maybe not --


maybe setup calvalcade, but probably not a clear benefit for this type of site

monitoring flag should be later. right now there are things like admin bar running after it, which would break and wouldn't be detected

maybe have a 'ongoing maintenance' section in docs talks about things like adding new dependencies after install - careful b/c of note in .gitignore

send PR to subscribe-to-comments to fix php warnings/notices

don't need to set ABSPATH in config/wordpress/common.php? always set by wp-load.php? or is it always set by common.php, so don't need to check if it's already been set? 4.6 makes changes to this

why checking wp_default_theme in mu-plugins/0-bedrock.php? never had problems without that, unless that's why wp-cli would install things to the core folder if that was the cause, then update the issue just for anyone else that runs into it wp-cli/wp-cli#1139

check that db creds are correct before running install script, otherwise errors out and have to delete wp before trying again

maybe create an empty tmp | temp | temporary folder in / sometimes nice to have those files easily acceessible don't want wp_get_temp() to pick wp-content b/c security set wp-config constant to tell wp_get_temp to use it

install: modularize into functions

is there a way to set a help description for wp regolith without having a class for it? right now only have a description for individual commands might work if you just add a 'regolith' command that does nothing, but has the docs

maybe also add environment to title on front/back end, to increase awareness probably don't add it to production, just dev

block_updates_for_custom_extensions() - better to remove it before it gets sent to that way doesn't mess with active_installs stat, doesn't leak private info

block_updates_for_custom_extensions - update if #32101-core is merged

protect against dev committing 3rd party plugin to repo instead of listing as 3rd party dependency could cause lots of problems, see note in .gitignore maybe cron job to check all custom plugin/theme slugs to see if any also exist in repo could probably reuse the update_plugins site transient since it already has info? need to hook in before block_updates_for_custom_extensions() changes it though if they do, show an admin_notice warning to avoid that and make sure they're properly classified in .gitignore

allow_dev_network_upgrades - problem is bigger than just network upgrades? there are other instances of local requests, but never seen anything that mattered maybe need better solution that works for all cases maybe just install the cert for the server so that it recognizes it as valid? kind of a hassle though

add to screenshots page

show active mu-plugins on indidivual site wp-admin/plugins.php pages normally mu are only shown in the network admin, but regolith will activate site-specific plugins on each site, so it's nice to see that they're active

look through it's old, but may have some things that are still useful

look into maybe using to store user wp-config secrets instead of files can install it on shared hosting? probalby in ~ dir probably too much effort for too little reward